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GRAMMAR UNIT 1 – 10 HOAN ENGLISH – 0974 614 552

NAME: ……………………………CLASS: ……………………DATE: ………………

Exercise 1.1. Identify S, V, O in each sentence and identify the underlined word.
1. Women of color are paid 64 % of white women's salary.
2. We develop our relationship expectations based on personal values, earning potential, personality, and
3. Our upbringing, location, social circle, and religion all play a part in defining how gender will factor into our
home lives.
4. They also play a large role in how we view and are viewed in our professional lives.
5. In many of the modern societies today, there is no need for traditional gender roles.
6. More and more women have become the sole breadwinner of the family.
7. Women represent under one-fifth of the Congress in the US.
8. The percentage of women without health insurance in Texas is higher than that in Hawaii.
9. Women in Vermont earn more than women in Wyoming.
10. It doesn't matter whether the man or the woman is the breadwinner or homemaker; everything is on a sliding
scale based on the attitudes of the two partners.
Exercise 1.2. Complete the task.
Task 1. Match to know the definition.
1. A phrase Groups of words that have both subjects and predicates.
2. A clause Words can be grouped together, but without a subject or a verb.
3. A sentence A subject and predicate, and can often be composed of more than one
Task 2. Identify whether the text is a phrase, a clause or a sentence.
1. While girls and women have more opportunities in home based employment
2. More household chores
3. Challenges on health issues
4. As 2012 saw continued conservative efforts to erode women's ability to make their own decisions
5. The current X Factor series reached the peak of viewing figures
6. When the man broke into the house
7. The dog barked at him
Exercise 1.3. Identify whether the text is a sentence or not.
1. All mothers working full-time
2. Gender equality, centered in human rights
3. Even among full-time working moms
4. Women make up 50% of the US workforce.
5. Bond between mothers and their young children
6. Women most often are the ones who adjust their schedules and make compromises
7. In a 2012 Pew Research survey, the vast majority of Americans
8. Part of this is due to the fact that gender roles are lagging behind labor force trends
9. Another factor is the way that society views the bond between mothers and their children
10. Despite women's advancements, substantial inequalities remain
11. Although an increasing number of women are either the sole breadwinner for their family or share the role
with their partners
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GRAMMAR UNIT 1 – 10 HOAN ENGLISH – 0974 614 552

Exercise 2.1
1. Give three examples of nouns beginning with the negative prefix “un”
1 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2 …………………………………………………………………………………………
3 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. What two different verb forms can be made from the word “light”?
3. Make four different words from the root word “communicate”.
1 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2 …………………………………………………………………………………………
3 …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Give three examples of adjectives ending in -OUS.
1 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2 …………………………………………………………………………………………
3 …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Make THREE different words from the root word “success”.
1 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2 …………………………………………………………………………………………
3 …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. What negative prefix is used before all of these words: kind, do, employment?
7. Give three examples of adjectives beginning with the negative prefix im-.
1 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2 …………………………………………………………………………………………
3 …………………………………………………………………………………………
Exercise 2.2.
Nouns formed from adjectives – 1
Form nouns from these adjectives!
Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns
1. important 6. sad 11. curious
2. famous 7. safe 12. stupid
3. hot 8. free 13. perfect
4. true 9. angry 14. excited
5. poor 10. efficient 15. happy
Nouns formed from adjectives – 2
Form nouns from these adjectives!
Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns
1. wealthy 6. silent 11. difficult
2. hungry 7. patient 12. lazy
3. young 8. popular 13. long
4. high 9. kind 14. intelligent
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5. warm 10. generous 15. terrible

Nouns formed from adjectives - 3
Form nouns from these adjectives!
Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns
1. cruel 6. frequent 11. boring
2. necessary 7. private 12. healthy
3. arrogant 8. deep 13. confident
4. ill 9. wide 14. innocent
5. weak 10. strong 15. violent
Exercise 1.2. Complete the table with abstract nouns

Verb Noun Verb Noun Verb Noun

1.achieve 2. add 3. act

4. agree 5. advance 6. amaze

7. apologize 8. appear 9. apply

10. assess 11. admire 12. attract

13. attend 14. behave 15. compare

16. celebrate 17. complete 18. collect

19. conclude 20. communicate 21. disagree

22. decide 23. define 24. depart

25.depend 26. describe 27. develop

28. differ 29. discover 30. distinguish

31.decorate 32. divide 33. employ
34. edit 35. educate 36. explain

37. explore 38. entertain 39.enjoy

40. fail 41.improve 42. include

43. intend 44. interfere 45. introduce

46. involve 47. judge 48.lose

49. maintain 50. move 51.marry
52. observe 53. occur 54. omit

55. pay 56. perform 57. permit

58. practise 59. prefer 60. protect

61.pollute 62.produce 63. perfect

64. provide 65. receive 66. recognize

67.recover 68. reduce 69. refer

70. refuse 71.remain 72. remove

73. repeat 74. replace 75. require

76. react 77. respond 78. revise

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79. relate 80. satisfy 81.sign

82. select 83. solve 84. secure

85.succeed 86. suggest 87. transfer

88. transmit 89. vary 90. transport

Exercise 1.3. Complete the table with abstract nouns 2. accurate 3. active
4. available 5. aware 6. equal

7. correct 8. dense 9. distant

10. diverse 11.efficient 12. frequent

13. ideal 14. likely 15. ill

16. public 17. pure 18.ready

19.real 20. romantic 21.relevant

22. responsible 23. safe 24. sick

25. secure 26. similar 27. simple

28. stable 29. social 30. weak

a) Give examples of nouns (at least two in each group) describing people doing some activity and
people experiencing some activity (do not use the examples given above).
1. –er:
2. –or:
3. –ist:
4. –ant, -ent: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. –ee:
b) Give six nouns describing devices.
1. –er:
2. –or:

Exercise 1.4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. He did not understand the ………………………… (important) of this question.
2. There's no magic formula for a …………………………… (perfect) ……………………… (marry).
3. Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my …………………………… (sad).
4. The ……………………… (important) thing is not to stop questioning. ………………… (curious) has its own
reason for existing.
5. I would rather be a …………… (poor) man in a garret with plenty of good books to read than a king who did
not love reading.
6. The baby's first step caused great ……………………… (excited) in the family.

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7. ………………… (kind) is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand.
8. People under a lot of ………………… (stressful) may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping
……………………… (difficult).
9. Most children's television programmes aim to ………………… (education) and ……………………
(entertainment) at the same time.
10. Our relationship was based on mutual …………………… (depend).
11. The most ………………… (importance) thing in ……………………… (communicate) is hearing what isn't said.
12. Parents should learn how to praise the children's good ……………………… (behave).
13. The …………………… (add) of networking facilities will greatly enhance the system.
14. Don't make a permanent ……………………… (decide) for your temporary emotion.
15. I began reading with the …………………… (intend) of finishing the book, but I never did.
16. Stories about pirates often …………………… (include) a search for buried treasure.
17. Road …………………… (develop) in the area has been severely affected by the conservation programmes
of the council.
18. Many elderly people expressed a strong …………………………… (prefer) to live in their own homes.
19. Our main objective was the …………………… (recover) of the child safe and well.
20. Remember to bring clothes that ……………………… (provision) adequate …………………… (protect)
against the wind and rain.
21. Did the director say anything against your ……………………… (suggest)?
22. The job involved the constant ………………………… (repeat) of the same ……………………… … (move).
23. The minimum ………………………… (require) for the post was a degree in engineering.
24. Only those who have the …………………… (patient) to do simple things …………………… (perfection) ever
acquire the skill to do …………………………… (difficulties) things easily.
25. Women have yet to achieve full …………………… (equal) with men in the workplace.

Exercise 2.1. Put the correct form of words.

Forming adjectives exercises
1. Choose the adjective from each of the following groups of words:
A. inventive, invent, invented
B. curiosity, curious, curiousive
2. Form adjectives from the following nouns:
A. smell
B. chill
C. width
3. Form adjectives from the following verbs:
A. interested
B. amazed
C. annoyed
4. Form adjectives from the following verbs. Some words may be formed into more than one adjective:
A. escape
B. improve
C. damage
5. Form longer adjectives from the following adjectives. Some words may be formed into more than one
A. funny

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B. incorrect
C. blue
6. Form adjectives from the following nouns:
A. magic
B. fool
7. Form two adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A. power
B. friend
8. Form adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A. cost
B. month
9. Form adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A. poison
B. athlete
C. science
Exercise 2.2. Form the adjectives with prefixes.
Negative prefixes – 1
Write the negative form of these words by adding a negative prefix: "un-", "dis-", "ir-", "il-", "in-", or "im-
1. comfortable 6. possible 11. legal
2. patient 7. popular 12. polite
3. honest 8. lock 13. like
4. lucky 9. appear 14. logical
5. formal 10. agree 15. convenient

Negative prefixes – 2
Write the negative form of these words by adding a negative prefix: "un-", "dis-", "ir-", "il-", "in-", or "im-
1. frequent 6. believable 11. relevant
2. mature 7. approve 12. dependent
3. legible 8. curable 13. responsible
4. moral 9. familiar 14. accurate
5. regular 10. grateful 15. resistible

Exercise 2.3. Form the adjectives with suffixes.

Adjective suffixes – 1
Form adjectives from these verbs using one (or more) of the following suffixes: "-able", "-ive", "-ing", "-
ion", "-al", or "-ory".
1. bore 6. entertain 11. educate
2. depend 7. destroy 12. create
3. attract 8. read 13. protect
4. decide 9. agree 14. suit
5. explain 10. enjoy 15. criticise

Adjective suffixes – 2
Form adjectives from these nouns using one (or more) of the following suffixes: "-y", "-ly", "-ous", "-
able", "-ful", "-al", or "-ic".

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1. rain 6. energy 11. week

2. mountain 7. comfort 12. danger
3. art 8. infection 13. democracy
4. science 9. value 14. music
5. practice 10. success 15. peace

Exercise 2.4. Verb suffixes and prefixes

Form verbs from these nouns and adjectives by changing the spelling or by using one (or more) of the
following suffixes or prefixes: "-ous", "-en", or "en-".
1. blood 6. strength 11. weak
2. proof 7. width 12. worse
3. fright 8. length 13. bright
4. courage 9. sweet 14. wide
5. danger 10. deep 15. deaf

Exercise 2.5. Adjectives can be formed from nous and verbs by adding these suffixes: -al, -ous, -ly, -able,
-y, -ed, -ing, -ful, -less, -ive, -ic. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentences to form a
suitable adjective.
1. Mark Haddon writes in a simple and ………………………………way. UNDERSTAND
2. The party was much more ……………………… than I had expected. ENJOY
3. I wish I had …………………………powers. MAGIC
4. Mary came to me in a very …………………………state. EMOTION
5. He was terrible at school and left with few ………………………qualifications. ACADEMY
6. My sister is ………………………to cats. ALLERGY
7. That girl has a ……………………… voice. LOVE
8. Peter has a ……………………… relationship with his customers. FRIEND
9. The project has been brought to a …………………………conclusion. SUCCESS
10. Colin Firth is a ………………………… actor. WONDER
11. The war was …………………………. END
12. They are now …………………………and deeply in debt. PENNY
13. Hannah is so………………………, do determined to do it all. AMBITIOUS
14. Their honeymoon was in Las Vegas at a ……………………… hotel. LUXURY
15. I was ……………………… about the rumours. ANGER
16. The bottoms of his trousers were………………………. MUD
17. The student was punished for having used …………………………language. ABUSE
18. Large meals overload the ……………………………system. DIGEST
19. The bus journey was …………………………. EXHAUST
20. Richard has a terrific sense of humour and can be very ………………………. AMUSE
21. Lucy is very ………………………about the wedding. EXCITE
22. John is ………………………about his health. WORRY
Exercise 3.1. Fill the correct form of words in the box and put them properly in the sentences.
Verb Noun (person) Noun (thing) Adjective Adverb
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1. Cleaning products are often a .......................................... on TV.
2. I'm sorry but I'm not a very good a ...................... for the new slim diet.
3. An a isan ad in the newspaper in a form of an article.
4. A ................................ try to make people buy particular products.
1.I need some a ............................... on which house to buy in this area.
2. It's a to book the hotel in that sea resort well in advance.
3. She has always wanted to become a financial a ......................................
4. I'd a notselling the collection.
5. She was employed by the president in an a ........................................ role.
1. He is a world known a .................................... specializing in evaluating financial markets.
2. We have to a .................................... the contract in detail before signing it.
3. He has an a ................................... mind.
4. The speaker presented a thorough a ......................................of the current political situation.
Exercise 3.2. Fill the correct form of words in the box and put them properly in the sentences.
Verb Noun (person) Noun (thing) Adjective Adverb
1. The decision of the committee was to award the a……………………… the sum of $2000 to be paid by the end
of the next month.
2. This rule is a……………………… only to newcomers.
3. The second law of thermodynamics is the widely a……………………… law of physics.
4. The a………………………… of EC health and safety legislation in member states will help future generations.
5. Students from smaller universities are especially encouraged to a……………………………
1. If you need any further a……………………… please do not hesitate to contact me.
2. A “PA” abbreviation stands for a personal a…………………………
3. After long negotiations they finally agreed to a……………………… the research.
1. The lectures given by professor Smith were very popular among students and were always well
2. The swimming pool a……………………… very helpful. He looked after my children when I was looking for my
3. A…………………… at school is mandatory.
4. Will you be a…………………………… the conference.
Exercise 3.3. Choose the correct answer in the sentences.
1. I couldn't sleep because the bed was so ____
A. energy B. energetic C. comfortable D. uncomfortable
2. Are you being completely ___ about your feelings?
A. boring B. creative C. honest D. helpful
3. Nothing is ____ to a willing heart.
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A. entertaining B. destructive C. readable D. impossible

4. You must continue to see them no matter how much you may ____ with them.
A. agree B. disagree C. agreement D. disagreement
5. It's ___ to drive through a red light.
A. illegal B. legal C. legalise D. legalisation
6. It's ____ to pay for homeless families to stay in hostels instead of building new houses.
A. logic B. logical C. illogical D. unlogical
7. I am infinitely ____ that you are in my small life. Happiest of Birthdays from your dear friend.
A. great B. gratitude C. grateful D. ungrateful
8. Norway's economy is heavily ____ on natural resources.
A. dependent B. independent C. depend D. depended
9. She tried to ____ the pain in my knee by putting manual pressure on the joint.
A. cure B. incurable C. curable D. uncurable
10. A ____ government shouldn't waste the taxpayers' money.
A. responsive B. responsible C. responsibility D. irresponsible
11. He couldn't ____ showing off his new car.
A. resist B. resistible C. irresistible D. resistance
12. Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply ____ and totally unjustifiable.
A. moral B. morality C. morals D. immoral
13. Let me check your _____ pressure.
A. bleed B blood C. bloodless D. bloody
14. He wants to ______ his knowledge of the industry.
A. width B. wide C. widen D. widely
15. There wasn't enough evidence to _____ him guilty.
A. proof B. prove C. proven D. unproven
16. The roots of this tree go ____ into the ground.
A. deep B. depth C. deepen D. deepening
17. We will miss him as a worker amongst us and also as a cheerful friend who could always ____ the day
around here.
A. bright B. brightly C. brightness D. brighten
18. The society was set up to preserve ___ species from extinction.
A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger D. endangered
19. The school has a system of rewards and punishments to ___ good behaviour.
A. courage B. courageous C. encourage D. encouragement
20. Recent research on ____ children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.
A. deaf B. deafen C. deafening D. deafness
Exercise 3.4. Choose the correct answer in the sentences.
1. America holds____elections even' four years.
A. presiding B. president C. presidential D. presided
2. He lost in the election because he is a weak and __________leader.
A. indecisive B. undecisive C. indecided D. undeciding
3. The Avicenna Partnership is a _______ company with a long and successful sales history.
A. respectful B. respecting C. respective D. respectable
4. There were only two ______ class seats left.
A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economizing
5. The members of the Red Cross were dedicated then whole life to ______ the sufferings of beings.
A. reductive B. reducing C. reduce D. reduction

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6. This is just a (an)_____ meeting, you just need to dress casually.

A. formal B. formality C. informality D. informal
7. It can be an amazing experience for those who have the ______to leave their family and friend and live in a
new place.
A. encouragement B. courageous C. courage D. encourage
8. I'm not very _____ of criticism, while my sister is good at taking it.
A. tolerant B. tolerable C. toleration D. tolerate
9. His______ and bad work led to his dismissal from the firm. (dismissal (n) sa thải)
A. unpunctual B. unpunctuality C. impunctual D. inpunctuality
10. After years of being exposed to the sun and rain, the sign had become completely ______
A. readable B. misread C. readably D. illegible
11. Today many species of plant and animal are in _______ of extinction.
A. danger B. endangered C. endanger D. dangerous
12. Travel can _____the mind, and exchange visits give young people experience of a way of life as well as
a_________ language.
A. broadly - different B. broaden - different
C. broad - differently D. broaden - differ
13. The _________ about the weather was incorrect. There was no ram last night.
A. predict B. prediction C. predictable D. predicted
14. Don't worry. He'll do the job as __________ as possible.
A. economizingB. economic C. uneconomically D. economically
15. James should have stayed out of the sun as his skin is so _________
A. sensible B. insensible C. sensitive D. senseless
16. He's the only child in his family and so he can hardly enjoy __________
A. brothers B. brother C. brotherhood D. brotherly
17. The patient was lying _______ on the bed.
A. consciously B. unconsciously C. unconscious D. consciousness
18. I'm afraid I'm not really ____ to comment on this matter.
A. qualifying B. qualified C. quality D. qualitative
19. While Southern California is densely ____, few people live in the northern part of the state.
A. popularized B. populating C. populated D. population
20. I often complain about my daughter's messy room and her ____ for collecting the garbage cans.
A. responsible B. irresponsibility C. responsibility D. irresponsible
Exercise 3.5. Complete the tasks.
Task 1. Provide the noun form of the verbs below.
fall rise increase decline drop fluctuate improve reduce grow

Task 2. Read the examples in the Technique box. Then rewrite sentences a-j below.
Use nouns instead of verbs to summarize information and add variety to your writing. You often rewrite
sentences containing verb phrases such as fell steadily using the correct form of there is/ there are and the
correct use of the appropriate noun.
The consumption of chocolate fell steadily. (verb + adverb)
There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate. (there was a + adjective + noun)
There has been a dramatic rise in the production of films. (there has been a + adjective + noun)
The production of films has risen dramatically. (verb + adverb)

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a. Spice exports from Africa fluctuated wildly over the period.

There were……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. The development of new products fell gradually.
There was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. There has been a noticeable decrease in research investment.
Research investment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d. The purchases of tickets dropped significantly last month.
There was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
e. On the Internet, the number of sites rose dramatically.
There was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
f. There was a sudden decrease in the sale of mangos.
The sale ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
g. At the theme park, there were very slight fluctuations in the number of visitors.
The number ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
h. There was a gradual decline in sugar imports.
Sugar imports …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
i. The quality of food in supermarkets has increased slowly.
There has ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
j. The number of air travelers fluctuated remarkably.

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