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Technology has enhanced our life in so many different ways.

Typically, every technological

transition comes with both advantages and disadvantages as the new replaces the old. The same
holds true thing is present as new media such as online videos and newspapers continues to gain
market share from traditional books. How Do you think about that printed books might disappear
in the future? Individually, I think this is not going to happen for the following reasons.

Books has have been used existed for thousands of years, and undoubtedly they play an essential
role in human’s history. Not only book can bring us basic knowledge, such as history, geometry
and other science, but also they teach us how to think independently. Without books, I can't
would/could not imagine how people/we can to transfer our culture heritage from generation to
generation. Even so, books have several drawbacks. we may get bored after a long time readingg
since there are no sound or video information. Especially, for children it is hard to focus on
books for hours. Therefore, there are some types of modern media such as online and newspaper,
or television ,etc that have been invented to meet the need of people in current society.

It can't be deniable denied that the new media has some great benefits. They make information
communication much easier and more interactive. We just sit, relax and receive up-to-data
information such as latest products, news, reports, etc. Also, films are getting increasingly
popular these days because they bring us more fantastic vision visual experience and audio
enjoy. However, we should not disregard it's converses. One apparent disadvantage is that we
may get addicted to it and waste too much time. And more importantly, some TV shows or films
may impact us in a bad way. In fact, there are so many real commits of violence originating from
TV. Besides, backlight from TV or computer can hurt your eyes as well as your health.
Nowadays, diseases relating related to eyes are increasing so rapidly.

In conclusion, both books and TVs or films are indispensable for modern society for
communicating information. Books take present to us more profound knowledge, and TVs or
and films bring more fun for to our life. tradional Traditional books will never completely go
away, but may be different in how they are made available. There are infinite values of books
that you can't deny. We need to learn how to get useful things from not only books but also new

Comments: You do have good ideas to develop into a meaningful essay. Your conclusion is
fairly good. Still, I think it would be better if you have more ideas for the body. The 2nd
paragraph in the body should be more balanced and to-the-point. You seem to have forgotten
what you were writing about at some points in the essay. Also, there are some grammatical and
vocabulary mistakes in your writing that you should try to be careful about.

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