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Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058 (2002)

First Amendment, 2063 (2006)

Second Amendment 2073.7.29

Date of Certification\Approval: 2058.10.17 and 2063.7.23


Nepal Rastra Bank was established under NRB act 2012 on 2013 Baisakh 14. At that time the act
was of 39 chapters only later it was extended on 2058 to 112 chapters. This act was formulated to
establish and smoothly operate NRB as central bank of Nepal.

Why NRB Act?

 To establish Nepal Rastra Bank and carry out its Functions.

 To formulate necessary monetary and foreign exchange policies
 To maintain the stability of price
 To consolidate balance of payment for sustainable development of the economy of the
Kingdom of Nepal.
 To develop a secure, healthy and efficient system of payment; to appropriately regulate
 To inspect and supervise maintaining the stability and development of banking and financial
 To increase public credibility to the banking and financial system.

Chapter-1 Preliminary
Sec 1. Short Title and Commencement: (1) This Act may be cited as (the) "Nepal Rastra Bank Act
2058 (2002)".
This Act shall come into force at once.
Sec2. Definition:

(a) "Bank" means the Nepal Rastra Bank established under section 3.
(b) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Bank constituted under section14.
(c) "Director" means a member of the Board and the word also includes the Governor and Deputy
Chapter – 2 Establishment, Objectives and Functions, Duties and Powers
Sec 3. Establishment of the Bank

Sec4. Objectives of the Bank:

(a) To formulate necessary monetary and foreign exchange policies
(b) To promote stability and liquidity required in banking and financial sector;
(c) To develop a secure, healthy and efficient system of payment;
(d) wiped
(e) wiped
Sec 5. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Bank:
(a) To issue bank notes and coins
(b) To formulate necessary monetary policies in order to maintain price stability and to implement
(c) To formulate foreign exchange policies and to implement or cause to implement them
(d) To determine the system of foreign exchange rate
(e) To manage and operate foreign exchange reserve
(f) To issue license to commercial banks and financial institutions
(g) To act as a banker, advisor and financial agent of Government of Nepal
(h) To act as the banker of commercial BFI's and to function as the lender of the last resort
(i) To establish and promote the system of payment, clearing and settlement
(j) To implement or cause to implement any other functions of BFI's

Sec 7. Functions not to be Carried out by the Bank:

(a) Providing any loan, accepting any type of deposit or making any type of financial gift
(b) Purchasing shares of any BFI's, public corporation
(c) Carrying out any type of business
(d) Acquiring right over movable and immovable property

Sec 8. Privileges and Facilities to the Bank:

(a) Exemption from all types of taxes, fees and charges on the incomes, capital transactions, houses,
land, assets etc.
(b) No requirement for the payment of registration fee for registration of the deeds of loan or
refinance to be given by the Bank
(c) No requirement of revenue stamps on any of the documents relating to the Bank
(d) There would be no tax, fee, charge, duty on the export and import of bank notes, coins, gold,
silver and the paper, metal, chemicals, and other materials to be used for printing bank notes and
minting coins.
Chapter -3 Formation of Board and Functions, Duties and Powers
Sec 14. Formation of the Board: There shall be a Board of Directors in the Bank
(a) Governor - Chairman
(b) Secretary, Ministry of Finance - Member
(c) Two Deputy Governors - Member
(d) Three Directors appointed by the Government of Nepal from amongst the persons renowned in
the fields of Economic, Monitory, Banking, Finance and Commercial Law - Member
Sec 29. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Board:
Sec 30. Functions, Duties and Powers of the governor:
Sec 34 Audit committee :

Chapter – 4 Financial Provisions

Capital of the Bank: The Capital of the Bank shall be Five billion rupees.
Calculation of Net income and expenditure
Allocation of net income
Allocation of net expenses
Annual budget

Chapter – 5 Monetary Functions and Operation of Open Market

Monetary Policy: The Bank shall have full powers to formulate and implement monetary policy
Operation of Open Market: The Bank shall operate open market transaction on the basis of
agreements for immediate or late purchase and sale of debt securities issued.
CRR, discounts refinance.

Chapter 6 Monetary Unit, Banknote and Coins

Monetary Unit: The Rupee shall be the monetary unit and such Rupee shall be divided into hundred
Power to Issue Banknotes and Coins: The Bank shall have monopoly over the issue of
banknotes and coins
Reproduction and Counterfeiting of Currency

Chapter – 7 Foreign Exchange Policy, Regulation and Reserve

Foreign Exchange Policy: The Bank shall have full authority to formulate &implement foreign
exchange policy
Management of Foreign Exchange:

Chapter – 8 Relations with Government of Nepal

Banker, Advisor and Financial Agent: The Bank shall be the banker and financial advisor of

Chapter – 9 Regulations, Inspection and Supervision of the Banks

Bank's Approval Required for Accepting Deposits or Giving Credits:

License to be obtained from Bank:
Inspection and Supervision:
KYC and AML CFT regulation
State of Problematic Commercial Bank and Financial Institution:
Chapter – 9 a. computation of differences
Bank can compute differences of assets and liabilities of BFI's

Chapter – 10 Balance Sheet, Auditing and Report

Account System: IAS system
Submission of Report to Government of Nepal:
Report on Monetary Policy:

Chapter – 11 Offences, Punishment and Proceedings

Acts to be deemed to be Offence Under this Act:

Chapter – 12 Miscellaneous
Payment, Clearing and Settlement:
Repeal and Saving:
(a) The Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2012 (1955);
(b) The Currencies Act, 2040 (1983)

Strengths of NRB act

 Provided autonomy to central bank.
 Clear provision of BOD and governors.
 Guidelines to central bank as well as BFI's.
 Coordination and smooth relation with Nepal government.
Weakness of the Act
 Focus on traditional banking functions.
 Could not address as common act to BFI's.
 More power to BOD.
 No clear provisions of faults and punishment.
 Influenced by government/finance minister and ministry.

For Level 3:

What are the objectives of Nepal Rastra Bank and NRB act 2058?

What are the functions of Nepal Rastra bank as central bank?

How is NRB act significant to economy?

Suggest the points that should be included in NRB act.

For Level 5 and 6:

How has NRB Act smoothened functions of NRB as central bank for banking, financial
and economic stability? Explain.

Define the process of formation of NRB board. Prove that the NRB act 2058 has
provisioned a stable leader of organization.

NRB Act 2058 is the clear guidelines for operating NRB. Explain on the basis of Act.

Make comparison of strength and weakness of NRB act 2058. Provide some suggestions
to formulate it best.
g]kfn /fi6« a}+s P]g, @)%*
nfndf]x/ / k|sfzg ldlt
g]kfn /fi6« a}Í -klxnf] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)^# @)^#.&.@#
g]kfn /fi6« a}Í -bf];|f] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)&# @)&#.&.@(

@)%* ;fnsf] P]g g+= !%

s]Gb|Lo a}+ssf] sfo{ ug{ g]kfn /fi6« a}ssf] :yfkgf ug{ ag]sf] P]g

kl/roM g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] :yfkgf @)!# a}zfv !$ ut] g]kfn /fi6« a}+s P]g @)!@ cGt/ut
ePsf] lof] . :yfkgfsf] ;dodf g]kfn /fi6« a}ssf] p2]Zo eg]sf] d'n'se/ ef/lto ?k}ofnfO{ la:yflkt
ul/ g]kfnL ?k}+ofnfO{ k|rngdf Nofpg' g} lyof] . g]kfn /fi6« a}s P]g @)%* cg';f/ g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf]
s]Gb|Lo a}ssf] ?kdf :yfkgf / ;~rfng ul/Psf] 5 .

g]kfn /fi6« a}+s P]g @)%* lsg ?

 g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] :yfkgf tyf ;+rfng

 cfjZos gLlt th{'df ug{
 ;/sf/sf] ;Nnfxsf/ tyf dWo:ystf{
 clGtd C0fbftf
 a}s lgodg, cg'udg,/ ;'kl/a]If0f
 g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] k|efjsf/L ;+rfng .

kl/R5]b ! k|f/lDes
!= ;+l+lIfKt gfd / k|f|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æg]kfn /fi6« a+}s P]g, @)%*Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ æa}+sÆ eGgfn] bkmf # adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfn /fi6« a}s ;D´g' k5{ .
-v_ æ;ldltÆ eGgfn] bkmf !$ adf]lhd u7g ePsf] a}ssf] ;~rfns ;ldlt ;D´g' k5{
-u_ æ;~rfnsÆ eGgfn] ;ldltsf] ;b:o ;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] ueg{/ / 8]k'6L ueg{/
;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
kl/R5]b @ :yfkgf, p2]Zo tyf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
#= a}ssf] :yfkgf M
-!_ s]Gb|Lo a}ssf] sfo{ ug{ g]kfn /fi6« a}s gfdsf] Pp6f s]Gb|Lo a}s :yfkgf x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfn /fi6« a}s P]g, @)!@ cGtu{t :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfn /fi6« a}s o;} P]g cGtu{t :yfkgf ePsf]dflgg]5
-#_ a}s cljlR5Gg pQ/flwsf/jfnf Ps :jzfl;t / ;+ul7t ;+:yf x'g]5 .

$= a}}ssf] p2]Zo M -!_ a}ssf] p2]Zo b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5M–

-s_ cy{tGqsf] lbuf] ljsf;sf] lgldQ d"No / zf]wgfGt/ l:y/tf sfod ug{sf] nflu cfjZos df}lb|s tyf
ljb]zL ljlgdo gLlt lgdf{0f u/L ;f] sf] Joj:yfkg ug]{,
-v_ a}ls· tyf ljQLo If]qsf] :yfloTj / cfjZos t/ntfnfO{ k|j4{g ug]{,
-u_ ;'/lIft, :j:y tyf ;Ifd e'QmfgL k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; ug]{,
-3_ lemlsPsf]
-ª_ lemlsPsf] .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] p2]Zodf s'g} k|lts'n k|efj gkg]{ u/L a}sn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cfly{s gLlt
sfof{Gjogdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg]5 .
%= a}ssf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ bkmf $ adf]lhdsf] p2]Zo xfl;n ug{sf] lgldQ a}ssf]
-s_ a}s gf]6 tyf l;Ssf lgisfzg ug]{,
-v_ d"No l:y/tf sfod ug{ cfjZos df}lb|s gLlt th'{df ug]{ / ;f] gLlt sfof{Gjog ug]{, u/fpg],
-u_ ljb]zL ljlgdo gLlt lgdf{0f ug]{ tyf ;f] gLlt sfof{Gjog ug]{, u/fpg],
-3_ ljlgdo b/ k4lt lgwf{/0f ug]{,
-ª_ ljb]zL ljlgdo ;+lrltsf] Joj:yfkg / ;~rfng ug]{,
-r_ afl0fHo a}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ a}ls· tyf ljQLo sf/f]af/ ug{ Ohfhtkq hf/L ug]{, To:tf] sf/f]af/sf]
;DaGwdf cfjZos lgodg, lg/LIf0f, ;'kl/j]If0f tyf cg'udg ug]{,
-5_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] a}s/, ;Nnfxsf/ tyf ljQLo Ph]G6sf] ?kdf sfo{ ug]{,
-h_ afl0fHo a}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] a}s tyf clGtd C0fbftfsf] ?kdf sfo{ ug]{,
-´_ e'QmfgL, km5\of}{6 -lSnol/·_ tyf lx;fa ldnfg -;]6nd]G6_ k4ltsf] :yfkgf tyf k|a4{g u/L ;f] sfo{nfO{
lgoldt ug]{, /
-`_ o; P]g adf]lhd a}ssf] p2]Zo xfl;n ug{sf] lgldQ a}sn] ug'{ kg]{ cGo cfjZos sfo{x? sfof{Gjog ug]{,
u/fpg] .
-@_ a}snfO{ o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"gåf/f k|bfg ul/Psf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ubf{ cfjZos kg]{ cGo sfd,
sf/afxL ;d]t ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-#_ a}sn] o; P]g cGtu{t k|fKt u/]sf] clwsf/sf] cltqmd0f s;}af6 x'g] 5}g .
&= a}}sn] ug{ gx''g] sfd M -!_ o; P]gdf Joj:yf ul/Psf]df afx]s a}sn] b]xfosf sfd ug]{ 5}g
-s_ s'g} shf{ k|bfg ug]{, s'g} klg lsl;dsf] lgIf]k /fVg] jf s'g} lsl;dsf] cfly{s pkxf/ lbg],
-v_ s'g} afl0fHo a}s, ljQLo ;+:yf, ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfg jf sDkgLsf] z]o/ vl/b ug]{ jf cGo s'g} klg lsl;dn]
s'g} ljQLo, Jofkfl/s, s[lif, cf}Bf]lus jf cGo ;+:yfdf :jfldTj ;DaGwL clwsf/ k|fKt ug]{,
-u_ s'g} lsl;dsf] Jofkf/ ug]{, jf
-3_ vl/b u/]/, ef8fdf lnP/ jf s'g} tl/sfaf6 rn crn ;DklQ dfly clwsf/
k|fKt ug]{ .
*= a}snfO{ 5"6 / ;'ljwf M k|rlnt sfg"gdf h'g;'s} s"/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg a}snfO{ b]xfosf]
5"6 / ;'ljwf k|fKt x'g]5 M–
-s_ a}ssf] cfDbfgL, k'FhL sf/f]af/, 3/hUuf, hfoh]yf tyf ;DklQdf ;a} lsl;dsf] s/, z'Ns tyf dx;'n
cflbdf 5"6 .
-v_ a}sn] lbg] shf{ jf k'gs{hf{sf] lnvt /lhi6«]zg ug{ k/]df /lhi6]«zg b:t"/ gnfUg] .
-u_ a}s;+u ;DalGwt s'g} klg lnvtdf cfo l6s6 6fF:g' gkg]{ .
-3_ a}ssf] gf]6, l;Ssf, ;'g, rfFbL tyf 6sd/L ug{sf] lgldQ k|of]u x'g] sfuh, wft', /;fog tyf cGo
j:t'x?sf] lgsf;L / k}7f/Ldf s'g} lsl;dsf] s/, z'Ns, b:t'/, dx;'n gnfUg] .

kl/R5]]b # ;ldltsf] u7g tyf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/

!$= ;~rfns ;ldltsf] u7g M a}sdf b]xfosf ;b:o ePsf] Pp6f ;~rfns ;ldlt x'g]5 M–
-s_ ueg{/ –cWoIf
-v_ ;lrj, cy{ dGqfno –;b:o
-u_ b'O{hgf 8]k'6L ueg{/ –;b:o
-3_ cfly{s, df}lb|s, a}lsª, ljQLo, tyf afl0fHo sfg"gsf] If]qsf nAwk|ltli7t JolQmx?dWo]af6 g]kfn ;/sf/n]
lgo'Qm u/]sf tLghgf ;~rfns

kl/R5]]b $cfly{s Joj:yf

#(= a}ssf] k'FhL M -!_ a}ssf] k'FhL kfFr c/a ?k}ofF x'g]5 .
$)= v'b cfo Aoosf] u0fgf
$!= v'b cfosf] afF8kmfF8
$@= v'b Joosf] afF8kmfF8
$#= aflif{s ah]6

kl/R5]]b – % df}lb|s sfo{ / v'nf ahf/ ;~rfng

$$= df}lb|s gLlt M a}snfO{ g]kfn clw/fHosf] df}lb|s gLlt lgdf{0f ug]{, sfof{Gjog ug]{ / u/fpg] k"0f{ clwsf/
x'g]5 .
$%= v'nf ahf/ ;~rfng M a}sn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tkm{af6 jf a}s cfkm}n] hf/L u/]sf] ahf/df tTsfn laqmL
x'g ;Sg] C0fkq tTsfn jf kl5 v/Lb laqmL ug]{ u/L ;D´f}tf u/]/ v'nf ahf/ sf/f]af/ ;~rfng sfo{ ug]{5.

kl/R5]b – ^ df}lb|s PsfO{, a}s gf]6 / l;Ssf

%!= dfl}lb|s| PsfO{ M -!_ g]kfn clw/fHosf] df}lb|s PsfO{ ?k}ofF x'g]5 / o:tf] ?k}ofF Ps;o k};fdf laeflht
x'g]5 .
%@= a}s gf]6 / l;Ssf lgisfzg ug]{ clwsf/ M

kl/R5]b – & ljb]]zL ljlgdo gLlt, lgodg / ;+lrlt

lab]zL lalgdo ;DaGwL lglt, lalgdosf] lgodg tyf ;+lrlt Joj:yfkg ug{] lhDd]jf/L a}+ssf] x'g] .
^@= ljb]zL ljlgdo gLlt M a}ÍnfO{ g]kfn sf] ljb]zL ljlgdo gLlt lgdf{0f ug{, sfof{Gjog ug]{ / u/fpg] k"0f{
clwsf/ x'g]5 .
^#= ljb]zL ljlgdo Joj:yfkg M ljb]zL ljlgdosf] Joj:yfkg a}Ín] ug]{5 .

kl/R5]b–* g]kfn ;/sf/;+usf] ;DaGw

^(= a}s/, ;Nnfxsf/ / ljQLo Ph]G6M
&)= afx\o C0f ;DaGwL k/fdz{ tyf hfgsf/L M g]kfn ;/sf/n] afx\o If]qaf6 C0f ln+bf a}Í;Fu k/fdz{ lng
;Sg]5 .
kl/R5]b – ( a}ssf] lgodg / lg/LIf0f tyf ;'kl/j]If0f
&^= lgIf]k lng jf shf{ lbg a}Ísf] :jLs[lt lng' kg]{ M-!_ s'g} klg JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] s'g} klg
k|sf/sf] lgIf]k lng jf shf{ lbg a}Íaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhd :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] :jLs[lt k|bfg ubf{ a}Ín] tf]lsP adf]lhd cfjZos zt{ ;d]t lgwf{/0f u/L :jLs[lt
k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] zt{x?sf] kfngf ug'{ ;DalGwt JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
&&= Aofh b/df aGb]h M k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lgIf]k lng] jf shf{ lbg] clwsf/ ePsf JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL
jf ;+:yfn] lgIf]kdf lbg] jf shf{df lng] Aofh b/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ a}Ín] ;do ;dodf tf]lslbPsf] Aofh b/
;DaGwL Joj:yf adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 .
&*= a}Íaf6 Ohfhtkq lng' kg]{ M jfl0fHo a}Í tyf ljQLo ;+:yfn] a}lÍu tyf ljQLo sf/f]af/ ug{ a}Íaf6
tf]lsP adf]lhd Ohfhtkq lng' kg]{5 .

kl/R5]b – ( s km/kmf/v ;DaGwL Joj:yf

**s= km/kmf/vsf] sfo{ ug{ ;Sg] a}Ísf] clwsf/M -!_ a}Ín] b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf s'g} jfl0fHo a}Í jf ljQLo
;+:yfnfO{ cfˆgf] lgoGq0fdf lnO{ km/kmf/vsf] sfo{ cufl8 a9fpg ;Sg]5M–
-s_ k"0f{ jf cf+lzs?kdf cfˆgf] bfloTj e'QmfgL ug{ g;s]df,
-v_ ;'kl/j]IfsLo ljZn]if0fsf cfwf/df ;f] ljZn]if0f ;DaGwL sfo{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] gAa]] lbgleq e'QmfgL
ug{' kg{] bfloTjx? k'/f ug{ g;Sg] cj:yf ePdf,

kl/R5]b–!) jf;nft, n]vf k/LIf0f tyf k|ltj]]bg

*(= cfly{s jif{ M a}Ísf] cfly{s jif{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cfly{s jif{ ;/x x'g]5 .
()= n]vf k|0ffnLM -!_ a}Ín] g]kfn n]vfdfg cg';f/sf] n]vf k|0ffnL cg'?k sf/f]af/ / ljQLo cj:yf :ki6
b]lvg] u/L cfˆgf] cfo Joosf] ljj/0f b'?:t /fVg' kg{]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg g]kfn n]vfdfgdf ;dfj]z gePsf If]qx?df cGt/f{li6«o
n]vf dfkb08nfO{ cfwf/sf] ?kdf lng' kg{]5 .
(!= jflif{s k|ltj]bg M -!_ a}Ín] jf;nft, cfo Joo / ;f];Fu ;DalGwt ljj/0f ;d]t v'nfO{ k|To]s cfly{s
jif{sf] nflu jflif{s k|ltj]bg tof/ ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg a}Ín] k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] rf/ dlxgfleq
g]kfn ;/sf/df k]z ug{]5 .
(@= n]vfk/LIf0f M a}Ísf] n]vfk/LIf0f dxfn]vfk/LIfsn] ug{]5 .
kl/R5]b–!! s;"/, b08 ;hfo / sf/afxL
(%= o; P]g adf]lhd s;"/ u/]sf] dflgg] M -!_ s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod jf ljlgod jf
;f] cGtu{t hf/L ul/Psf] cfb]z jf lgb{]zg ljk/Lt x'g] u/L lgIf]k lnPdf jf shf{ lbPdf jf l8a]Gr/ jf cGo
ljQLo pks/0f hf/L u/]df jf a}Ín] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] gLlt ljk/Lt Aofh lng' jf lbg' u/]df jf hfnL jf vf]6f]
jf gSsnL jf k|ltlnlk d'b|f hf/L u/]df jf To:tf] d'b|f ljt/0f jf n]gb]gdf ;+nUg ePdf, ljb]zL ljlgdo
sf/f]af/ u/]df jf To:tf sfo{df ;+nUg ePdf jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd a}Íaf6 Ohfhtkq lng' kg{]df ;f]
glnO{ To:tf] sf/f]af/ u/]df jf kl/R5]b–(s= adf]lhdsf] km/kmf/vsf] k|lqmofdf afwf k'¥ofPdf o; P]g
adf]lhd s;"/ u/]sf] dflgg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df n]lvPb]lv afx]s s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod jf ljlgod jf ;f] cGtu{t
hf/L ul/Psf] cfb]z jf lgb{]zg kfngf gu/]df ;d]t lghn] o; P]g adf]lhd s;"/ u/]sf] dflgg]5 .

(^= b08 ;hfoM -!_ bkmf (% sf] pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf] s;"/ ug{] JolQmnfO{ pQm s;"/;Fu ;DalGwt
lauf] hkmt u/L lauf]sf] tLg u'0ff;Dd hl/afgf jf tLg jif{;Dd s}b jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 .
-@_ bkmf (% sf] pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd ;hfo ubf{ lauf] sfod ug{ g;lsg] cj:yf ePdf s;"/sf] dfqf
x]/L a9Ldf bz nfv ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf jf tLg jif{;Dd s}b jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 .
-#_ bkmf (% adf]lhdsf] s;"/ s'g} kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] u/]sf]df To:tf] ;hfo ;f] kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfsf]
d'Vo kbflwsf/LnfO{ x'g]5 .
-$_ bkmf (% adf]lhdsf] s;"/ ug{ pBf]u ug{] jf To:tf] s;"/ ug{ d2t k'¥ofpg] JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yf
jf To:tf] kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfsf]] kbflwsf/LnfO{ d'Vo s;'/bf/nfO{ x'g] ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo x'g]5 .
kl/R5]b – !@ljljw
!)#= e'QmfgL, lSnol/ª / ;]6]nd]]G6 M

!!@= vf/]hL / arfp M -!_ b]xfosf P]gx? vf/]h ul/Psf 5g\ M–

-s_ g]kfn /fi6« a}s P]g, @)!@,
-v_ d'b|f P]g, @)$) .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ cGtu{t vf/]h ul/Psf P]gx? adf]lhd eP u/]sf ;Dk"0f{ sfd sf/afxL o;} P]g adf]lhd eP
u/]sf] dflgg]5 .

g]kfn /fi6« a}+s P]g @)%* M bf];|f] ;+;f]wg @)&# ÷)&÷@( af6 ;+;f]lwt

kl/R5]b ! bkmf $ p2]Zo M kfFr dWo] @ x6fO{ gLlt, a]LsË lasf; / e'QmfgL k|0ffnL sfod .
kl/R5]b $ bkmf #( k"FhL M ! c/a af6 % c/a a[l2 u/]sf] .
kl/R5]b % bkmf $% v'nf ahf/ sf/f]af/M v'nf ahf/ sf/f]af/sf pks/0f rnfpg ;Sg] .
kl/R5]b ( bkmf &( $ -s_ lgodgM ;DklQ z'l2s/0f ;DalGw lgodg ug{'kg{] .
kl/R5]b ( bkmf *^ ` b]lv 9 ;Dd ;d:ofu|:t a}+s laQLo ;:yfsf] k|fjwfg x6fO{Psf] .
kl/R5]b ( s bkmf ** km/kmf/v ug{ ;lsg] – a}+s laQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnO{ km/kmf/v ug{ ;Sg] .
kl/R5]b !) bkmf () n]vf / n]vfdfkM g]kfn n]vfdfk cg';f/ cfo tyf Aoo .
kl/R5]b !@ bkmf !)^ s a}+s laQLo ;+:yfdf sfo{ ug{ gx'g] M

ueg{/n] – slxn]klg , 8]k'6L ueg{/ ÷ sfo{sf/L clws[t– # aif{, clws[t:t/ –@ aif{

!)^ v ;/sf/nfO{ laz]if1 ;]jf pknAw u/f]g' kg{] .

!)^ u g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgb{]zg lbg ;Sg] .

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