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1 We are going to have a talk about Unit 1 and Unit 2 from English level III doing a review of all
section from these units.

P.1 To start we saw “How to ask questions to get to know someone” starting with a question at
the top of the page; Do you know all your classmates? And this is the question that I ask to my
partners right now.

 in the previous course I met part of this semester's group, but

I have not yet met most of the people in this group
P.2 In the next page we saw “How to talk about relations” talking about all kind of relations and
there was a question; How did your parents meet?

 to talk about a relationship it is necessary to do it with the

truth, for example, my parents were classmates in high school
and today they are still together.
P.3 In the next section we described our relationships and we talked about our friends; the
question of this section is How many Facebook friends do you have?

 in my relationships as with my friends I tend to be somewhat

selective so I don't usually have too many friends on social
networks because most of the time they are people you don't
P.4 Almost the end we described out personality and we talked about our friends then we have a
question at the top; When is the right moment to settle down?

 I think the right time to establish myself is when I have fixed

objectives and I'm achieving them, I think that's the way to go.
P.5 To finish the Unit 1 we learned how to read main ideas and how to talk about funny situations.
In this section we have two questions, I ask to my partners both, How much time do you spend
online? And Which do you do more: listen or speak?
 I usually spend about 5 hours a day on the internet, and when
I am with a person I prefer to listen to them rather than talk,
it is more important for me to listen.

P.1 When we started the next Unit, we found the ways to create advertisement, we learned that
from an advertisement that says a question that I’m going to ask to my partners, How green are

 Honestly, I'm not very environmentally friendly but I try to be.

P.2 In the section 2.2 we asked and get answers about our personal habits, and there is a question;
How long have you been studying here?

 I have been studying here for about 4 years, and I am close to

finishing my studies.
P.3 Next one we talked about the environment problems in our city right there we have a
question, that I ask to my partners, Which is worse: flooding or drought?

 I think that floods, since our city is not prepared for them due
to poor infrastructure.
P.4 Almost to finish of the unit 2 we interviewed to my partners but before we have a question,
What’s the best ad you’ve seen recently?

 it is not a specific ad but lately in facebook pages are

dedicated to answer with funny phrases and that is good
P.5 To finish this talk we have the las section of our unit where we saw How to express numerical
information and when we have to encourage or discourage a friend, at the top of this final section
we have two questions that I’m going to ask to my partners; Do you support any charities? And
Have you been feeling stressed lately?

 I do not support any society as I have no resources, and lately

I have been stressed due to my work schedule.

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