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Do each item as directed.

1. Find the truth value of each statement.

(F) a. If 3 is positive then 2 is negative.

(F) b. 3 is positive and 2 is negative.
(T) c. Either 3 is positive or 2 is negative.
(F) d. 3 is positive if and only if 2 is negative.

2. Given the conditional: If I get a flu shot, then I will not get the flu.
State its:
a. Converse
If I did not get a flu, then I got a flu shot
b. Inverse
If I don’t get a flu shot, then I will get a flu
c. contrapositive
If i get the flu, then I did not get a flu shot

3. State the negation of each proposition.

a. If you are here, then you are not there.
If you are not here, then you are there
b. There are planets that do not have moons
There are planets that have moons
c. The use of a calculator is allowed or the textbook can be accessed during
the exam.
The use of a calculator is not allowed and the textbook can’t be accessed during the
4. If p, q, r are true statements and s is false, find the truth value of
[¬(𝑝 ∨ 𝑞) ∧ 𝑟] ∨ [(𝑝 ∨ ¬𝑠) ∧ ¬𝑞]
[¬(T ∨ T) ∧ T] ∨ [(T ∨ ¬F) ∧ ¬T]
[¬(T ∨ T) ∧ T] ∨ [(T ∨ T) ∧ F]
[¬T ∧ T] ∨ [(T∧ F]
[F ∧ T] ∨ [(T∧ F]
[F ∨ F]

5. Give your own example of an argument that is patterned after the rule of
inference Modus Tollens.
P= The sun is bright
Q= Susan will put on sunblock
If the sun is bright, then Susan will put on sunblock
Susan will not put on sunblock
Therefore, the sun is not bright

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