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Anis Rahayu Ningsih 21701021237
Chitra Anggun Safitri 21701021248
1. Restorative Justice
Restorative justice, is a facilitated meeting between the person who has caused harm
(offender) an the people most affected by it.
Restorative justice juga memiliki beberapa prinsip, antara lain :

a) offender accountability
b) condemnation of thee crime, not the person
c) focus on harm and repairing it
d) participation and empowerment
e) reintegration with communities of support

Cara/ proses pelaksanaan restorative justice, yaitu :

1. pre conference meeting
2. introduction
3. telling the story (masa lalu)
4. exploration
5. transition
6. agreement
7. re integration dan close
8. debriefing

2. Sistemperadilanpidanatradisional di Australia
a) kejahatan didefinisikan sebagai pelanggaran hukum
b) fokuspadamenetapkankesalahandanhukuman
c) penerimaanhukuman
d) korban menjadisaksi, pelakupasif
3. Restorative justice
a) kejahatanadalahpelanggaransatu orang terhadap orang lain
b) fokuspadatanggungjawabdanperbaikankerusakan
c) melibatkan korban, pelakudankelompokmereka
d) memperbaikikerusakan
Yang akandibahasolehfasilitatoryaitu:
 Apa yang terjadidimasalalu
 Siapa yang terdampakdanbagaimanapenanganannya
 Apa yang dibutuhkanuntukmenghilangkankerusakan yang telahdiperbuat
Ada beberapamanfaat restorative justice untuk korban, pelanggar,
komunitasataukelompok, yaitu

4. victim
1. influence over outcomes
2. telling their story
3. receive an explanation / apology
4. reduce fear of re victimization
5. re integration with community of support
6. offenders
1. influence over outcomes
2. take responsibility
3. take responsibility
4. apology
5. re integration with community of support
6. community
1. involvement in process of response to crime
2. better understanding of the causes and impacts of the crime
3. increased satisfaction for defendants and victims
4. reduced recidivism

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