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Eazl’s Guide to Starting Your Growth Team

Step 1: Setup Your Data Tracking System

Install website or app analytics packages and other ways to track what you’re working on. Each
business is different but tools like a CRM system (even if it’s just a spreadsheet), a social media
management package, and email marketing software should be in place.

Step 2: Find Out What Your Product or Service’s “Magic Moments” Are
This is when users get to experience moments they love. You might need to interview some
users or talk to people on your team who talk to customers regularly to find out what these are.

Step 3: Estimate Your Fundamental Growth Equation

Usually, you need at least three things: a way to bring in new people (this is called top of the
funnel marketing), you need to get users to those magic moments, and you need to keep them
experiencing value. ​Here’s are Some Tips from Hila Qu on Building Your Growth Model​.

Step 4: Identify Your North Star Metric

As soon as you can, try to find the one thing that seems to correlate most closely with growth.
This is going to be your North Star Metric.

Step 5 and Beyond: Improve and Scale Your Fundamental Growth Equation
From here on out, it’s all about improving and scaling your fundamental growth equation. More
users experiencing more value.

Eazl’s Simple Recipe for Running a 1-Hour Growth Team Meeting:

● The First 15 Minutes: Review your metrics and update what you’re focusing on growing
● The Next 10 Minutes: review last week's tests (or why they weren't launched)
● The Next 15 Minutes: let the person who’s been analyzing the data share their insights
and take requests for insights from the other members of your team.
● The Next 15 Minutes: Select the next experiments to run and assign the roles of the
people who are going to run them.
● Final 5 Minutes: Check in on the idea pipeline and see if it needs work.

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This reference is part of Eazl’s Growth Hacking Masterclass toolkit and the original version can be found​ ​here​.

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