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Chapter 13: Creating Learning Environments

Chapter 13 talks about how teachers create a positive learning environment which has a
great importance for students as for the reason that it encourages better levels of student
achievement and inspires learners to develop higher-level critical thinking skills by providing
meaningful learning experiences. In addition, a positive environment can make students feel
comfortable and makes learning an easy process for both learners and teachers. One of the basic
management tasks for teachers is to gain the cooperation of their students which includes
planning for activities, having materials ready, making acceptable behavioral and intellectual
demands on children, sending clear signals, seamlessly completing transitions, anticipating
issues and stopping them before they begin, and selecting and sequencing activities to sustain
flow and interest. It is noteworthy that kindergartners and those of higher levels have different
rules. Direct teaching of classroom norms and procedures, for example, is critical for
kindergartners and some elementary children. Many classroom routines have become somewhat
automated as they go to higher levels, although new procedures for a specific activity may need
to be taught directly, and the entire system still needs monitoring and maintenance. In my
opinion, it may be titled as “basic management tasks” but in reality it is a challenge for teachers
especially when the learners are the kind of individuals who cannot be easily tamed.

One concept that caught my interest is school connections. It is said that learners who feel
connected to their school are happier, more focused in their studies, more self-disciplined, and
less likely to participate in risky behaviors like substance misuse, aggression, or early sexual
activity. In my opinion, this is something that not every school or university can easily have
because in a school, there are different teachers with different beliefs, personalities, and more.
One teacher might be very kind, another one might be very strict to the extent that learners don’t
feel safe anymore and it might be hard for them to feel comfortable, hence increasing the
possibility that they will act out or withdraw altogether. School connections are something that I
experienced in my previous school, maybe because it’s just a small school with a few teachers.
Although my previous school is strict when it comes to our academic performances, there is still
respect, harmony, and more towards each other despite the differences of social status, genders,
and more. 

Furthermore, a concept that is common in educational settings, even Filipino educational

settings, is bullying and teasing. In fact, as per Domingo (2019) for ABS-CBN, according to a
recent study, at least 6 out of 10 Filipino kids are tormented on a regular basis, with the
frequency of bullying in Philippine schools roughly three times higher than in developed
countries. Therefore, regardless of the causes of bullying, it should be addressed by assisting
children in reading others' intentions more accurately, developing empathy, emphasizing moral
judgment, thinking for oneself, and rejecting group pressures, among other things. To conclude,
this chapter made me realize how difficult it is to have teaching as a profession because you have
to deal with children’s’ differences, and all. It’s a profession that should never be

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