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Poster ID: Given by the Office of innovation cell

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Name of Student/ Roll Number: SK Darain Shahidi/ ME-507-20L

Name of Student/ Roll Number: Md Faisal Hussain/ ME-487-20L

Name of Student/ Roll Number: Md. Sarwar/ ME-512-20L

Name of Student/ Roll Number: Md. Wasim Ahmad/ ME-497-20L

Project Area: Manufacturing

Email ID:
Contact No. : 6204858625/8092137036
Name of Project Supervisor(s): Prof. Shailandra Kumar Prasad

Abstract Title: Sand Filter and Separator

Abstract: (Maximum 200 words) along with an important figure/table.

Sand Separator - As the name suggest, sand separator or sand filter separates unwanted elements like
stones, foreign objects, unnecessary particles from the sand which are dumped on filter to obtained the
finest possible sand’s grain.

Fig - Sand separator/filter

Construction – A motor is attached to the filter and filter is mounted on the main structure. Rollers are
used between filter and structure which helped to minimize friction damage, noise, increases the
efficiency and life of the machine. A steel sheet is fixed inside the structure diagonally and two sheets of
triangle shape is used in both side to minimize the wastage of sand. Also filter is changeable with other
filter of different gratings according to the sand grain size requirements.

Working – When sand filter is activated, motor starts to rotate in such a way that rotational motion of
the motor is converted to reciprocating motion which is transferred to filter. When unfiltered sand are
drop on the filter, due to continuous reciprocating movement of filter, it starts to filter the sand. These
filtered sand of fine grains are fallen into the diagonal sheet and due to gravity, fine grain sands are
collected in a collector.

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