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Methods of Innovation

Innovation needs method. In addition to the innovation process, various methods are important for
finding and generating ideas. But which ones?

Innovation management offers an extensive collection of methods to this end. Innovation management
makes use of a wide range of methods. On the one hand they come from marketing, product
management or creativity and on the other hand there are many tools that have their origin in
innovation research.

The fact that innovation needs method can unsettle many people unsure whether they have the right
methods in their repertoire and use them correctly for their tasks. It requires a broad methodological
competence in order to be able to decide when which method is most suitable and effective. Companies
often choose access to discover an innovation tool that inspires them and they look for applications in
the company.

How to choose the right innovation method

1. Technological solution

2. Product improvement

3. Product innovation

4. Business model innovation

5. Service innovation

6. Ideas and Inspiration

Brief description of the innovation methods

Contract R&D is an open innovation approach. It is the assignment of a university, a research institute or
a technical service provider to find a technical solution for a specific task.

The observation of customers and users in the application of the product or definition of the problem
that the product is supposed to solve brings clear realizations about the needs of the customers.

Big Data is the analysis of data volumes that have arisen, for example, as a result of interaction with
customers. The evaluation and analysis should be used to interpret patterns in order to identify new
trends and requirements.

The Blue Ocean strategy is used to identify or develop new markets. They are the basis for new business
models as well as products and services.

Brainstorming is the classic creativity method that is used for all kinds of tasks and in the course of all
other methods.
Alex Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas is the tool for the development and conception of new
business models.

Cross-Industry Innovation is looking for analogous companies that operate a related business model or
have similar technologies as a basis. Innovations of all kinds can be identified through analysis or an
exchange of experts.

In crowdsourcing platforms such as Atizo, you ask a community a specific question to look for solutions
and innovations. These platforms can be used very broadly for all innovation goals. However, one must
always consider the possible quality of the ideas, which depends above all on the size, quality and
competence of the community.

Customer Experience Design is the design of interaction points with customers and offers potential
especially for service innovations.

Design thinking is a very powerful innovation method. It is strongly oriented towards users and
customers and brings innovative solutions for products, services and business models.

Ethnography as a participatory observation is also a very user-oriented method. True to the motto "Walk
in your customer's shoes", it delivers customer-oriented innovations.

Focus groups with customers are a kind of group discussion. Existing products or concepts for new
products are discussed and analysed and ideas for product and service innovations are developed.

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