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Principle of School Leadership Rizza Mermejo

Sir Mark Ephraim Ayano

Module 6
What is the impact of school size and context to leadership style?
The impact of a school size to students varies. In a small school size, students are more
likely to master curriculum in a smaller learning environment. Students are less likely to “fall
through the cracks” or feel cut off from the school culture. They are more likely to form strong
relationships with peers and school staff. There is generally more parent involvement and a
feeling of belonging. Fewer layers of bureaucracy are necessary. It’s easier to spot strangers at
small schools; security and discipline are easier to maintain. While, large schools typically
provide a wide variety of classes and services to students. Some studies have shown that larger
schools have a moderate benefit on achievement levels for affluent students. Large schools have
the capacity to offer more specialized programs for disadvantaged students and students with
special needs. A wide variety of classes and activities make it possible for students to find their
niche. Large schools may provide more diversity and may make it easier for different types of
students and families to find their niche.
* Is specific leadership style applicable to any school set up? Yes? why? No? why
No, there are a lot of leadership style to begin with. To say that there is a specific style is
somehow exclusive our leadership styles differ from one another. The most important thing I guess are
the qualities or character, key elements of leadership of being a leader.

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