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General objective

The general objective of this project is to identify possible failures of network

infrastructure, access to facilities and remote sites to establish improvements
according to the needs of the client. In addition to making viable the
implementation of the new monitoring system and CCTV, within no more than 90
days and a cost of $ 120,000.


Nextiva is a complete monitoring and CCTV system in a multi-brand environment,

implements remote camera control tools, storage and export of recordings, user
control and privileges. Through a friendly graphical environment the user can
access all its functions, one of the objectives of the client Erik Alvarez
(superintendent of operational continuity TICA in Antofagasta Minerals) since he
currently does not have this feature.

Presentation of the team

EACOM is a company with experience in the areas of engineering and

telecommunications, present in several projects in the country.


This project contemplates the number of existing cameras plus 30 new cameras at
points available to the client, in addition to a server with 30 TB of storage for
recordings that correspond to approximately 60 days of recording which is
overwritten according to the mentioned capacity, any equipment change or
subsequent software update is out of the project presented. Also, the increase in
customer requirements stipulates a new project after its completion.

Installing and configure a server as monitoring platform, that by means of sensors

they obtain information on the parameters necessary to obtain good crops. This
information can be observed in real time, obtaining a general view of the state of
the crops. Also, the system will notify a Daniela by email if the parameters are not
optimal, allowing her to solve the problems in her crops in time. This project will
have an implementation duration of 4 Months and a cost of approximately 500 UF.


This project its very important, because by constantly monitoring the development
of crops, it will be possible to ensure that the best development conditions are met
for the products grown in the greenhouse. The alarms that are generated will give
farmers time to solve possible problems such as the loss of a crop.


The team for this project is made up entirely of Engineer Tomas Lagos, who will
assume the following roles: Project Manager, Platform Engineer and Network


The scope of this project includes the installation and configuration of a monitoring
system for 4 greenhouses, including physical servers, sensors and software. On
the other hand, the project does not include the maintenance of the platform or its

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