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Rubric Guide for Special Area

Computer Class
Name: __________________________Semester __________
Excellent Above Average Below
Average Average
Peer Actively Makes a sincere Limited Virtually no
Interaction demonstrates effort to support interaction when interaction with
higher level peers. helping or helping peers.
critical thinking supporting
skills while peers.
listening to and

Preparation Arrives fully Arrives mostly, if Preparation is Rarely or never

prepared at not fully, inconsistent. prepared.
every class prepared.

Participation Plays an active Participates When prompted, Comments

role in constructively in participates vague, lack of
discussions while discussions. constructively in interest.
demonstrating a discussion.
higher level of
critical thinking.

Contribution Comments are at Relevant When prompted, Demonstrates a

to Class an advanced comments are relevant noticeable lack
level while based on comments are of interest.
contributing to assigned based on
the class. material. assignments.

Group Group dynamic Group dynamic Group dynamic Group dynamic

Dynamics and level of and level of and level of and level of
discussion are discussion are discussion are discussion are
often better occasionally sometimes often disrupted
because of the better because disrupted by because of
student’s of student’s student’s student’s
presence. presence. presence. presence.

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