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Social accountability

The first time this concept was named was in a Howard Bowen publication in 1953
where it is defined as the obligations of entrepreneurs to pursue policies, make
decisions or adopt desirable lines of action in terms of society's objectives and
values [1]. This concept is not only confined to business, but is also understood as a
commitment, obligation and duty that individual members of a society have to
contribute voluntarily to a more just society [2].
Some of the fields covered by social responsibility are: corporate responsibility,
which can be defined as the active and voluntary contribution to economic, social
and environmental improvement by organizations, generally with the goal of
improving their competitive scenario and added value [3]. In Colombia it is
governed by the ISO 26000, this is the guide of social responsibility and in it are the
guidelines on the principles, fundamental subjects on the social responsibility and
as the companies must put it in practice, this standard can be applied by
commercial companies, public institutions, unions, political parties, in conclusion it
is addressed to all type of organizations, it is within reach of all. This document is
the result of consensus among international experts representing the main interest
groups and is designed to encourage and promote the implementation of best
practices in Social Responsibility at the international level [4].
On the other hand, professional social responsibility is that which begins in each
individual, from their role as professionals, actively involving themselves in
social action from their interests, talents and abilities, understanding that great
social advances begin by adding individual wills, organizing them, inspiring them
and strengthening them. This is the way that professionals develop and execute
actions that are not unethical [5].
Last but not least, university social responsibility refers to the fact that the
university not only aims to train excellent and recognized professionals, but also
individuals committed to the development of the country and the community [2].
This is also the capacity of the university to disseminate and put into practice a set
of key principles and general and specific values, through 4 key processes:
management, teaching, research and extension [6].


[2] "Social responsibility."
[3] A. Del and P. Olano, "Estudio de la responsabilidad social empresarial en
colombia, un compromiso de todos andrea del pilar olano isaza," pp. 1-29,
[4] M. Alberto and C. Lucero, "No Title." 2017.
[5] H. Estrada, R., Monroy, G., & Ramirez, "Etica, responsabilidad social,
desarrollo sustentable en las organizaciones," 2005.
6] "University Social Responsibility," pp. 37-67, 2009.

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