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Тест для самостоятельной работы по практике устной и письменной речи №1

(V курс, заочная форма обучения)

Do the following tasks in writing and check your answers against the key.
(The tests are based on the material to be studied in the IХ term)

I. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations.

1. a fence-sitter
2. to clean one’s slate
3. to conjure up feelings
4. susceptible people
5. to be down-in-the dumps
6. to be touch-and-go
7. wildlife habitat
8. hazardous waste
9. to be up to scratch be geared to the needs

II. Fill in the gaps with the right particle or preposition where necessary.
1. She cast … all her nature modesty.
2. The old authorities have declined … influence.
3. He obviously has a flair … languages.
4. Teachers are worried about children’s exposure … too much violence on
5. Several MPs abstained … voting for the proposal.
6. The schools were fighting endlessly to combat … truancy.
7. The ministers tried to account … the high unemployment rates among
8. In the future people will have to count … new sources of energy.

III. Replace the italicised parts using words from your functional vocabulary.
1. Most people are eager to be dignified and to have a purpose in life.
2. He was an ardent fighter for race equality.
3. In Africa eight women out of ten cannot read and write.
4. The idea seems absolutely stupid!
5. Some pupils overestimate their abilities.
6. Smogs used to hit European cities during the 1950s.
7. Atmospheric pollutants are partly responsible for forest destruction.
8. Surprisingly, in this prestigious school the children felt miserable and

IV. Translate the sentences using your functional vocabulary.

1. Чувство собственного достоинства является одной из главных
моральных ценностей.
2. Молодые люди часто поддаются влиянию своих сверстников.
3. Автор статьи нарисовал зловещую картину общества, в котором люди
замкнуты в своем мире и ведут затворнический образ жизни.
4. Многие люди считают, что беспричинная, неоправданная жестокость
на телевидении должна быть запрещена.
5. В некоторых странах женщины до сих пор не имеют доступа к
6. Он с трудом закончил школу и не смог поступить в университет.
7. Международные организации развернули кампанию по спасению
животных, находящихся под угрозой вымирания.
Keys to Test I

1. a person who takes a position of neutrality in a controversial matter;
2. to decide to forget one’s previous mistakes, failures or debts and to start
3. to invoke feelings;
4. impressionable people, who are easily influenced;
5. to be depressed;
6. to be unstable;
7. the natural home of wild animals;
8. dangerous unwanted materials which are left after some processes;
9. to be of a satisfactory standard;
10. to be adjusted or adapted for a particular purpose.
1. away
2. in
3. for
4. to
5. from
6. –
7. for
8. on

1. long to have a sense of work;
2. a staunch fighter;
3. are illiterate;
4. preposterous;
5. overrate;
6. afflict;
7. deforestation;
8. felt downtrodden.

1. a sense of work;
2. succumb to peer pressure;
3. an ominous picture; are cocooned in their own world; a reclusive lifestyle;
4. gratuitous violence;
5. access to education;
6. scraped through school;
7. under the threat of extinction; are dying out.
Тест для самостоятельной работы по практике устной и письменной речи №2
(V курс, заочная форма обучения)

Do the following tasks in writing and check your answers against the key.
(The tests are based on the material to be studied in the IХ term)

I. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations.

1. housebound people;
2. moral re-armament;
3. a detrimental effect;
4. to be downtrodden;
5. an elusive goal;
6. maternity benefit;
7. to play truant;
8. literacy and numeracy;
9. barren land; irreversible effect.

II. Fill in the gaps with the right particle or preposition where necessary.
1. Some people do not approve … marriages … convenience.
2. The human spirit longs … liberation.
3. Small children are not supposed to watch TV … the watershed.
4. Smutty shows pander … the base instincts of the viewers.
5. In some societies there is a stigma … being a housewife.
6. … the opinion of school teachers the basic skills of the pupils are … the
7. The founders of summerhill school renounced … all discipline and moral
8. Heat-trapping gases build … in the atmosphere and cause … global

III. Replace the italicized parts using words from your functional vocabulary.
1. The incidence of teenage deaths caused by drugs has increased in the last
2. Belarusian television started a new series of programmes.
3. In some families finances are so unstable that both spouses have to work.
4. Even talented children fail to progress without good teaching.
5. In my opinion TV totally suppresses the creative imagination of the child.
6. Some of our most beautiful birds and animals are dying out.
7. He left the University before completing the course and being unemployed,
received money from the government.
8. Because of the toxic waste that is leaking from the industrial enterprise it is
extremely dangerous to swim in this river.

IV. Translate the sentences using your functional vocabulary.

1. Помощь людям, попавшим в беду, – один из важнейших аспектов
благотворительной деятельности.
2. Тестирование учеников на употребление наркотиков стало
обязательным в некоторых американских школах.
3. Одна из целей рекламных текстов – вызвать эмоциональный отклик
4. Родители часто перекладывают бремя ответственности на
создателей телевизионных программ.
5. Одним из примеров вопиющей дискриминации женщин является
насилие в семье.
6. Несколько прогульщиков и хулиганов были отстранены на время от
7. Выбросы ядовитых газов наносят непоправимый ущерб окружающей

1. people who cannot leave home for some serious reason, i.e. illness;
2. restoration of the lost moral values;
3. a harmful effect;
4. to be miserable and oppressed;
5. difficult to achieve;
6. money which is paid by the government to a mother with a small child;
7. to miss/cut classes;
8. the ability to read, write and to do arithmetic;
9. lacking vegetation;
10.impossible to change back to how it was before.

1. of
2. for
3. after
4. to
5. to
6. In, on
7. –
8. up, –

1. drug-related deaths; has skyrocketed;
2. launched;
3. are touch-and-go;
4. gifted;
5. stifles;
6. are becoming extinct;
7. dropped out; on the dole;
8. hazardous.

1. Bereavement counseling; charity activity;
2. Mandatory drug testing;
3. to trigger emotional response;
4. throw the onus on to the programme makers;
5. blatant discrimination; domestic violence;
6. truants, bullies, were suspended;
7. Discharge/emission of toxic gases; irreversible damage.

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