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Introduction to Management

Table of Contents
Management structure and Business functions....................................................................................4
Marketing Function...............................................................................................................................5
Management Functions.........................................................................................................................6


Management can be defined as gathering the group of people together for achieving
the desired performs various tasks and activities involved in the organization.
Management is a goal-oriented process because they were dealing with the
organizational resources. Mangers can also take the responsibility of regarding the
work for examples: accounting, human resource accounting, human and technical

Management structure and Business functions

Meaning of organizational structure: Organizational structure refers to the system to

perform the particular activities for achieving the goals in the performs
different levels in the organization such as top-up and bottom-down approach used for
defined the organizational structures.

Types of organizational structures

Functional structure: they were converted the organizational structure for small
business to medium size business for implementing these types of can
perform various functions for performing the functional structure such as sales, digital
marketing, technical etc.

Matrix based structure: A matrix-based structure is a tree like structure or node based
or hierarchical can also make with functional and divisional
involving the process of employees reporting to different departments or own bosses on
their working project. for ex: data scientist reporting to their own departmental head for
reporting the project details, conclusion etc. Both they were finding the conclusion of
the business problem working on their current project. They also face the many issues
and solve them together during the project.

Divisional structure: it refers to the divided or grouping of employees regarding the

service or project. They were divided the task in a particular group they would be
perform it. for example: IT developer divided the task in their own department not
includes others peoples because they all have knowledge regarding solving this
problem solution. They all are working together performing some specific tasks.

Meaning of management: refers to the process of performing all managerial activities

in the includes all the activities that would be perform by the organization
or coordination of goals-oriented process, for ex: process, for and controlling etc. They
all are working together to perform the task.

Characteristics of management:
Management is a goal oriented: management is a goal-oriented process because
they can achieve the all the goals in the organization. They were achieved maximize
the profit to their organization to provides best quality of goods and services to their

Management is a continuous achieved is continuous process because it works in the

organization for a long time for achieving all types of goals. They were performing all
types of the operations in the organizations.

Management provides optimization of resources: management provides the

optimization of the resources for utilizing the maximum of the resources to provides the
better results in the organization

Marketing Function

Marketing functions can be defined as performing the operations are:

Analysis: the first function marketing management is to finding the research of

outcomes or analysis. They were check how much buyers can buy the goods and
services at what cost. Marketer analyses check how much organization can earning
the profit during on time. The main motive is to be maximize the profit earn by the
organization. They were also check the quality of product which can be supply by the

Product: the second functions of the marketing management is to provide the

product this marketer can be analysing the new developing
products. The main focus on this customer demanding on which type of products
are. They were developing the that products also.

Promotions of goods and services: the main aim of the marketing management is
to make the sales promotion of the goods and services of the product. They were
checking the sales on time or not. They were check the which type of
advertisements take. For ex: social media advertising, digital marketing, newspaper
advertisements etc.

Distribution of product: they were providing the sales of the project, cost and
profits maximization. They were also check the merits and demerits of the product
while distribution of the goods and services to the customers. They were also guide
the customers such as quality of the product, cost estimation. all the goods it can
store in warehouse.
Feedback: marketing management also promotes feedback facility to the
customers. They were providing the feedback on customers. They call, on access
link .in this feedback customers give their thoughts what type of services provides,
quality of product and delivery also mentioned.
management: refers to the process of performing all managerial activities in the includes all the activities that would be perform by the organization or
coordination of goals-oriented process, for ex: process, for and controlling etc. They
all are working together to perform the task.

Note: Marketing manager also involves in supplying of goods and risk bearing to the
customer they also awareness of that situation

Management Functions

The henry Fayol’s functions are as follows:

Planning: the first functions of management is planning. They were making good
plan for the clients or customers is very necessary. For planning the task, they were
achieving all the desired goals. They were established the best procedures under
planning. Under planning they were coordinated with different levels of planning.

Organizing: Organizational structure refers to the system to perform the particular

activities for achieving the goals in the performs different levels in the
organization such as top-up and bottom-down approach used for defined the
organizational structures. They were assigned the whole group of activity during
organizing the can perform various functions for performing the
functional structure such as sales, digital marketing, technical etc. They were
coordinating the all activities with all the employees working in the organization.

Directing: they were effect to all the work in the organization. they were actually
knowing what are the requirement in the can motivating to all the
employees for achieving all the goals in the organization. They were regulating the
quick decision to their employees in the organization.

Controlling: controlling refers to regulating all types of activities according to the pans
for achieved this. They were making their report on their actual performance.


We have concluded that after this report management is the process of focusing on
achieving the desired goals. They were providing right candidate in this for better
skill set, right advertisements to the customers, risk bearing and all the analysis point
of conclusion which is required in the organization.


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