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Impacts of Digital Technology – worksheet 4

A. Follow the link below to go to a webpage about laws related to

computer use:
When it asks you to log in you need to enter:
• Username: b219ar
• Password: register9
It probably won’t ask for this straight away but after you have looked at a few
B. On the left side there are links to pages of information about the laws that you
should be familiar with for your GCSE. Read through the information on each
page to help you answer the questions below:

C. Create a Google doc named “Computer related laws” and answer the following questions in it.
1. Explain why the Data Protection Act was introduced.

2. In 2018 the Data Protection Act was updated to include what European legislation?

3. Who has to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office?

4. What 3 examples of exemptions to the Data Protection Act are listed on the teach-ict website?

5. List the 8 principles covered by the Data Protection Act and in your own words explain what
each one means.

6. What does GDPR stand for?

7. List the 8 principles covered by GDPR and in your own words explain what each one means.

8. Explain what the Computer Misuse Act makes illegal.

9. What is the purpose of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act?

10. How do you know if something is covered by copyright?

11. Write a summary explaining the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act and what it covers.

12. Who is the current Information Commissioner?

D. Follow the link below to go to a webpage about privacy issues

related to digital technology:

E. On the left side there are links to pages of information about privacy issues
related to digital technology. Read through the information on each page to
help you answer the questions below:

F. Create a Google doc named “Privacy issues related to digital tech” and
answer the following questions in it. Some of the questions ask you to work
things out or give your opinion.
1. Databases stored on computers allow vast amounts of information to be stored & one example
of this is the UK DNA database which can be used by the police to help solve crimes.
a) Who do you think should be on the DNA database?
b) How long do you think they should be on it for?
c) What law(s) relate to data being stored on a database?
d) What problems do you think could occur if a hacker gained access to the DNA database?

2. Explain some arguments for and against the UK having a compulsory national identity card
scheme and whether or not you think it would be a good idea.

3. a) Explain some of the reasons people give in favour of and against use of CCTV.
b) Explain whether you think CCTV is a good idea or not with reasons why.

4. a) Why do mobile phones need to give out signals declaring their location?
b) What type of organisation keeps location data related to use of credit cards?
c) Do you think it is OK that organisations such as mobile phone companies and banks store
data about your location?
d) What is the name of the law that means these organisations must keep this data secure?
e) What problems could occur if a hacker gained access to this information?

5. a) Watch the video on the personal data page.

b) Some of the customers at the coffee shop liked the business on Facebook – why?
c) What information was found out about Damien?
d) What information was found out about the girl in the blue scarf?
e) What information was found out about Nicholas?
f) What information was found out about Martin?
g) How did they find out this information about the customers?
h) Why do you think this video was made?

6. Write a summary of the information on the “Stakeholders: Government” webpage. Your

summary should contain between 50 & 60 words, no more and no less.

7. Write a summary of the information on the “Stakeholders: Corporations” webpage. Your

summary should contain between 50 & 60 words, no more and no less.

8. “The increased use of digital technologies now makes it impossible for individuals to have the
privacy that they are entitled to”. Discuss this statement explaining whether you agree or
disagree with it; make sure you make clear your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing.
(Remember, when an exam question says “discuss” it does not mean “talk about with
someone else” instead it means “write an answer that considers different points of view” – that
is what you need to do for this question)

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