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While most people see technological innovation as something fairly recent, it’s hard to tell when it

actually began.

Regardless, it is present in our routines without us even realizing it and, what’s best, it’s this innovation
that makes practically everything around us easier.

But even if it offers so many benefits, it is clear that due to all those changes, some challenges have
arisen and we should be aware of them so we can think, together, about solutions that can solve them.

the Problems however include;

1. Digital inclusion

2. Critical thinking

3. High investment

4. Product obsolescence

5. Underqualified workers

1- Digital inclusion

Including everyone on the technological advances has always been and will always be an obstacle to
technological innovation.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to the internet or even any kind of product created from the
changes that occur worldwide, and the consequences of this are the most varied.

It is possible, for example, that poor communities which don’t have access to these technologies are
going to be left behind in terms of professional and even personal development.

Not to mention the small daily problems, such as being able to talk to someone on the phone or even
send an email to someone who is miles away from you.

This type of technological innovation helps our routine actions, but they often don’t even come to
people’s minds.

2 – Critical thinking

While on the one hand technological innovation brings quick access to everyday information and also
world news, on the other it contributes to the lack of critical thinking.
Critical thinking is the ability we have to question things, whether they deserve to be doubted or not.

The internet, for example, has brought tons of new people who can get together regardless of where
they live, like social media and news sites. So the amount of news and information brought up in this
kind of media is astronomical.

For this reason, it is easy to get lost during conversations or reading the news and thus one might not
identify what is false or not.

As the amount of information is very large, it is up to the person to analyze them correctly using their
critical thinking.

However, this is not always the case. Critical thinking seems to diminish as the amount of information
exchanged on the network increases and especially when a person starts to develop their ideas in a way
that influences the opinions of other users.

3 – High investment

One of the problems of the digital revolution is the investment that needs to be made, that is quite high
to small and medium entrepreneurs.

In the beginning, the amount necessary to implement certain technologies in a business may be higher
than you’d expect. However, it important to stress that the return on the investment is often very
satisfactory. Therefore, it becomes well-spent money.

We have to keep in mind that a person who is starting a business is not always willing to make such a
high investment right away.

That is why it’s necessary to be prepared and even think about which technological solutions are the
most fundamental when you’re starting out.

4 – Product obsolescence

Even though technological innovation makes it possible for new products to come up every other day,
keep in mind that it is a double-edged sword.

On one side, technology improves and helps to make products more efficient, on the other, products
quickly become obsolete.

One can clearly see this with cell phones. A three-year-old smartphone is not as strong and powerful as
the ones from today. Or, even worse, a device created 6 months ago is no longer the latest novelty.

The main problem of rapid obsolescence of products is that the greater the product, the greater the
discard needs.

The amount of e-waste in the world has increased greatly and we have no efficient means to stop its

It seems paradoxical, after all, that we need new technologies to effectively stop e-waste. Therefore, this
is yet another pending challenge to consider in technological innovation.

5 – Underqualified workers

The lack of technological innovation in some areas may actually lead to the development of
underqualified employees.

Because digital inclusion does not happen spontaneously and efficiently in all regions of the world, lots
of people don’t have access to what’s new. And as the market is always on the lookout for people that
keep up with what is new, the lack of technological knowledge also increases unemployment.

After all, those who are not up to date and walking along with technological innovation are left behind,
which makes the workforce of these people disqualified.

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