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Libido Says...
There’s an Oil for THAT

A Girlfriend’s Guide to Using

Essential Oils
Between the Sheets
Lucy Libido Says….
There’s an Oil for THAT
A Girlfriend’s Guide to Using
Essential Oils
Between the Sheets

Copyright © 2016 by Lucy Libido LLC

Cover Design © Sarah Wilde
Creation Rights © J.S.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce or transmit this book, images, or portions thereof
without written express permission from the author and creator. This includes, but is not limited to, physical
and electronic reproductions of this book and images. For information about permission to reproduce
selections from this book, contact with “Permissions” in the subject line.

Lucy Libido® is a registered trademark. The name Lucy Libido® may not be used without express written
permission from the creator.

To obtain additional copies of this book, including bulk order discounts please visit us at

For information about speaking engagements or to host a book signing,

contact with “Events” in the subject line.

Published in the United States of America

The information contained represents the opinions of Lucy Libido™ and does not represent Young Living
or any medical doctor mentioned. Statements and stories have not been evaluated by the FDA. Suggestions
or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

ISBN – 13: 978 – 1530690794

ISBN – 10: 153069079x

May 2017 Vavavoom Revision 1.1

Acknowledgements While I do love my large online group of BFFs,
there are special women who have humored my experiments, inspired
me, cheered me on, or held my hand through the making of this book.
To these friends, I thank you for being a part of something so special.

Jennifer Boyd Heidi Bragg Ann Estacio Anni Dayan Nicole Groves Sarah
Harrison Jessica King Kelsi Meldrum Julianna Lorenzen Deanna McMahon
Julie Sanches Emily Morrow Danica Nelson Jill Noelle Jen O’Sullivan Jessica
Petty Sarah Plunk Tammy Roach Amy Russell Andra Smith Jill Ulander Sarah
Wilde My biggest thanks goes to my bestie and accomplice, Betsy Bosom, who
called me up and said “Lucy! People need this information. Turn it into a book
already!” She believed in me, so I believed in myself.

And my gratitude would not be complete without thanking God who has blessed
me with interesting and unique gifts. Some of which are humor, articulation, and
unabashed flair. He has blessed me by molding me in unexpected ways to be
refined and prepared to give something good to the world.

There is a very special person who understands my heart like none other. We
met when I was just 18 years old, and he waited patiently for me to grow up.
Patience is a hallmark amongst his many qualities. He recognizes my free spirit,
allows me room to fly, while simultaneously being my perch, rock, and anchor.
We agreed when we were married that we would support each other in whatever
individual pursuits we needed to fulfill our respective hearts. He has never
wavered from this promise. Writing this book has been an exceptional testament
to this. He has generously stepped up and supported me in diverse ways to give
me the time and freedom to allow this book to take flight.
Love grows like a tree; similar to the wise words of Douglas Malloch:
“...Good timber does not grow with ease:
The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timber grow.”
I love you… Mr. Libido
Table of Contents


Hello, there Beautiful!

Using Aphrodisiac Oils

The Libido Seesaw

Get Ready

Hormone Balancing Oils

Libido it Up! Oils for Her

Libido it Up! Oils for Him

Don’t Forget the Love Button

Other Hotshots for the Bedroom

Real Women; Real Stories


Oil Reference Chart


Hello! My name is Lucy. Lucy Libido. Yup! That’s my name.

Before embarking on the faaabulous find that is the Lucy Libido girlfriend’s
guide, I want to tell you a little bit about myself.

You may have picked up this book because you are an Essential Oil lover, or
perhaps because you are looking for more WOW in the bedroom. Better yet,
maybe you are lucky enough to find yourself in the league of being an oil
Facebook friend with a friend of a friend of a friend of Lucy. Lucky you.

Well, just in case you aren’t fortunate to be a Lucy friend four times removed,
you might have some preconceptions about this whole Lucy Libido lady. While I
am the Venus of the modern-day oilers world, (Thank you, Thank you) the
galaxy does not revolve around me. I am not flawless. I do not attract men like
bees to honey only to watch them wilt in submission at the sight of my
voluptuous silhouette.

Here is what you should know about me. This book has been a while in the
making. A few years ago, I became an oil believer as I witnessed my young
daughter’s barking cough dissipate before my eyes after an application of
Breathe Again™ Roll-On oil. After that, I started using therapeutic grade
essential oils for EVERYTHING. I used them for natural healthcare, cleaning,
emotional release, courage, and even for (gasp) time spent in the bedroom.

There’s not a lot written on this subject. Most of what I learned was from a
friend of a friend. We would ask each other, “what do you use for this” or “what
should he use for that”. We would conjecture based on juicy gossip and share
our little secrets with each other. I decided there was a need for a more formal
libido and oils class (as formal as that can be). So, why not research and teach
one myself? It could be fun to teach on ways to use oils to improve our libidos
and sexuality. I also wanted it to be a place where everyone could leave having
experienced a deeper connection to the person they love most. So, I created a
special private Facebook group called Lucy Libido.

And in Lucy Libido, I learned a lot about myself.

And when I say that I learned a lot about myself, - I mean we learned a lot about
us. You see, I am not a ME. I am a WE. Lucy is not ONE person. Lucy is a
collaboration of 20 women who got together and shared:

Our secrets
Our tips and tools
Our frustrations
Our fantasies
Our insecurities
Our passions
Our failures
Our successes
We all committed to use our essential oils in the bedroom and then to
unapologetically share our results with each other. We shared what made us tick.
We shared what worked for our spouses. We shared our roadblocks. We found
solutions together. We cheered each other on.

Then we announced that we would be sharing our results from the Lucy Libido
group in an online event. What I thought would be a small private class of
yearning women turned into a phenomenon. People came in droves. Every time I
turned on my computer, my inbox was full of messages, friend requests,
questions, and pleas for support. It was tenfold what I had expected. I had to call
in the oil squad to help authorize and approve them all. The threads grew like
deep canyons. There were so many questions. So many women had issues and
they wanted help. So many women who looked and sounded… well… exactly
like Lucy.

What describes Lucy Libido? Put aside the vision of Aphrodite in all her
sumptuous glory. This is what I really look like.

I am in my 20’s and my 30’s

I am also in my 40’s, in my 50’s, my 60’s and beyond.
I am divorced and remarried and I have a blended family.
I am still learning what works for me in the bedroom.
I am learning to not fight over how often is “often enough”.
I can never find time; I am too busy with the kids.
I can’t remember the last time we were intimate.
I have pain - I’m working towards enjoying intercourse.
I have spent considerable time in multiple relationships, looking for the
right one.
I married young to the first man who asked and I have never known
I am too exhausted for sex.
I want romance more but my husband is seldom home.
I lost the drive after childbirth and I want it back.
I can remember the last time but I’m confused if it’s “good enough”.
I feel “broken”. I struggle to climax.
I feel like I can’t keep up with my husband’s sexual appetite.
My hormones stopped working after
He needs some help in the firmness department.
He will not let me touch him with the oils. (Yet….)
I don’t feel “sexy” enough.
I am navigating around a big ‘ol pregnant belly right now.
I’m confused because I always want it, and he rarely does.
I need some help in the libido department.
He seems to finish right when I get started.
I just want to want it again

I am short, tall, thin, wide, curvy, square, and downright human. I am pretty
much, well, just like you. If you found a phrase up there that sounds familiar –
rest assured that we are going to be friends. And not like a friend of a friend of a
friend. A real girlfriend. The kind that’s been there, has shared her
vulnerabilities and has a little guidance for ya. So, no matter what category you
find yourself in, sit back, relax, roll on a little Lavender, take a big whiff and
slowly exhale. This is going to be fun. After all, you are just like “me”.

Or at least one of me.

Now that you know a little about me, it’s time to get to know a little about you.
So, go grab a pen. Do you have a cute pen you love? Awesome! Time to wield it
like a boss. Got colors? Choose turquoise or pink–I mean if you are artistic
enough to have colored pens on hand, then you should definitely color
coordinate with the cover, no doubt. Get ready to jot down a few notes for me. I
know, I know. You probably weren’t expecting a book titled “Lucy Libido” to
be extremely introspective, but this is very important. Consider it your initiation
to being an official BFF of Lucy.

This book is all about oils and libido. (You got that from the cover I presume).
Well, before we even talk oils, you need to know that a big part of feeling sexy
is not defined by how you look physically. It comes from an inner panache that
emanates from the core moving outward. It’s a silent but seductive confidence of
knowing that You-Are-Beautiful.
One of the things a lot of my friends told me is that they don’t feel “sexy
enough”. Most of them have bodies that have changed with time. Their
silhouettes have transitioned through pregnancy, time, age or injury. Perhaps
they never deemed themselves “sexy enough” to start with; viewing themselves
as replete with cosmetic flaws or lacking in virtues to self-love. “Sexy enough”
is subjective. If the definition of sexy is tall and thin with huge doll-like eyes,
then I’m toast. If it’s pore-less skin, no wrinkles, collar bone-hugging cleavage
and a two-inch gap between the thighs... then, yeah. None of us are sexy, myself

But, listen here. That is not what dictates sexy. That is not what defines beauty. I
asked my cohorts of Lucy friends to tell me what makes them beautiful. What
makes them wonderful? What makes them, sexy? I asked them to describe what
makes their spouses attracted to them.

You know what--they had a hard time. They had a hard time describing what
makes them beautiful, especially, beyond their physical features. Most of them
did not answer. I think that was a wakeup call.

I think that we are so focused on our so-called “flaws” that we forget to embrace
everything that is beautiful about ourselves. And do you know what the MOST
beautiful and sexy thing is????? A woman who knows that she is beautiful!

I think we need to be a little more kind; and a little more self-forgiving. I

remember a day when I was putting on a swimsuit and my hips hadn’t seen the
sun in many months. The paleness of my trunk made the light faint streaks of my
stretch marks that were usually unnoticeable, a bit more prominent. I heard two
voices, one speaking in each ear. The critical voice impulsively said, “You can
see them. Everyone will see them”. But the forgiving voice was so much more
kind. She said, “Let the whole world see. For they are your badges of grace and
honor; to be worn with pride. They represent the greatest pain you ever endured,
to bring to pass the greatest joy you’ve ever known.” She was a beautiful voice
to heed that day.

We wake up every day and balance these voices. The critical voice is not
necessarily shallow, nor is she bad. She knows that when I find clothes that fit
me well – I feel better about how I look. She knows that when I physically
prepare myself for the day, I am more productive. She knows that when I take
the time to look my best, then I also feel my best. She knows that when I see
beauty in myself, then I also see it in others.

Allow your critical voice to exist without guilt. She need not dominate your
thoughts, but there is an appropriate time and place for her. She knows that you
are amazing, but she still wants to put her best self forward. My critical voice
helped me perfect my craft, and articulate my thoughts into book form. She
helped me create some of my best loved and acclaimed recipes. In the recipe
section, I have listed some tried and true recipes for fading stretch marks,
diminishing leg veins and smoothing dimpled skin. (Friends don’t let friends
have lingering stretch marks when you have a secret recipe to help them fade.)
There are even recipes to help him put his best “foot” forward. One nice, solid,
sturdy foot…

But the forgiving voice is important too. She is a little more quiet spoken and too
often muffled by the constant noise of life. She is a little more reverent, poised,
and a lot more wise.

My forgiving voice has taught me that I will survive when I make mistakes. She
tells me to stand tall after I’ve fallen. She whispers courage when I feel tentative
or hopeless. She knows that I am the projector of my own dreams. She reminds
me that through trial and failure I have gained my strength. She is vital because
she emphasizes my value.

If you have parts of your body that you don’t love, rest assured, you’re not alone.
Welcome to the ever popular I-don’t-love-my (fill in the blank) club.
Some features you may be able to ameliorate with your own efforts and in doing
so, you may find more confidence and happiness. Good for you! Other features
may not be so easily improved, or don’t hold much value in changing, and
perhaps those you could release with soft amnesty.

The way you express and value beauty can be individual. If you dislike a scar,
you are not vainfully wrong for not embracing it like the woman next door.
Likewise, if the woman next door does little to improve a scar, she is not
inappropriate for being overly careless.

Daily, you will hear the critical voice and the forgiving voice. Accept them for
the good they give you and balance them with aplomb. Your critical voice will
help you be your best each day, and your forgiving voice will give you peace
when you fall short. But, if you ever hear a voice that tells you that you aren’t
beautiful enough, or sexy enough or good enough to be with a partner – be aware
that you are no longer listening to something that is a part of you. You are
listening to outright lies because you ARE enough and your beauty is
inextricably bonded to your name.

I love these pictures. To me, they

represent beauty in its multiple
forms. They show courage,
growth, strength and authenticity.
They are real bodies. They are
beautiful bodies. They are bodies
just like Lucy and her friends,
and probably yours. They are
beautiful! Whether you are short,
tall, thin, curvy, plump, frail,
nipped/tucked, saggy, scarred,
stretched, petite, plus, muscular,
soft, voluptuous, or taut, you are

Ok. Pick up your pen. It’s time for initiation. This is your challenge. On the top
line, I’ve already written: “I am BEAUTIFUL.” On the following lines, write
down the hallmarks of your own unique beauty. Think of the attributes you are
proud to possess. Notate the stunning facets that make you proud to be YOU. Or,
describe the beauty that others see in you. If you need some help, here are some
ideas from my friends when we did this together.

I’m beautiful because I can laugh at anything.

I see beauty in my hips that have grown each time I grew our little
He cherishes the little noise I make when he kisses my neck.
My beauty is my boldness – I surprise him with something sexy
under a nightshirt.
My quick wit makes me attractive and beautiful.
My spouse sees beauty in my peculiarities; he loves the way I run up
the stairs on my toes.
My significant other loves my hair, my curves, and my goofiness.
My ability to give is what makes me beautiful.
Good job! That wasn’t TOO hard, was it? (Girlfriend, you’d better not be
reading this unless that page is filled out). Now you are officially one of my
BFFs! Congrats! Now that you’ve filled out the many ways that you are
beautiful; I want you to revisit them every time you pick up this book. I want
you to literally open to this page first, and remind yourself what makes you
awesome, unique and individually beautiful. You’ll probably have more come to
mind in the next few days, and I want you to add them as you go. There’s space
in the back for more thoughts as needed.

Last thing-friend to friend. Do me a favor. If you are reading this, please join
with all my other BFFs. Get a piece of paper. Write on it “I am Beautiful”. Take
a selfie while holding your paper. Email your adorable photo to Betsy at might just post it on the Lucy Libido Blog! Come
look for your picture at

I believe that you are wonderful. You are exquisite. You are discerning and
critical, but forgiving. You are beautiful. Say it to yourself once in a while.

The more you say it – the more you will believe it. The more you believe it – the
more you will know it. The more you know it, the more you will own in. And
when you OWN it GIRL………..

That’s when you become a Lucy Libido.

OK, let’s talk really quick about where to get and how to use your oils. I know
you must be super excited to discover the best oils for both him and her. But
first, I want to make sure that you are using them safely. Therapeutic grade
essential oils are very potent. It takes 150 pounds of lavender blossoms to make
1 pound of pure therapeutic grade lavender oil. For this reason, a 100% pure and
therapeutic grade lavender will be more valuable than one that is cut with
lavandin (a hybrid plant that has a similar smell to lavender but is cheaper) or
oils that are pre-diluted with carrier oil, or worse, “oils” that are altogether

A true essential oil is the lifeblood of the plant. Oils carry valuable properties
inherent to the plant. Each plant has a different value based on its chemical
makeup. When taken from the plant and used in the human body, this lifeblood
bestows those same properties into the human body. It’s crazy cool. These
properties are called chemical constituents and they are what make essential oils
living, bioavailable superstars.

Take Cypress for example. Cypress is one of my FAVORITE oils. So much so,
that whenever it goes out of stock at Young Living, my friends all tease me that I
must have recently bought up all the Cypress in bulk. I always get the wrap for
Cypress going out of stock. It’s sad and only sometimes true. Can’t a girl love
her Cypress? Sheesh!

Cypress is high in alpha-Pinene, which falls in a group of chemical constituents

called monoterpenes. Monoterpenes work in the body to inhibit the
accumulation of toxins and help discharge existing toxins from the liver and
kidney. In Cypress, there are antiseptic, expectorant and diuretic qualities.

Cypress is a fantastic support to the circulatory system. It is naturally hemostatic

and styptic; which means that it strengthens the blood vessel walls and aids them
to close in the case of an open cut or wound. The naturally occurring camphene
is also antiseptic which means it acts against bacteria and reduces the chance of
infection. So, when there is any kind of injury to the body, cypress can help to
support the body’s natural defenses to stop bleeding and prevent infection. Even
cooler though, is how these same properties work to improve circulation when
the blood vessels have not been broken.

Cypress has long been known to strengthen blood vessels by increasing their
ability to contract and release, which improves blood flow. Weak vein walls
coupled with improper circulatory pressure can make blood pool in veins
causing them to stretch and widen or bulge towards the surface. This can result
in varicose or spider veins. When applied daily to these large or spidery veins,
Cypress improves the vein’s ability to push the blockage of blood that makes
them appear raised and dark. Thus, making leg veins appear smaller, lighter and
less noticeable (Recipe at the back).

Cypress is also a gentle diuretic; which means it aids in flushing out toxins. This
is why Cypress is one of the main ingredients in YL Cel-Lite Magic Massage
oil, a fantastic naturally derived tushy-toning massage oil. Dimpled backsides
are no girl’s favorite and can sometimes be caused by fluid retention, lack of
circulation, a breakdown of collagen, tight fibrous tissues, and excess body fat.
Even thin girlies lose tone over time. Cypress helps reduce the appearance of
cellulite by reducing excess fluid, improving blood flow and increasing toxin
removal during urination. It’s especially helpful when combined with massage to
release toxins and loosen tight fibrous tissues.

While we’re talking about it, Grapefruit is the other therapeutic superstar in Cel-
Lite Magic Massage Oil. Grape fruit is high in D-limonene. D-limonene1 aids in
lipolysis2; which is the process of breaking down fats and releasing them into the
bloodstream to be used as energy (known as ketones). Excess ketones and toxins
are also flushed out through your liver and excreted through urine. This is where
Cypress and Grapefruit work so well together – the Grapefruit helps to break
down fatty tissue, and Cypress helps to strengthen the circulation and helps flush
out excess toxins and ketones.

Amazing, right? It makes my bootay look better, it makes my chest feel more
clear and it’s relaxing when diffused. Try it in the diffuser with Lavender.
AHHHH! Sooooo many reasons to love Cypress. And I haven’t even gotten to
how to use Cypress between the sheets. That’s another chapter. But, all this is to
say, that therapeutic chemical constituents in essential oils have the ability to
improve, repair and restore our bodies to function at their best. And such results
only occur when you are using a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil.

I’ll be honest when I say that I’ve been around the block. I don’t mean around
the block with men. I’m a strictly monogamous gal. I mean I’ve been around the
block with oils. I have tried all the brands. The big brands, and the little brands.
The “scientific” brands, and the online brands. The health-food store brands, and
the cheap bulk brands. I have learned that quality matters. Cut-rate oils are
inexpensive because they are CHEAP. They either only contain a small amount
of essential oil (but can still legally be labeled as pure) or the oil is a lower
quality fragrance grade oil. Fragrance grade oils still come from the plant, but do
not contain medicinal value. Chemical constituents are very sensitive and can
generally only be extracted through low heat and pressure. Ramping up the heat,
pressure, or extracting with solvents will pull more oil out of the plant giving
greater volume, but at the cost of killing the molecules that work in our body

Now, I only use Therapeutic Grade oils that are grown, distilled, tested and
sealed with a Seed to Seal guarantee. It’s what I used during my research and is
what I recommend. I’m not sponsored to say so; it’s what I trust. Young Living
is the only company that farms and distills their own oils themselves. Unlike
every other brand, they are not a middleman who buys from other sources to
rebottle, rebrand and then resell. I like knowing that they own or co-op their
farms. They grow their flowers, plants, and trees without harmful pesticides.
They test with higher standards than any other company, and they ship them
from the farm to your door. There is an abundance of chemical laden oils that are
labeled as pure. Adulterating oils with unlabeled carrier oil / synthetic additives
is almost the norm among cheaper brands. You will not get the constituent
benefits of Therapeutic Grade Cypress or Grapefruit when using cut-rate oils.
You just won’t. Lucy and her friends will not be held responsible if you get sick
from ingesting synthetic oils. And we’ll wave the I-told-you-so finger if you
break out in a rash after putting cheap oils with hidden alcohol solvents near
your lady bits. And believe me when I say that this has happened... and it will
definitely NOT improve your libido.

Moving on... here is how you can safely use your therapeutic grade Young
Living Aphrodisiac Oils:

1 limonene

2 lipolysis and grapefruit -


Get yourself a diffuser. If you have a premium starter kit, BRAVO! You already
have a medical grade high quality diffuser. Use your oil of choice and put 5-8
drops in that magic machine with filtered water. Tap water will work too, but the
minerals may wear out your diffuser more quickly and will require more

Diffusing aphrodisiac oils disperses them into the air to be inhaled. Not only do
they smell wonderful, they directly impact your brain in a fascinating way. Love,
peace, sensuality, and calm are all emotions that can be triggered by oils. Your
brain is composed of several parts, but to keep it simple, we have a “thinking
brain” (your frontal cortex) and your “feeling/emotional brain” (your limbic
brain). Your frontal cortex is logical, analytical, and is used to solve problems.
The limbic area of the brain is where our emotions lie. Feelings such as
happiness, sadness, anxiety or peace, anger or love, all emanate from this region;
so do impulses such as hunger and thirst, and sexual desire.

Essential oils can have a profound effect on your mood because they have the
unique ability to get past that “thinking brain” and impact your “feeling brain”.
When you inhale essential oil molecules, the olfactory bulb triggers the limbic
area of the brain. It stimulates the amygdala, which is the center for our sexual
drive. They also have been shown to stimulate the hippocampus which is
responsible for memory. Oils with sesquiterpene molecules are so tiny that they
can even cross the blood-brain barrier and support healthy oxygen levels around
the pineal gland which is the part of our brain associated with the regulation of
hormones and spiritual attunement. Diffusing essential oils sends signals to the
brain to relax and enjoy. This can help usher in the mood, or help with frigidity.
There are particular oils that tend to do this the most. But, don’t worry too much
about choosing the “right” oils. There are mood enhancing diffuser recipes at the
back, but much of it will be what you prefer. There is no right or wrong. Choose
what you love and enjoy!

Apply your oils topically. You can apply in several locations. If you are familiar
with Vitaflex points, you can apply oils to the Vitaflex points for male and
female reproductive systems. The point for female reproduction is the outer right
ankle. The Vitaflex point for the brain is the thumb of the hand and big toe of the
foot. For the male, his reproductive Vitaflex point is his outer left ankle. Don’t
stress this one too much. If you (a woman) accidentally put oils on the outside of
your left ankle - I promise it won’t hurt you and you won’t start growing a beard.
More common places to apply topically are the chest, behind the neck, the
forehead, behind the ears, on the wrists, or below the navel.

For oils to stimulate erogenous zones, apply the oils on the inner thighs from the
mid-thigh all the way up to the panty crease. You can also apply them two
inches below the navel. In the recipe section, I provide several inner thigh love
potions that boost hormones, increase circulation, and promote lubrication. As
you go through the book, take notes on which oils you feel your body needs
most. Then select recipes that contain those oils. Oil infused love lubes and inner
thigh potions work for women OR men.

Any time you are using an oil for the first time, you should dilute it in half in
carrier oil (one drop EO in one drop grapeseed oil, for example) and apply it to
the forearm. It is extremely rare to have an allergy, intolerance, or
hypersensitivity to an oil. But while it is rare, it is not impossible. Diluting and
applying on the forearm is a safe way to assess the reaction of your skin with any
particular oil. We’re going to learn more later about using oils for his and her
sensual massage. Yup! We’ve got recipes. OH, do we have recipes. Again –
dilute and test on your forearm first. Lucy is not responsible for crispy burned
Yayas or deflated Hoses if you don’t heed to my wisdom.

Never use hot oils like Thieves, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Panaway, neat
(undiluted) on sensitive membranes. Hot oils should always be diluted even on
regular skin. To hammer this point into your brain, I’m going to share a little

“Once upon a time, there was a woman named Lucy. She was a pro at diluting
EO’s into carrier oils for bedroom fun. She always tried new oils on her arm first
and diluted when using oils on sensitive areas.

One day, Lucy had a bit of a headache. The night was still young, so she applied
peppermint to her head to ease the tension and made for a more enjoyable night.
She was changing into something cute and was too lazy to go out and grab her
regular diluted bedroom-time blends.

For some crazy reason, she used the peppermint she had on her hand, and wiped
a drop onto her lady parts for lubrication.

She screamed in sheer terror as it burned her poor little lady bits to kingdom
come. She hopped with knees crossed like a lame rabbit to the kitchen to retrieve
grapeseed oil for a rinse. There was no amount of carrier oil in the world that
could get it off fast enough, and the night was OFFICIALLY over.”

The end.

Now you’ll always remember.

Internal Use of Essential Oils

We’re almost at the fun, fun, oil-me-up part. But first, let’s clear up some
questions that a lot of people have about ingesting oils.

Young Living Essential Oils are distilled and bottled so that if the plant is edible,
then the oil is edible. This is one thing that sets them apart from any other
copycat company in the world.

Lemon is an edible plant. Therefore, lemon oil is an edible oil. Well, so long as it
is not distilled with chemicals, solvents, or blended with synthetic fragrances
(very common with over the counter oils), then the plant oil is also edible. It
absorbs into your stomach and aids the liver in producing glutathione, which is
responsible for removing toxins from the body. It’s pretty cool.

In the oil world, we call edible oils “ingestible”. There are many oils that may
surprise you that are ingestible too! Like Bergamot comes from the citrus family
just like lemon. Frankincense and Lavender are ingestible oils. Idaho Blue
Spruce, Goldenrod, and Nutmeg are generally regarded as safe for internal
consumption (Also known as GRAS).

One of the benefits of ingesting oils is that they can work directly with the
digestive system; they work systemically through the body to aid in releasing
toxins and to support healthy hormonal balance. Healthy hormones are happy
hormones and you want your hormones to be as chipper as they can be.

Young Living has made labeling easier for using oils internally. They have a line
of oils called Vitality. You will recognize them by their white labels. All the
Vitality oils have instructions for internal use right on the label just like you
would see with a vitamin. Easy!
If the oil comes in the Young Living Vitality line, then it is safe for ingestion.
But, not every ingestible oil is in the line yet. As of this writing, Idaho Blue
Spruce, and Goldenrod, are two examples of oils that are regarded safe for
consumption but are not yet in the Vitality line. During the the first edition of
this book, neither Copaiba nor Nutmeg were in the Vitality line but have since
been added. You should always check on proper application methods in your
Desk Reference or your Reference Guide for Essential Oils.

The Desk Reference or the Reference Guide both give clear and easy
instructions on application methods of all oils. If an oil is regarded as safe for
consumption, then it will list oral directions for use as a dietary supplement. And
I only use oils that are GRAS in any oral recipe at the back of the book.

Keep in mind, all Young Living oils may be used aromatically or topically when
properly diluted. But, if you are already comfortable with your oils or you would
like to learn how to use them systemically via ingestion as a dietary supplement,
then follow the directions for dietary supplementation in these reference guides.
There is also a simple reference chart in the back that shows which Lucy Libido
oils are appropriate for internal use.

Just as you would dilute any new oil that you use topically, you should dilute
any new oil that you use internally as well. You do this by diluting the essential
oil in an ingestible carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil. I’ve come to find
that my body is fine ingesting citrus oils with no dilution needed. However, hot
oils like peppermint, oregano, and Thieves are absorbed more comfortably when
I use them in a clear empty capsule filled with several drops of olive oil. This is
the case with most people. When using any essential oil for the first time, I
recommend that you first use the new oil topically before you use it internally.
Then when using that oil internally for the first time, dilute the essential oil in
olive oil.

One of my favorite recipes for him is an internal oil capsule that may even
supersede that convenient little blue hexagon he’s been swallowing. It works by
improving circulation, blood flow, and boosting testosterone levels. Just keep
turning the pages my friend; keeeeep on turning. It’s about to get warm in here.
The Libido Seesaw

Let’s chat a little bit about the libido seesaw. Many loyal couples find
themselves frustrated in their relationships. Not because of unfaithfulness, but
for a lack of spark and desire. The most common reasons that loyal couples seek
out professional assistance are: lack of libido, difficulty climaxing or
performing, decline in frequency after childbirth/life changes, and mismatched
sex drives.

I want you to think about the person you love. I want you to envision yourself
with that person next to a seesaw. In front of that seesaw is a large container full
of large round silver balls. Now, I want both you and your loved one to grab a
burlap sack. That sack has a big ol’ honest word across it. That word is
I want you to both fill your sack with the amount of silver balls that correspond
to your individual libidos. Now, go put it on the seesaw. What do you see?

If you are like many couples – one side will probably tip down and the other will
probably tip up. It is more common for the man’s side to be heavier, pressing
down while the woman’s side is lighter. But, this is not always the case. Each
relationship is unique. Regardless of who is up, and who is down, heavily
mismatched sex drives can be frustrating for both partners.

Many times, the person who has a lighter “Libido” burlap sack doesn’t
necessarily want to have a smaller sack. Sometimes, there is just less of a need.
Sometimes medications or life’s stress is impeding on a sack that may otherwise
be more robust. Sometimes they want to have more desire, but he/she just
doesn’t know how to want to want it.

The person with the heavier sack may feel frustration. They want to express love
to the person who is their everything. They need more connection, more
frequency, and more passion. They may feel torn because they want to meet
these needs without causing pressure to the person on the other side of the
seesaw, or without feeling constant rejection.

There was a life period when Mr. Libido and I had a very unbalanced seesaw.
Part of the problem was that we were both working so much that we failed to
make intimacy (or basic one-on-one time) a priority. I was also so afraid to
become pregnant that it became a psychological block for me. So, I used an
injected birth control that I felt was the “safest” to prevent pregnancy. But the
side effect from the high levels of hormones was such that it completely
destroyed my libido. To the point, that sex sounded annoying rather than
enjoyable. I always felt prodded and expected, and he always felt longing and
rejection. We look back and see that this particular form of birth control worked
not because it prevented ovulation or implantation. Oh no, it worked primarily
because we almost NEVER had sex.

Our seesaw was so unbalanced that it affected our marriage. This was a time that
we fought more often, and we used work as a way to escape home. We would
only see each other’s faults and we nearly forgot that we chose to marry each
other because we fell in love once upon a time when we were best friends.
Your seesaw will rock up and down a bit. The person who holds the heavier sack
may teeter from time to time as well. That’s natural and normal. But having one
cemented on the floor and the other in the clouds is not healthy. When your
seesaw is more balanced, both you and your best friend on the other side will
draw closer to each other. You will see less of each other’s faults and more of
their beauty. Your love will grow stronger as you spend more time together
giving of yourself in the most beautiful way to the person you love the most.

Pulling together my BFFs and sharing what oils helped us to fill our burlap
Libido sacks was initially for a small group of women. As I have watched it
grow to a large online presence and even a book, I realize how very, very many
unbalanced seesaws are out there. With the gift of oils I have seen women fill
their sacks, balance their seesaws, and have a higher quality of life.

What about decreasing libido in the heavy burlap sack? “Are there oils to reduce
libido?” “Would that help the seesaw?” Some have asked this. Yes, there are oils
that can help calm an overactive sex-drive. Camphor has been traditionally used
by monks to reduce desire and keep them chaste. Marjoram has been shown in
studies to reduce libido in rats.3 But unless there is a medically overactive
situation or an addiction that requires suppression, the best way to balance the
seesaw is to fill the sack that is lighter.

Filling the sack that is lighter with tools to increase desire and improve fireworks
will naturally lead to wanting more. Wanting more will increase frequency
which tends to allow couples to be more relaxed and creative, which leads to
new discoveries, passions and more desire. As the lighter libido sack finds way
to improve his/her desires, the heavier sack receives fulfillment. This doesn’t
necessarily “remove” libido from that person’s sack, but it fills the need from
which the desire stems, naturally balancing the seesaw to a place where both
sides are happy and fulfilled.

Get ready to have a smile on your face next weekend because Lucy is one of
your BFFs! I’m going to teach you what we learned during our “research”. I’ll
share what helped us get in the mindset of yearning. We’ll show you which oils
will help you feel SO happy and fulfilled that you’ll be excited for more. By the
time we were done and sharing our secrets, we had a lot of balanced seesaws.
This meant a lot of satisfied Lucys, and a lot of happy Mr. Libidos.
3 Marjoram and sperm count, sperm mobility, and libido in rats
Get Ready

Let’s chat a bit about emotional and mental preparation. I’m like most women,
and for us, sex starts way before we walk into the bedroom. Unlike men, who
can become aroused just by seeing their Lucy step out of the shower, we do well
with a little bit of pampering and preparation. In our Lucy group, we
experimented with ways to get us in the mindset of va-va-voom. We found that
when we made intentional preparations during the day, we were much more
likely to “find time” in the evening. It also helped us to not be too tired to Tango
by the weekend.

I know that sometimes it’s easier said than done. If you have a house full of little
messmakers, oops, I meant little curious minds, then you may be lucky to brush
your teeth before you stage an intervention to keep your phone out of the toilet.
If you are crazy-busy with work, you may feel lucky to eat lunch, let alone meet
up for lunch. Your day is like an overloaded plate of life.

Sometimes, it’s the just the little things you can sneak into your day that really

Think of the little steps you can take to feel sexy despite all the obstacles. Do
you feel sexy when you put on a fresh face of make-up? Well, if your life
dictates that you can’t do that until after the kids are down, by all means, do it
then. It won’t be a waste being on for just a couple of hours if that means it helps
you feel romantic when the house is quiet. One thing that helps build
anticipation for me is taking the extra 5 minutes in the shower to shave my legs
and “Lucy territory”. Yes, it may mean an extra episode of sing-song cartoons
for the kids but that’s time well spent when it makes me feel excited that I have
something fabulous coming. Here are a few other tips we found helpful.

Set aside a special EO infused soap that you pamper yourself with just before
game time. The scent will remind you of intimacy and can invite feelings of
excitement. Likewise, you can do this with a special diffuser blend. You can
choose one or two blends that you diffuse just during your time together. The
sense of smell can trigger anticipation for you, and it will certainly pique his
interest when he walks into the room. “Honey is that the “Charm-the-Snake”
blend I smell???” (You can name it whatever you want….)

Set aside time for intimacy. Yes, it may sound a little odd, almost like you’re
scheduling it in next to your teen’s orthodontist appointment or your next pap
smear. But truly, as much as spontaneity is deliciously exuberant, unless both
you and your honey have lots of spare time on your hands, you are unlikely to
use those hands on each other. Plan one-on-one time with each other. Date your
spouse. Get a sitter or create a babysitting swap with other couples. Reserve time
to be alone together to reconnect and initiate intimacy.

Buy yourself some pretty panties. Yes, I said pretty. Wearing something pretty
doesn’t mean that you are less strong, doomed to submission, or inferior. You
can still wear pretty lace panties and be on top whenever you wish. Whether you
choose black mesh or pink lace is up to you. But, putting on something that
makes you look sexy will probably help you to feel sexy – and feeling sexy is
the first step to being in an eager mindset.

Here’s a thought. If you know you are trying to set aside time that night to be
alone, start the day off by wearing something incredibly non-practical and
sensual underneath. Even if you are in leggings and a T-shirt, there’s something
about knowing you have a lacy surprise waiting to be discovered underneath. Or,
if you want to be even more of a vixen, go without panties all together. Then,
text your Mr. Libido and inform him that you are commando and time his
record-speed commute home. That’s a fun game.

Text him a suggestive thought or picture. “I’m wearing something teeny tiny
under my dress, can you guess what it is? Maybe when I get home you’ll find
out…..” This type of mental foreplay is extremely effective. It rouses both him
and her to be aching for each other until they can meet up. A note on safe sexting
however; it’s fun but be smart about it. Always ensure that he has his phone in
his hands first. Do you want to send a private picture only to discover that he
was grabbing snacks for his team when that gnarly photo popped up on the
phone left on his desk in front of clients?? EEeeehhhhhhhsshhh Oooooooopps.

The next rule of this banter is-delete delete delete! If you’re going to play this
way, then both of you have to know that you must delete both the conversation
and the photo stream. There’s nothing worse than your kids picking up your
phone to text daddy and then seeing HELLO MOMMY in the prior message.
Oh wait.... Actually, there is something worse. It’s worse when you are scrolling
through your photo stream with a mom from preschool to show her your kid’s
talent show pictures, and you scroll into “come-home-honey” pictures that you
forgot to remove. OH MY GOSH... Not that I know.

Continuing on... once in a while, treat yourself to something that you want. It
can be a pair of jeans that flatter your hips that you had to save for. Many of my
friends mentioned a splurge for a haircut, massage, or facial. Maybe it is a few
hours with a personal trainer. We all have different wish lists. Without a doubt
there is never enough funds for everything on our wish lists all at once. Still,
allowing the kindness of gifting to ourselves in moderation has value. We are
demonstrating to ourselves that we are deserving of something that brings us

Use your oils to de-stress and unwind. There are days when you feel like you
might want to pull your hair out. Remember that oils are unique in how they can
cross the blood brain barrier and oxygenate the part of your brain that deals with
emotions. Diffuse some Peace and Calming™ or Joy™ to keep your “I’m-going-
crazy” meter at or below “maniac”. Apply Stress Away™ or Tranquil™ so you
don’t want to kill your spouse over minor offenses, like not changing the empty
toilet paper roll. (This never happens at our house.) Diffuse the sleep inducing
oils to get kids down to bed early. Then oil yourself up with heart-pumping,
lube-secreting, desire-enhancing, leg-crossing aphrodisiac oils, saunter your way
into his arms and give him a big molten kiss.
Hormone Balancing Oils

It happens every month. It’s like there’s some kind of cycle to it. Not only do I
notice the change…. but my body does too. It tells me that I need Progessence
Plus Serum. So I use it, and of course then Mr. Libido gets to hear about it. This
is a recurring conversation with Mr. Libido:

“Have I told you how GREAT Progessence Plus is?”

“Yes. You told me about 28 days ago.”
“My head has totally stopped pounding.”
“You said that 56 days ago.”
“I feel sooooooo much happier now! I have energy! I don’t have to
sleep all day.”
“You mentioned that 84 days ago...”
I have this repeating cycle of talking non-stop about how much I LOVE
Progessence Plus. I tend to talk a lot about it, in fact, every 28 days or so.

A few years ago, and after my third baby, I started getting migraines. They
would keep me in bed with my eyes covered. The only way I could function on
those days was sleeping for hours during the day while the kids were at school,
and then taking caffeine and painkillers to get me through the afternoon. I
remember one day, it was so bad, I had to take my baby into daycare just so I
could sleep in a dark room. They didn’t happen every day, maybe once a month.
It would last a day or two and then disappear.

I was on a trip once when I felt the throbbing starting on the sides of my head. A
good friend of mine, who was also a nurse, was sharing a hotel room with me.
She was also an “oiler”. Noticing my bathroom clutter, she said “That’s a
menstrual migraine, Lucy. Do you have some Progessence Plus?”

Now LUCY is the kind of person who would never NEED Progessence.
NOOOOO, that’s just for women with endometriosis or severe PMS. I am the
love queen. I am happy all the time, not subject to irritability ever, and am 100%
sexy day and night. Even on my period, I smell of roses and hummingbirds
flutter about my head.

“Nah, I’m just overtired.” I said, and popped my pill.

About a month later, it started again. I kinda noticed something this time…. It
was about a month since my last migraine. Hmmmmm. So, I ordered the
hormone balancing oil that is supposed to help everything from libido to
migraines. I figured it would be good to have it on hand.

Then AGAIN. A month later – I felt it return. Like clockwork.

Then I learned how unbalanced I really was. I realized how much happier I
could be once I learned how to balance my hormones with natural plant extracts.

Life is all about balance. We balance our professional and private lives. We
balance our proteins and carbs. We balance home life with work life. It’s all a
balancing act!
In yoga, there’s a pose called Scorpion, where you’re balancing on your arms
and your body is arched over the head, like a scorpion stinger. A person needs
100% balance and focus to achieve that pose! If your core isn’t activated, if your
arms aren’t supported, if your legs are too far forward, it’s just not going to
happen. It’s VERY much the same with our hormones and libido.

Here’s a story from one of my BFFs.

I knew for years that my hormones were out of balance. Several babies in a
short amount of time coupled with intense stress and a poor diet affected
most areas of my life. I was feeling sluggish, crabby, and definitely not sexy
or beautiful! I had no desire for sexual intimacy and would often pretend like
I was asleep so my husband wouldn’t get any ideas.

Bless my Mr. Man, he was so very understanding, but he has needs too, and
that made me feel even more inadequate since I wasn’t able to meet them.
Several years ago when I realized I was crazy out of whack, I was just
starting out on my personal journey to a healthier lifestyle. I wanted to find a
natural way to put my body back into balance. Makes sense, right?
Fast forward about a year later; I discovered essential oils. Cool! Then I heard
about Progessence Plus Serum. Even cooler! It’s not just an essential oil, but
a natural progesterone supplement with essential oils and wild yam extract.
The first time I tried it, I felt nothing different. But, I was much nicer to my
kids! The second time I tried it... let’s just say that I’m glad my husband
works from home, and I’m glad we have a lock on our bedroom door! Mr.
Man was so happy that I’d found something that helped me get frisky. I had
my sex drive back!! It was definitely an unexpected outcome, but a very nice

This isn’t a “quick fix” supplement, but for me in the long term, it has helped
reset my hormonal balance and given me that part of my life back.

Progessence Plus Serum was developed by a doctor who specializes in women’s

hormonal issues. When testing women who came to see him, almost all of them
had low progesterone or ZERO progesterone. This is a problem, because this is a
hormone that our body needs in adequate amounts for our libido and overall
wellness. Many women’s issues like endometriosis, menstrual migraines, and
PMS may be related to low levels of natural progesterone. Low progesterone
and/or estrogen also contribute to hot flashes and night sweats. Progesterone
production decreases over time and tends to drop after childbirth for many
women. When it drops too low, our sex drive disappears too. Boo!

Well, the next time my head started pounding, I followed the advice of my
friends. I applied Progessence Plus to my forearms and the back of my neck. I
drank lots of water and Ningxia Zyng with its touch of caffeine. To my utter
delight, the pounding dissipated. And every 28 days or so when I start to feel it
creeping in, I know my body’s levels are too low. I found that low progesterone
presents differently in different bodies. This is why it affects libido in one, PMS
in another, and migraines in the next. So, whenever any of my friends is dealing
with any of these things, I tell them to try Progessence Plus first. And now, at
least once a month, it becomes my best friend and Mr. Libido gets to hear allllll
about it. Again.

Besides Progessence Plus, there are a few other hormone balancing oils that you
should know about. Lady Sclareol and SclarEssence are Essential Oils blends
that also work to balance the female reproductive system. These blends both
increase healthy estradiol levels. Estradiol supports the ovaries and uterus for
reproductive purposes and it supports the bones and joints lifelong. Estradiol
levels drop with age and especially so for some during menopause. Women who
have naturally higher estradiol levels tend to have fewer issues with fertility and
have more substantial bone mass.4

Natural hormones abound in our body and are necessary for reproduction and
other vital systems. Phytoestrogens, like those found in Clary Sage are plant
hormones that are similar to mammal estrogens and are bioavailable in the body.
Cool eh?!

However, synthetic progesterone and synthetic estrogen are NOT completely

compatible with the body. The incompatibility and synthetic nature of these
products are such that they have very serious side effects.... and serious means
cell mutation B.A.D. Like a-disease-we-shall-not-name bad.

Studies have shown that when the body has high levels of natural hormones,
either from human or plant derived hormones, the risks of these diseases
DECREASED. When the body has low levels of natural hormones, or is pumped
with synthetic hormones, the risks of these diseases INCREASED.5

Moral of the study:

Human hormones. GREAT.
Plant hormones. GOOD.
Synthetic hormones? BAD.
Lady Sclareol
Lady Sclareol is a fantastic lady hormone balancing oil. It contains oils known to decrease negative
emotions, boost confidence, and help the wearer to feel more peaceful and grounded. Geranium aids in
hormonal balance and Clary Sage aids with cramps, PMS and agitation. Ylang Ylang helps to balance male-
female sexual energy and encourages feelings of sensuality. Sage Lavender has been shown to support the
body’s estradiol levels which equates to being more regular.

In the Lucy research group, Lady Sclareol was loved by women of all ages, but especially by women
between the ages of 40 and 50. This age group loved Lady Scareol the most because the properties in this
blend support the body’s natural transition through menopause. It can be worn daily as a perfume to support
healthy estradiol levels which is increasingly important for this life change. You can continue wearing this
blend lifelong to feel cool, calm and collected. Lucy recommends wearing it like a perfume because it
smells delicious while keeping your hormones in balance. Not only will you smell as amazing as you are,
but you will feel more balanced and in tune with your partner.

Dragon Time
Dragon Time is a hormone balancing oil that was developed JUST for that time
of the month. Ahhhhhh yup. That “Dragon Time”. Nobody wants to deal with
wicked PMS or unnecessary menstrual woes. This sweet bottle contains a blend
of oils that helps to ease cramped muscles, improve mood, calm the mind and
balance hormones. It helps to tame the dragon. I love it in a hot Epsom bath at
night and I recommend applying it over your abdomen during the day. This one
is gentle enough that even teens can use it. Don’t you wish you had this when
you were a teenager?
SclarEssence is a special blend of ingestible oils that loves your girly systems.
All the oils in SclarEssence are GRAS and can be taken as a supplement. The
beauty of having an estradiol supporting blend as a dietary supplement is that
women can consume this internally and it supports and loves on the reproductive
system. Low estradiol levels are commonplace amongst women with irregularity
or reproductive complaints. While reproductive health is multifaceted and has
many components, supporting healthy estradiol levels plays an important part in
bone health, energy levels, metabolism, libido, and emotional well being. Some
people swear that this oil is more effective when applied by your partner, so
that’s even more reason to oil up together.
Endoflex is an endocrine supporting blend. The endocrine system is responsible
for telling your body what hormones to produce and when to produce them. It
regulates metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function,
reproduction, sleep, libido and mood. Endoflex supports the pineal and pituitary
glands and adrenal glands.

Using Endoflex daily can support overall endocrine health. This can be
beneficial for the thyroid, for metabolism, and for energy. It can even benefit
libido as part of a total package of hormonal balance. Endoflex essential oil can
be used topically over the thyroid, kidneys, or liver and Endoflex Vitality can be
taken internally as a dietary supplement.

All these bottled beauties help you to feel happy, collected and balanced. Simply
having your hormones in harmony can make a HUGE difference in desire.

What if you suspect your hormones are off but you don’t know which ones you
need most? When in doubt, most women are too low in progesterone.
Progessence Plus is a good place to start. You could also ask your doctor to
order blood work and test your hormone levels. At the back of this book, I have
included frequently asked questions. The last page gives information on finding
quality labs.

What if you’ve had a hormone related disease? What if you are on birth control?
How about if you are pregnant or nursing? All these questions are addressed by
Dr. Dan Purser in his frequently asked questions document which I have
attached at the back of this book.

Learning to use these oils has helped me to be more even-keeled and resilient. I
use a drop or two on my forearms as needed, then I go about my day. It helps put
my estrogen and progesterone back into harmony, similar to how I was before
kids. Not only do they bring back sexual desire, they can improve general
happiness and serenity as well. So many of my BFFs reported “being nicer to my
kids” as a benefit. (I’m not kidding!) Balance will mean more happiness inside
the bedroom and out. Balance is strength, and these little bottles are the scorpion
pose of balancing oils.

4 Estrogen and bone mass - -

5 Disease rates among progesterone deficient women -

Libido it Up! Oils for Her

Ylang Ylang! Ahhhhh! Sweet delectable Ylang Ylang. I hope you have some.
I hope so because this stuff is amazing. Its power as an aphrodisiac, has been
long known. In Indonesia, the petals of the Ylang Ylang flowers are scattered
over the bed of newlywed couples on their wedding night. It has traditionally
been viewed as a romantic flower and has an alluring scent.

Ylang Ylang is one of the ingredients in both Joy and Sensation oil blends, and it
is especially wonderful in my opinion because it increases libido in women, plus
men tend to respond to the scent on their women as well.

Ylang Ylang is a flower that grows in Equador. The petals are picked early in the
morning to maximize oil yield. The oil increases feeling of happiness, adoration,
and it calms the mind. Its calming effect can even impact blood pressure just a
tad to help you feel zen.

Ylang Ylang is known to harmonize and balance male-female energies. It

increases libido in both men and women by increasing sexual energy. It can be
used in the diffuser, and it is simply magical on the inner thighs.

Ylang Ylang is generally regarded as safe for consumption, (GRAS) however

this oil smells so amazing that I would never put it in a capsule. This baby works
best by building euphoria in the air, or by seducing him while he inhales it from
your thighs. Ylang Ylang calls him. She says: “Just get over here and kiss me”.
Cypress...Yippee!! We are back to Cypress again! I do believe I’ve already
ranted and raved about how awesome it is to tone down veins and any lumpity-
lumps on your hiney. Time to talk about my favorite use of this lovely conifer. I
call Cypress the “Thighmaster”. It is my favorite oil to use in inner thigh potions
for the bedroom. It can be used for men and women, but I have included it here
because it is simply a MUST-HAVE to help the ladies get swollen in the flood

You can mix Cypress with any other oil that you love. Cypress and Orange.
Cypress and Ylang Ylang. Cypress and Clary Sage. You get the idea.

The reason I love Cypress sooo much for use between the sheets is because
Cypress stimulates blood flow and circulation in the body. The chemical
constituents are like a magical power that sucks all heat and blood from my legs
upwards and inwards. Oh. My. Yes… Blood flow is kinda a big deal when you
are talking squirming beneath the covers. If you need help getting engorged,
Cypress is your thighmaster friend. If you want him standing at attention like a
saluting navy seal, then guess what?! That’s going to depend a LOT on blood
flow too. And likewise, SUPER-DUPER O-MY-WOW explosions for women
depend a lot on blood flow as well.

See the pattern? Cypress = blood flow and blood flow = magic. Apply it on your
inner thighs. Apply it on his inner thighs. Mix it with your other favorites. But
DON’T forget the Cypress. For the love of Lucy’s favorite... Don’t forget the
Yay! Next we are going to talk about a girl’s best Friend; Clary Sage.
Clary Sage is a lady’s oil that has been used since once-upon-a-time for
hormonal issues. It is your friend during PMS; while your Aunt Redina-Flow
stops into town and for the hormonal drop after she leaves. Clary Sage is one of
the main oils to help with PMS in our beloved Dragon Time blend, and to
balance hormones in blends like SclarEssence and Lady Sclareol.

Right around that red time of the month, estrogen levels drop quickly and
drastically. This is part of the reason why you may feel the need to break down
crying when your eyeliner doesn’t go on straight. Everything is tragic when your
estrogen levels are low.

But doesn’t estrogen increase the risk of really scary tumors? Yes, and no.
Women who naturally have higher levels of estrogen don’t generally take
synthetic estrogen. Unfortunately, women who utilize synthetic based estrogen
hormones have higher rates of diseases. We talked about this a bit already with
Progessence Plus, but it’s good to recap. Studies have shown that SYNTHETIC
estrogen (and progesterone) are linked to high disease rates as a side effect. But,
using plant compounds such as USP grade wild yam (P4) progesterone found in
Progressence Plus or phytoestrogens in Clary Sage do not increase the risk of
these scary side effects. In fact they have been shown to lower your risk in some

OK-so how does this all tie in with libido???? This is REALLY cool. You see, a
woman naturally feels more “in the mood” when her estrogen levels are higher.
This is because our estrogen levels are highest when we are ovulating. We are
designed to feel more in the mood when we are fertile. It’s how we were made.

As we age, our estrogen levels drop. One sign of low estrogen is “dryness” down
there. Applying Clary Sage to the inner thighs or below the navel helps to
increase natural lubrication. I can TOTALLY attest to that. Talk about the
difference between a dry turkey and a juicy one. Want a really easy way to
remember? Not to freak you out... but you know that time you went to the
bathroom and your TP was totally all slimy, opaque and creamy..... Yeah. High
estrogen day. Now you will think of me every time it happens.

Using a drop of Clary Sage daily can increase your natural levels of estrogen so
that you can feel more frisky, more lubricated, and more willing. You can apply
on your forearms, wrists, Vitaflex points for the reproductive system, on the
back of the neck or below the navel.

You can also diffuse Clary Sage. It’s a middle note, which means it’s not super
floral or super earthy. It mixes well with bright top notes like Orange, or with
floral blends like Ylang Ylang or Joy.

Clary Sage is also generally regarded as safe for internal consumption. (GRAS)
If you choose to use Clary Sage Vitality internally, start with 1-2 drops in a
capsule filled with Olive Oil. Note; this may make you more fertile.

So, for all the Lucy wannabes-If you desire to be juicy, naturally lubed and
frisky, start adding a drop of Clary Sage to your daily routine. You may find that
you are a little more frisky and a lot more prepped downstairs.
Joy. Joy makes me so joyful that I present a poem. Ahem.

Lucy’s Ode to Joy

Oh Joy, how I love thee,
With your lovely floral scent that
Replaced my paraben perfume.
Joy; who balances my crazy hormones,
Promotes feelings of self-worth,
And makes me irresistible to Mr. Libido.

Okay. So, it doesn’t rhyme. I can’t be good at everything. But, I could literally
go on and on and ON about how much I love Joy. At the time I first used Joy, it
was in the Everyday Oils kit. I thought it would be one I that I wouldn’t use
much, but boy-oh-joy-oh-boy was I wrong! I like the way it smells and more
importantly, I love how it makes me feel.

Did you know that Joy was originally named “Love”? The oils in Joy stimulate
the brain’s sense for love and affection. Diffusing Joy is a good way to invite the
mood. If you don’t love the floral aroma of Joy, try blending it with some
Lemon to make it more bright, or blend it with Clary Sage to make it more
earthy. This oil can be used aromatically or topically to raise frequency and to
increase feelings of love. It’s fantastic in love lubes and inner thigh potions.

I use it over my heart during the day to balance out my crazy and to bring me a
calm happy feeling. Mr. Libido not only loves the attitude elevation it can give,
but he also can’t seem to keep his hands off me. Yes, I bathe in Joy now.

And at Night? Oh, at night… Take a couple drops of Joy in a few drops of
carrier oil, (I personally love Sensation Massage Oil for this) and rub it on your
inner thighs. Get all the way up in your leg crease, and on your lower abdomen.
If your Mr. loves the floral scent - put a drop between your cleavage. Trust me.
The perfect blend of Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine and Rose really gets you
in the moooooooood. And when you are in the mood - it’s always more juicy
and delicious! I like to do this straight out of the shower, right before getting into

With Joy to help me, I have been able to get to the big “jOy” faster. So, if you
don’t have it already, put it on your must-have list. If you do have it now, (lucky
lucky) pull it out tonight. Your “Ode to Joy” song will probably sound better
than mine. Something more like: Oh…… Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh……

I’ve got a secret. And it’s sensational. And it’s like something else we’re
talking about here.... it also starts with the letter S.

That little secret is Sensation.

Sensation is an alluring blend of Ylang Ylang, Bergamot and Jasmine. It smells

like Joy, but a little bit softer because it contains less Geranium than Joy which
gives it a strong floral scent. Not a lot of people know about Sensation..... but it’s
named that for a reason. It is simply Sensational.

It really gets me purrrrring. Often, I find myself feeling over scheduled and
stressed to the point that it makes me not want to be touched. Boo. When I am in
this state, Sensation can help pull me out and help release my blocks to being
intimate and loved. I find the scent to be uplifting and opening.

Sensation can be used aromatically to set the tone. The soft floral aroma is
uplifting and arousing without being overbearing. When Mr. Libido smells our
room full of Sensation, he knows what’s in store for both of us.

My favorite way to use Sensation is on the inner thighs. You can use it on the
edge of your ears, the back of the neck, and in your cleavage crease too. The
moment I apply a couple of drops of Sensation to these areas, I start to have
feelings of ANTICIPATION. My body starts tingling and I begin to crave
what’s next.

I love it mixed with Orange, Cypress, or even all by itself. Sensation is so mild
that it can even be used on more sensitive areas with very little dilution. Have
your lovelight rub a drop of coconut oil and a couple drops of Sensation all over
your C-singing love button and Oh, WOW! You will not be complaining. You’ll
be singing. “Lucy was RIGHT, this is O O O soooooo Sensational!!!!”
If you have yet to discover Valor, then you don’t know what you are missing.
Valor is so popular, it gets an entourage. Valor II followed the original Valor
when it became too popular. Both blends are designed to help loosen emotional
blocks. Both Valor and Valor II contain oils that stimulate the limbic area of the
brain. They help you to relax and to promote feelings of confidence and courage.
This is the perfect choice to use liberally throughout the day to keep stress levels
down. In the bedroom, it smells amazing diffused. You can wear Valor over the
heart, on the wrists, or the back of the neck.

Valor helps me to ease feelings of anxiousness and worry. If Valor could talk,
she would say “Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay.” And oddly enough, even
though Valor can’t talk, she says this to your mind when you put it on your
body. And when she reassures you, you believe her.

Valor is the perfect “preparation oil”. Wear it while you are shaving your legs,
making an inner thigh roller bottle or when you are picking out something
smashing to wear. Valor makes you confident about whatever is imminent. So,
you can feel self-assured during the day at the office, and fearless at night in the

Oh, Orange. Orange is like a drop of happiness in a bottle. It’s one of the
sweetest and most brightly amber saturated oils in the rainbow. Orange is a
“bright” oil. Orange welcomes light and happiness. It is carefree and secure.
Orange brightens the mood, lifts the spirit, energizes the mind and creates
feelings of bliss. Think of summer childhood days playing in the water or eating
bright popsicles out in the sun.

For the adult, Orange helps to let go of stress and enjoy being in the moment.
This oil opens the sacral chakra near the pelvic area. This chakra is associated
with pleasure, creativity, and sensuality. Orange is an aphrodisiac oil that helps
you to let go of your grown-up problems and embrace sexuality and fun. Orange
is AWESOME for frigidity. It can help you relax if you have low libido due to a
bit of anxiety. It is fantastic when mixed with a floral like Ylang Ylang or an
equalizer like Cypress or Clary Sage.
It can be used in the diffuser to help you chill, or on the inner thighs to unwind
and let go.

Orange also earns a rockstar status for the man. In order for a man’s joystick to
perform like the 1984 Nintendo champion, he’s got to have a plethora of
hormones surging through his body in just the right order and at just the right
time. It’s kinda like having the secret code to unlock ultimate invincibility for
hormonal success. Ask him if he remembers the ultimate code: Up-Down-Up-
Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-B-A-Select-START. KABOOM!

Some components of a man’s secret joystick code are L-arginine, Testosterone,

and Glutathione. L-arginine is an amino acid that improves Nitric Oxide in the
body. (This amino acid is found in the supplement MultiGreens, FYI) Nitric
Oxide improves vascular dilatation of the joystick. Glutathione is an antioxidant
that is concentrated in the liver and is one of the necessary components of a nice
frozen solid… popsicle. Low levels of glutathione are more linked to melting
creamsicles. Apply 8 drops of Orange or Lime over the liver to increase internal
glutathione levels. Aside from smelling like a carefree summer popsicle, it will
support his Big Stick as well.
Libido it Up! Oils for Him

All right, now we get to chat more about oils for the men. While many of
these oils can be used on both genders (Orange, Cypress, Mister for example),
some are especially suited to just him. We’re going to start with one of my
favorite oils for HIM. And by that, I mean an oil that your main man can wear to
make sex more awesome for YOU. Because let’s face it... when intimacy is
better for you, it happens more often for HIM. That’s something that Mr. Libido
wants to pass along to all the men out there!

Mr. Libido has an oil that he really likes. It’s called Idaho Blue Spruce. And it
really does “SPRUCE” him up in a very good way. It helps him stay firmer
longer so I can enjoy myself longer as well. It’s nature’s version of that little
blue hexagon if you will. This sprucing oil is like a military call to STAND at
ATTENTION! It can be used with coconut oil as a lubricant and has a nice
warming effect for me too. It is just one of many oils that we like to use to make
intimacy last longer.

Dr. Dan Purser shared an informal study where he observed that 8 drops a day of
Idaho Blue Spruce in a capsule showed a significant boost in testosterone in 2
weeks. I know of many men who keep their levels healthy and high with 5 drops
daily as a supplement. Some of my friends have even reported that with regular
ingestion, their man has seen actual lengthening in their little soldier. The things
I talk about with my girlfriends!

Here’s the nice thing about it... your man isn’t left with any “unmanageable
salutes”, as my dear husband would say. It naturally wears off soon after
playtime. But, it keeps things going longer and helps with firmness. Yes, I could
tell a difference. I’m not promising actual numbers.... and NO, I will not include
a before and after picture with a ruler. But, for the sake of learning, let’s just say
that the first time we used this oil, I instantly saw and FELT a difference. As for
you, it’s fine if a little rubs off inside you. It’s warming and exotic. It’s a must-
have oil in the bedroom!

Idaho Blue Spruce can be used aromatically, topically and internally. It is

designated as GRAS (Generally regarded as safe for consumption by the FDA).
It’s so versatile and I really do like how this one smells in the air. Try blending it
with Ylang Ylang for a massage oil you both can use.

You can (and when I say “you can” what I mean is “you should”) use Idaho Blue
Spruce in a warm-up session. This is where I remind you again to dilute and
apply to the forearm first. After his forearm gives you the go ahead, then go
ahead and apply to his inner thighs and the lower shaft of his soldier. I don’t
recommend applying over the eye of the one-eyed-snake. Oils don’t go in eyes.
Even snake eyes.

If your man just needs a little boost, it’s amazing what a little “wake-up call”
capsule can do for him. Have him take a capsule with 4-5 drops Idaho Blue
Spruce 20 minutes before go-time. Then manually massage some more (diluted)
around his lower shaft and love stones for an extra sturdy soldier. If your man
needs regular help in the firmness department, has low libido, or needs some
assistance with longevity or standing at attention, then daily internal use would
yield a better result than occasional usage in the bedroom. He can take 3-8 drops
in a capsule with olive oil as a supplement for men’s health. Who knew a conifer
could be SOOO Spruce-tastic?!
Goldenrod! Ahhhhhhh Goldenrod. Tee hee hee. I can hardly say the name
without snickering. Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a plant named “Goldenrod.” The oil from the
flowering top of the plant was found to improve circulation and aid the urinary
tract. According to the University of Montreal in Canada, it was also found to
help with deflated hoses and firmness of.... well, you know... that male body part
we’ve come to refer to around here as, “the Soldier.” I told my friends about this
blessed oil’s USEFUL advantages and they gave it a try. My friends reported
back an increase in firmness using goldenrod topically as well as internally.

We’ve come to love Goldenrod so much that we don’t call it “Goldenrod”

anymore. We call it Golden ROD. Cuz truly, Golden + Rod..... that’s what it
does. This is very good news for those who want a little more GOLD in their

Goldenrod is a seasonal oil that is distilled in the fall. I highly recommend

stocking up in the fall to have plenty to last you through the spring. It’s a sad day
when you tip your goldenrod bottle upside down and it’s empty in March. All
the Valentine’s Day lovers snatched it up in February and there are months to
wait until it blooms again.

You can use Goldenrod topically in a soldier and love stone massage or as an
inner thigh love potion.

You can also choose to take up to 3 drops in a capsule with olive oil. Goldenrod
oil has been known to be edible ever since the Boston Tea Party era, when
English tea was dumped into the harbor and the colonists drank goldenrod tea
instead. My Mr. Libido has used it in a perky pellet with much success. A little
goes a long way. Enjoy your golden “rod” ladies!
Oohhhhhh Ok. Nutmeg is another blood pumping must-have for your mister.
Technically, it can be used on the ladies too, but we’ve seen the best results
using it for the guys. You ready for some fun facts?

Nutmeg essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the seed or husk. It is
a stimulant. It can be applied over the belly or taken internally (only Young
Living Vitality of course). Nutmeg improves digestion by stimulating the
stomach. It has long been rumored to help with issues like flatulence, and
indigestion and constipation.

Now, before you say “Ew, that’s not what I’m here for Lucy”, Nutmeg is also an
aphrodisiac oil. Nutmeg’s energizing properties stimulate both physical and
sexual energy. Some people report feeling “wired” after diffusing or ingesting
Nutmeg. It can be comparable to a caffeine kick depending on your body’s

Emotionally, Nutmeg stimulates energy and physically it increases circulation by

ramping healthy vasodilation. Think of it this way. Vaso=blood vessel and
dilation=makes bigger. Put two and two together. I think you can do the math.

Nutmeg is such an effective tool for dilating blood vessels and increasing
circulation, that it is the first natural recommendation for conditions where the
blood vessels constrict.

Nutmeg is SO stimulating, that it can have negative effects when used in

excessive amounts, like heart racing, palpitations, or hallucinations. So, don’t go
crazy. No drinking a whole bottle in hopes to transform into Captain America,

Nutmeg can be diffused or applied topically. It’s a little more sensitizing on the
skin than Goldenrod or Idaho Blue Spruce; so be sure to DILUTE this one and
start on the inner thighs and work “up” from there only IF needed. Usually, I
keep this one on the inner thighs rather than working South. Nutmeg Vitaltiy can
be taken internally. When ingesting, I recommend starting with 1-2 drops
Nutmeg Vitality diluted with olive oil in a capsule.

If energy/stamina in the bedroom is what you’re after, then try this fun little
recipe. This special blend is called “Mr. Libido’s Perky Pellet” and it is the result
of fun-time trial and error in our research group. After you have ensured that
your arm doesn’t have any sensitivity to these oils, make the perky capsule.

It’s 5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 3 drops Goldenrod, and 3 drops Nutmeg in a
capsule with 10 drops Olive Oil. Have him swallow 10-30 minutes before go
time for optimal circulation.

Tell your Mr. not to double the recipe just because he has bulging muscles like
Thor. Even Thor should start with the classic recipe. I should know. We’re tight.
Next, we will be discussing a special oil blend for the hubsters called Mister.
This blend was originally formulated to balance male energy and support healthy
prostate function. Ironically, some women found that it ALSO helped them with
hot flashes and mood swings.

Remember when we were talking earlier how hot flashes, PMS, irritability and
night sweats are often a sign of low progesterone or low estrogen?

Ironically, women need certain levels of testosterone, although not nearly as

much as men. We do need more estrogen and progesterone. When those levels
fall too low, we get koo-koo bird grumpy. Well, occasionally that insane
irritability can also happen when your estrogen is too high, and your testosterone
is too low. I know, it sounds crazy-not enough testosterone? But, we need it too.
For women who are estrogen dominant, adding estrogen to their lives (even if
it’s natural) doesn’t make them more balanced, obviously.

Women who tend to feel more balanced using Mister fall in the category of
being estrogen dominant, and they tend to be older than 30. But, that’s not a
hard, fast rule.

Mister is a blend that is designed to balance male hormones, support prostate

health, and help it to function properly. Mister contains an oil called Blue
Yarrow. That same Blue Yarrow is also in our beloved Dragon Time blend. It
helps to balance the glandular system in both men and women.

Dragon Time tends to help more women from puberty through age 30 and
Mister tends to work well for women 30+. Again, this is a general guideline, and
either age group could use either oil.

As for the men, Mister helps the prostate function optimally, therefore it can be a
big part of his libido and performance. You can apply Mister to his ankles and to
the front and back of the pelvis. Apply daily for optimal prostate performance. It
smells quite nice actually, and it’s really soothing in a bath, or worn as a

The ingredients of Mister are: Yarrow, (a prostate decongestant) Sage,

(strengthens vital centers) Myrtle, (helps normalize hormonal imbalances of the
thyroid and sex glands) Fennel, (has hormone-like activity) Lavender (is
relaxing and grounding) and Peppermint (strengthens the liver and glandular
function). All good things to get the man back on track.

As a total tangent and side note - I’ve been to the Young Living farm and I have
watched them distill Blue Yarrow. This is an oil that is hard to find. It is
absolutely fascinating. The flowers are a pale yellow - but the oil comes out a
bright blue. During the distillation process, the plant material releases
chamazulene which gives the oil its vivid blue color. And that’s what gives the
light blue tint to your Dragon Time and Mister blends.

If your husband’s libido gas tank is running low, this is definitely one to look
into to perk things up again. Or even possibly yours. Mister isn’t picky; this
blend swings both ways.
Remember when we talked about how it’s more important to feel confident
than it is to look like a supermodel? Well, Hong Kuai is often called “confidence
in a bottle”. With the highest sesquiterpene content of any Young Living oil,
Hong Kuai is like inhaling liquid confidence.
Hong Kuai is distilled from trees that grow on the steep rainforest mountaintops
of Taiwan. I imagine that whoever can get up there to retrieve these trees must
have already had some liquid confidence given to them from their Tarzan
ancestors. Who else would have such confidence and courage to ascend to the
tops of the earth for such a priceless oil? They probably have developed
grappling muscles from climbing the mountaintops. Emitting the scent of deep
woody pheromones, they can captivate their ladies like Mr. Libido. But, I

Hong Kuai trees typically live 1,000-2,000 years. Each year they produce a new
tree ring having its own deposit of that year’s oil. It’s as if it proposes a new ring
each and every year to the Tarzans who are collecting confidence for their
beloved Janes.
Hong Kuai, and his cousin Hinoki, are two masculine oils that are both members
of the Cypress family. Remember how much I love Cypress for its ability to
optimize blood flow? Mmmmm.... blood flow. Hong Kuai is
Formosan/Taiwanese Cypress and Hinoki is Japanese Cypress. They both smell
like a woodsy, handsome man just waiting to whisk you away. A little goes a
long way. Use on his inner thighs or add a few drops to any lube, serum, or love
potion for him. Lucy’s Soldier Serum™ is a lube that gives slip to both partners,
but starts on him for maximum blood flow. Use Hong Kuai or Hinoki depending
on seasonal availability.

Try diffusing Hong Kuai alone or with a floral oil. The masculine, woodsy
aroma supports healthy brain oxygenation and opens the mind. Hinoki plus Blue
Cypress is one of my manly favorites when Hong Kuai is out of season. These
oils are perfect to wear daily as cologne, or can be mixed with Idaho Blue
Spruce for the ultimate blend of mental and physical fortitude.
ALL RIGHT. I saved the BEST for last. At least, that’s how I feel.

Shutran was released to an intrigued crowd in Salt Lake City. Obviously I was
there. Because of the nature of announcing things publicly - it was referred to as
“Cologne”. The online description vaguely states, “Just a few drops throughout
the day will help with an impossible workday or the pursuits of a special
evening.” At first, I was like - who’s gonna spend that much on cologne????

But OH-MY-OH-MY! Shutran is more than a cologne. Shutran is the first and
ONLY oil created specifically to help catch a lady’s attention. Remember when
you learned about the science of essential oils? (nod your head yes) You learned
that it’s not the scent itself that is effective - but rather the chemical constituents
inside the oil. Shutran is formulated for the man to wear, to help turn on the lady.
It’s like a bottle of sweet smelling pheromones wafting into the hidden parts of
your brain, stimulating your naughtiest imagination. Once you realize what
Shutran does... Oh, then it becomes worth every penny.
Pheromones are airborne chemical messengers that have a physical and
emotional effect on opposite genders of the same species. Hormone-like smells
trigger the brain’s hypothalmus which is not usually stimulated by common
odors. A woman’s hypothalmus is activated when she smells pheromones or
chemical constituents similiar to testosterone and a man’s hypothalmus shows
the opposite. His brain is activated by estrogen like pheromones or chemical
constituents. All the more reason to put a little SclarEssence behind your ears,
Sensation on the chest or Clary Sage on the inner thighs...

Now, what does Shutran do for the man?? Let’s just say that it’s loaded with
Idaho Blue Spruce, which we know supports the standing trunk of his tree. It
makes sense that Idaho Blue Spruce is a key ingredient in Shutran. Then it is
perfectly blended with man-boosting Hinoki, another cypress family oil. It is
woodsy and fresh.... It smells, really.... really... attractive Dilute for sensitive
skin and apply a couple drops behind his ears and to the shaft of his tree trunk.
Rub it in.... Oh girls... You will love your Shutran Man!

He can also use Shutran topically on the forearms, or the inner thighs. He can
wear it daily (like a cologne) to boost testosterone and confidence. It can also be
used topically on the woman on the forearms, or on the inner thighs. Some ladies
find that it really gets them going too. Women should use it right beforehand as
opposed to daily. It also can be diffused to build the mood - seriously this one
smells AMAZING.

K, in our little group of Lucy ladies... we have a slogan. We say it all the time.
We randomly drop it to each other as messages. We say it under our breath as
we walk past. We can’t say it enough. Our mantra... “I love my Shutran Man!”
Don’t Forget the Love Button

Hello, hello, hello! I saved some of the best topics and stories for the end. After I
taught a libido oils class to tens of thousands of my closest BFFs, I started to get
a lot of messages. Chapter 9 comes from listening to numerous women who
wanted help to finish their nights in awe and wonder.

I have learned that so many women struggle to climax. It does not come with the
same ease as it does with their manly other half. Well, I have a secret…. Men
and women work differently in the bedroom. Surprise!!

We’re going to jump out of the sheets and into our biology books for just a
moment here. Time for my cat-eye reading glasses.

When a young fetus is developing, it has unisex genitalia with nerve endings that
are exactly the same for boys and girls. This ambiguous genitalia looks like a
little bud or bump with a small opening underneath. At this time, hormones and
androgens determine whether this sweet little kidney bean will become a Larry
or a Lacey. If the genital tube is exposed to testosterone, then the little opening
will fuse closed, grow testes and the little bud will elongate outward becoming
our stalwart soldier for Larry. If there is a lack of testosterone, then the small
opening will enlarge inward towards a uterus and the little bump will remain as
the female clitoris. Or, the love button, as I like to call it.

The majority of pleasurable nerve endings for both females and males stem from
this same sweet little bump. These nerve endings are responsible for creating the
waves of pleasure and the rush of oxytocin that flood our bodies during climax.

So why is this important? Well, many, MANY women struggle with climax. For
men it is simple; their nerve endings are at the tips of their soldier and it’s
PRETTY impossible not to stimulate them when storming the beach. For
women, it’s a little more complicated. Numerous studies have shown that about
80% of women are unable to climax with intercourse alone. Only 20% of women
receive adequate stimulation with penetration in order to consistently climax
without manual stimulation. And while there are nerve endings inside us which
do make love making enjoyable, the majority of those that finish the deed are
outside the cave. So, in a group of 10,000, that means about 8,000 need some
type of love button massage to finish the night feeling totally and completely

Don’t you feel better that you aren’t alone? I sure did!

It’s not all about how tall or wide his soldier salutes nor does it have anything to
do with how sexy or fantastic you are as a woman. Our love buttons are equal to
his soldier in terms of what they do. They need friction to make them happy.
And only a few of us happen to get enough love button massaging through
penetration alone.

Just knowing this will make your whole world a lot brighter. You are perfectly
normal if you don’t start wailing at the drop of your bra and start singing the
Good Ship Lollipop after 3 thrusts in. You (and he) have got to know how to
turn on the love button.
Now, I’m not going to provide step-by-step directions, nor give you advice on
techniques or positions (there are already plenty of books on that), but I’ll give
you some pointers on maximizing your love button exposure.

First – a woman’s love button swells with blood JUST like when your man’s
Soldier stands at attention. When it swells, the tissue presses outward and
forward so that the most sensitive parts are exposed and are more likely to be
stimulated. Foreplay is necessary for a woman to swell. This includes hugs,
kisses, cuddles, touching, stroking and massage. These things are vital. If your
Mr. is going spelunking before warming you up and rubbing you down, you
aren’t going to get the same pull and play as if you were engorged and excited.
I’ve had people tell me that their Mr. skips this because it gets him soooooo
worked up that he shoots and misses the basket before the game has even begun.
If this is the case, I tell them that his turn is then over and she still gets to play.
Put a condom on that puppy to slow him down if needed. Her warm-up comes

Second, change it up and position yourselves so that the love button is either
being stimulated by rubbing against his body, or in such a way that he (or you)
can simultaneously massage it at the same time. There are also more nerve
endings at the front wall of your indoor waterslide (known as the G spot). You
can locate it by inserting a finger and making a “come here” motion towards the
belly button. Some women really enjoy this area being stimulated with either a
finger or with his saluting joystick. These are the two most important places to
be hitting to create the most pleasure. So, unless your man has a magical upward
curved banana-like joystick, and some random but conveniently placed mole
above his Soldier… well, then you’re probably not going to be maximizing your
G-spot or love button exposure in the missionary position…

Thirdly, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that contract during the big O.
Especially after childbirth, these pelvic muscles tend to get stretched out and
weak. But just like any muscle, they will increase in strength with regular
exercise. Kegel exercises involve contracting the muscles that you would use if
you were in the bathroom, but stopped the flow of urine. Tighten. Hold. Release
and repeat. That’s it. Now, do it 50 times every day. Pick a time you’ll always
remember…. like after you go to the bathroom, while you’re brushing your
teeth, while you’re in the shower etc. You can even get a little kinky and do
them on your lunch break while you are chatting with your co-workers. They’ll
assume you are thinking about your salad, when in reality you’ll be kegeling
away for a better romp in the hay all while looking them straight in the face.
Muhahahaha. I’ve done it.

Then when you come home from your lunch, focus on holding these muscles
while you are with your Mr. Libido. Contracting these muscles tightens the
pelvic floor around the pudendal nerve - which is deeply embedded into the
pelvic floor, and sends messages of pleasure from the nerves in the love button
to the brain. You want to hug that nerve. It makes you happy. It also makes Mr.
Libido happy because squeezing and strengthening those muscles creates a
firmer grip for him.

Last but not least. SO important. Use a love button massage oil. If you haven’t
yet…. then your whole world is about to change. You can use it to get you
warmed up, to keep things exciting while you enjoy each other, or simply to just
make you explode.

OH MY! IT’S GETTING A LITTLE HOT IN HERE. I need to cross my legs.


And because I’m recommending a love button massage oil, I’m going to share
my favorites in our recipe section. Lucky you.
Other Hotshots for the Bedroom

I’m not the one to tell people what to wear, or how to style their hair. But, if
you’ve appreciated my guidance thus far, then this little tip may be of service to

We’ve already touched on why physical and mental preparation gets us ready
emotionally, how Shutran makes a lady melt, and how important it is to provide
a rub-a-dub party for the love button.

When you go to the hairdresser, she may give you professional stylist tips - like
your face shape will look better with layers or your hair texture is suited better to
a short cut. She wants you to rock your cut. We’re going to talk a leeeeetle bit
about your downtown stylist.

There is no right or wrong way to wear your locks, however, if you fall into the
category of 75-80% of women who do not climax with penetration alone, then
you (and HE) would probably benefit from a downtown pixie cut rather than

Why’s this? Well remember how the love button needs lots of time and
attention? The smoother and slicker it is, the better. Keeping her South Pole
kissers smooth and free of excess fibers creates a smoother uninterrupted

And Mr. Libido? If a pixie cut suits her well, then a military buzz may be for
him. Keeping any areas above his solider smooth as buttah will enhance her
experience, allowing her happy places to slide against slick marble rather than
shag carpet.

Getting ready and shaving in the shower is a physical and mental preparation for
me. Being trim and prepared makes me excited all day and mentally gets me
ready. He has taken note as well, learning from experience that I am happier
when he is smooth enough in all the right places. So, imagine my excitement
when Shutran shave gel made its appearance alongside Mirah Shave Oil. It’s as
if they were made for me.

Want to know something funny? I adore Shutran-anything. Yet, Mr. Libido

luuuuuuvs Mirah shave oil for him. You’ve gotta tap your razor as you go
because it’s not a dissolving substance like a traditional shaving foam. But, it
leaves your skin soooooooooo soft and moisturized. It’s the best thing he’s
found for his smoldering prickle pout. He doesn’t even care that the label is pink.
Like a confident 90’s prom date who agrees to wear a coordinating pink tie with
his date’s pink dress, Mr. Libido is confident enough to shave with pretty pink
shave oil. For smoothness sake; it’s hot.

Shaving aside, here are a few other oils I call “Hot Shots”. They are great
additions to diffuser blends, inner thigh potions or love lubes. These are the
other oils I always have on hand to mix into my love potions.

Sandalwood – Grounding and balancing, this sensual woody aroma stimulates

the pineal gland and is spiritually enlightening.

Black Pepper – Spicy and warm, this oil is a good addition to stimulating lubes.
It stimulates and warms on contact. A little goes a long way mixed into a lube.
Dilute.Dilute. Dilute.

Peppermint – Minty and cool, this oil gives a crisp and tingling sensation to
love lubes. Remember that Peppermint is very strong and must be heavily
diluted or it can burn mucous membranes. Think a few drops per ounce.

Tea Tree / Melaleuca Alternifolia – Tea Tree oil gives a minty-hot sensation to
love lubes. If you are prone to yeast infections, I would highly recommend
adding Tea Tree oil to all your homemade (or store bought) lubes because it
inhibits the growth of yeast. This one is also too strong to use neat; dilute in a

Clove or Thieves – Clove or Thieves are the ideal oils to have on hand for oral
pleasure. Lightly dilute them and apply to the roof of the mouth using your
thumb. They will numb the back of the throat and help with gag reflex. It can
also be mixed with peppermint for this purpose, to make a “cinnamint” oral
blend. Do not apply directly to genitals.

Jasmine – Jasmine is a floral oil that invokes feelings of femininity and love.
It’s one of the oils in Joy and it smells beautiful as a perfume. The top note
blends well with Clary Sage, Cypress, or Sandalwood. It’s beautiful in the

Grapefruit – I use this in edible body butters because daaang; it just tastes good.

Lime – I also use this in edible concoctions because it’s got a nice flavor, and it
is high in D-Limonene. Yum and yay.

Light the Fire - This blend will really light your fire. Diffuse or add a few drops
to an ounce of lube. Never use neat! Have fun!
Real Women; Real Stories Hi Lucy!
Just wanted to let you know some ways your class helped!

I’m in my mid-fifties; Progessence Plus has been wonderful to help libido,

dryness, and to help me “get there” faster and of course that makes my hubby
feel very successful!

Idaho Blue Spruce, Shutran, and Mister are three of his favorite oils, applied to
wrists, neck, and groin beforehand and in a lube right on his “soldier” during...
He hasn’t needed that little pill that he previously used.

The various YLEO’s including Idaho Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, Sensation in a

coconut oil carrier were great for both of us. Still tweaking the combinations to
see what we like best. I’m excited to keep learning! Thanks!


Me, I swear by Progessence Plus. I had chemical induced menopause. Using this
oil, in my opinion has reversed it. I had a life threatening disease that required
treatment that damaged my immune system. The side effect of this treatment
was stopping my periods and my Dr. confirmed that it induced early menopause
at only 41. I started using Progessence Plus regularly; my hot flashes were no
more. The unexplained aches and pains were less, the tingling “electric” type
feelings in my arms were gone and my periods came back! I have never been so
excited to have my period back. Using Progessence Plus has reversed the
menopausal symptoms and brought me back to normal.

Jennifer M.

So, just reading through all the descriptions of all the oils when I first got started,
I read about Mister, and thought it would be a good oil to try on my boyfriend.
“Promotes inner-body balance that soothes stress,” sounded perfect for my man!
I really didn’t know where to apply it, so I diluted it with a carrier oil and
applied it to his belly/liver area with my bare hands. This was our nightly routine
for about a week, when I realized I was in the mood ALL THE TIME!!! SO – I
read up and yes! Some of the ingredients help enhance libido! Soooo to cut a
long story short, I think I benefited from the Mister more than him! I apply a
drop to my inner ankles when I feel like being a little frisky.

Sarah Swartz.

Joy!!! The first time I put this on my heart... was probably one of the best nights
of our lives! I was brought to tears from the passion!

Bridget Bergstrom

Um, sensation?... You mean PANTY DROPPER AND IM 18 again…

HORMONES?! Yes. Yes you are correct. Sensational. Thank you.

Julianne H.

Lucy, your class has been a Godsend to me and my husband. He struggles with
erectile troubles that makes it difficult for him to be intimate. It has been a
struggle on both of us. He started a popular medication for his problem, only to
have major side effects with his heart. The stress it was causing on his heart
wasn’t safe, and we had to discontinue with despair thinking there was no

I took your Lucy Libido class and learned about the testosterone increasing and
performance encouraging oils. We started using Idaho Blue Spruce and IT HAS
BROUGHT HIM BACK. He is so thankful and I am too. I am going to find you
and hug you one day.


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE CLARY SAGE! Using it has completely corrected my

hormonal imbalance. I use 2 drops in a dollop of coconut oil and rub across my
lower sides and sometimes my breasts…

Warning… it has caused me to have very vivid wildly sexual dreams of my

husband of 22 years... our mornings are fabulous!!
husband of 22 years... our mornings are fabulous!!

Kimberly Priddy-Green

Can I share a secret? After having a baby, I started to feel a bit... broken. I
wanted to love my husband, I wanted to be intimate. All the want was up in my
head and there was a big disconnect between my brain and my ahem lady
garden. No matter how good things felt, they just weren’t feeling good enough to
finish satisfied. And that was frustrating for both of us. I was feeling like all
hope was lost, until you clued me into the wonders of Cypress and Orange on the
inner thighs.

Orange helped me get out of my own head and relax. Cypress improved
circulation, for me, means I’m much more sensitive to touch which has benefited
me tremendously! I’m less anxious and it helps me find my happy place!

Jessica K.

CYPRESS. This is the real deal ladies. I’m just saying....

Shawna Coker

I have been using Clary Sage non-stop since the class, and I really think it has
helped me with my emotions!!! I feel more normal if that makes sense.

Sherrie B.

I can only say that the Progessence Plus along with the Dragon Time has
changed my cycle in mind-blowing ways. I definitely feel that extending to my
mood, my attitudes, how approachable I am, things like that. I’ve also been
having a lot of chiropractic work done in the sacral area to help reset the nerve
that extend to the reproductive organs and that has also been amazing; and I
think it’s a combination of all these modalities that has changed me for the
better. I applied both oils morning and night and then the dragon time more often
during my cycle. I ordered my husband the Mister for some of his issues, and
then next month he’s getting Shutran. I can tell a huge difference if I miss any of
these hormone balancing oils; I’ll find myself mid-morning really off & then it
hits me “oh! I know what’s up with me; I didn’t put my oils on!” My regular
midwife was super supportive of the use of these oils. When traditional
midwives employed by large hospitals are referring patients out for oil consults
for hormone balancing, it shows that these oils really work!

Kellie L. S. Tucker

Progessence Plus, is a game changer. I have experienced great benefits using this
oil such as decreased mood swings, improved PMS (I no longer want to bite
your head off one minute and cry the other) weight loss, increased libido
shortened and lighter menstrual periods. Overall, it’s a great oil for total
hormone balance. I apply 2 drops on the back of neck, twice a day and everyone
is happy!!!

Crystal Catron

OMG! After trying Idaho Blue Spruce once, my hubby is asking for this to be
used on him regularly! I LOVE it! He doesn’t have problems in this department,
but this helps it more! I used a 5 ml roller. Used 10 drops and rest fractionated
coconut oil. I rolled the base of his shaft all around and about 1 inch upward. I
use it as foreplay and his “soldier” will be VERY firm!

Laura B.

Ever since having my boys, I was no longer interested in sex. Someone

suggested Progessence Plus to me. So I bought it, popped a roller top on it and
applied to my forearms. Took me a couple weeks to notice anything. But once I
did notice.... wow. It was like I was back to my pre kid sex drive. Now, I don’t
have to use it every day like in the beginning. I can use it once or twice a week
and still be good.

Becky H.

I learned about Progessence Plus when using it for migraines.... and yes, you hit
the nail on the head with that one! Lol, it definitely helped. Side effect though is
waaay increased libido so watch out! Haha!
Nicara N.

Ylang Ylang. Yes. I got a bottle six months ago. I’m six months pregnant. Lol.

A. K.

Oh my goodness! Used Sensation on my wrists earlier this afternoon, then again

on upper thighs 20 min before, and whoa! This stuff is seriously amazing! It was
so easy to “get in the mood” and early on the orgasms came in waves! I was
soooo sensitive in the best way possible. This mama feels sexy and blessed.


Clary Sage was amazing for me during labor, kept me going and balanced my
mind when all I wanted to do was quit!

Kaitlyn Bartz

I learned in the Lucy Libido class last year about Idaho Blue Spruce acting as a
soldier support. I wondered if it work act as “little blue hexagon” of sorts. So, I
asked my Mister if he wanted to give it a shot, so he did! He applied 2 drops of
the Idaho Blue Spruce to his “soldier” and we went to town.

It totally delivered and he went a lot longer than he normally would and actually
got TIRED! Haha. We continued to use the IBS for our sexy time, and it’s
helped him have more energy and stamina-and he lasts longer! WIN/WIN all

Sarah S.

I used to spend $110-$175 on cologne that smelled fantastic, but wore off in an
hour and did not have any holistic benefits. Now, I only wear essential oils and
Shutran is a daily favorite! I always get a bottle in my stocking from Santa.

Ryan Burris

I noticed I was much nicer...much calmer, and more like ME after a few days
usage of Progessence Plus. I use it 2x daily ...rollerball top on and apply on neck
and forearms.

Tasha Walters

Dear Lucy – I tried Sensation, Ylang Ylang and Orange like you suggested.
Assignment complete! Lucy, hear me say YOU ARE A GENIUS!! We are
losing sleep. My husband wanted to know what happened to me and I told him
about Lucy Libido group. Let’s just say he is a fan!

Crystal Catron
Here they are! Lucy’s favorite recipes. There is something for
everyone here. Diffuser recipes, inner thigh blends, edible lubes, and
even Mr. Libido’s Perky Pellet. Having fun between the sheets has
never felt so natural!!
Mood Enhancing Diffuser Blends Light
some candles & choose your favorite
diffuser blend.
Oooh La La Romantic Bliss
4 Drops Sensation 3 Drops Jasmine
2 Drops Hong Kuai 2 Drops Orange
2 Drops Lavender 2 Drops Clary Sage

1 Drop Joy

Naughty and Nice Yin and Yang

4 Drops Light the Fire 3 Drops Sandalwood
2 Drops Idaho Blue Spruce 3 Drops Lavender
2 Drops Orange 2 Drops Ylang Ylang

Here I Come Confident
3 Drops Joy 5 Drops Valor
3 Drops Lemon Myrtle 3 Drops Hong Kuai
2 Drops Nutmeg
Natural Lubes for Him and Her These
chemical-free lubes are designed to
keep you juicy and tender while you
stuff the turkey.

Lucy’s Love Lube

3 Tablespoons YL Sensation
Massage Oil blended with:

12 Drops Sensation
8 Drops Cypress
8 Drops Orange
4-6 Drops Peppermint

Sweet and Warm

3 Tablespoons solid coconut
whipped with:

10 Drops Tea Tree

10 Drops Ylang Ylang
10 Drops Lavender
5 Drops Clary Sage
3 Drops Black Pepper

Whipped Mousse
1/4 Cup solid coconut
1/4 Cup refined shea butter
1 tsp Sweet almond oil
25 Drops Shutran
25 Drops Shutran
25 Drops Ylang Ylang
10 Drops Cypress
10 Drops Clary Sage

Whip the solid coconut oil and shea butter in a high speed mixer for 2 minutes.

Add sweet almond and essential oils. Use generously and often!

Latex Friendly Vera-Lube Got latex? This recipe is

oil-free for condom fun.
It also feels SO good that
you’ll want to slather it up
your hoo-ha regardless of
needing a condom.
2 tsp Trader Joe’s aloe vera
2 Teaspoons water
1/2 Teaspoons Glycerin
1/2 Teaspoon Vitamin E
Blend and enjoy!

The Quickie
YL Sensation Massage Oil
Inner Thigh Potions For him and for her, apply
from the inner mid-thigh to the leg crease. Make
ahead and store in a 10ml bottle. Keep it in the
Sweet Thing
20 Drops Ylang Ylang
20 Drops Cypress
5 Drops Lavender
50 Drops Carrier
25 Drops Sensation
10 Drops Cypress
5 Drops Jasmine
50 Drops Carrier
20 Drops Clary Sage
10 Drops Cypress
10 Drops Orange
50 Drops Carrier
Happy Ending
20 Drops Joy
15 Drops Lime
10 Drops Cypress
50 Drops Carrier
Tarzan Man
15 Drops Hong Kuai/Hinoki
10 Drops Goldenrod
10 Drops Idaho Blue Spruce
5 Drops Black Pepper
50 Drops Carrier
Wake Up Call
20 Drops Idaho Blue Spruce
10 Drops Cypress
5 Drops Rosemary
5 Drops Nutmeg
50 Drops Carrier
Mister Nice Guy 30 Drops Mister
5 Drops Idaho Blue Spruce
5 Drops Cypress
50 Drops Carrier
To The Point
Edible Blends

Jaws Edible Love Numb 10 Drop Thieves Vitality 10

Drop Clove Vitality 10 Drop Peppermint Vitality 1
Tablespoon Solid Coconut Oil
5 drops Olive Oil
1/4 teaspoon Agave

Lightly warm the coconut until it melts. Stir in the olive oil and agave. Stir in the
Thieves, Clove and Peppermint. Cool in fridge and use your thumb and apply to
the roof of your mouth. Adjust oils as needed to gently numb the back of the

Coco-lime Edible Love Serum 1/4 Teaspoon Beeswax

3 Teaspoons Unrefined Solid Coconut Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Grapeseed Oil
1 Teaspoon Coconut Cream
1/2 Teaspoon Agave
25 Drops Lime Vitality + optional grated lime peel for color.

Melt the beeswax and solid coconut oil together. Remove from heat. Add the
grapeseed oil, coconut cream, and agave. Add Lime and have yourself a tropical
party. It’s lick-a-licious.

Lucy’s Skinamint Edible

Love Button Butter
This love button butter is made from all natural edible ingredients with a soft
pleasing scent, taste, and texture. It is soft enough that it can be pumped from a
pump top, or squeezed from a squeeze tube. It makes over half an ounce and I
use it in a 1 oz (30 ml) pump top bottle. It should last several months in a
nightstand drawer; but as it contains no preservatives, check for freshness each
time it’s used. Named by Mr. Libido as tasting like “Skinamint”, this edible lube
will change the way you think about flavored lubes.... no nasty chemical flavor,
and it feels AHHH AHHH AHHHH AHHmaaaazing on.

1/2 Teaspoon Beeswax

3 Teaspoons solid coconut oil
3 Teaspoons edible Apricot Seed or Grape Seed Oil 1/4 - 1/2 Teaspoon Agave 4-
5 Drops Young Living Peppermint Vitality 8 Drops Young Living Grapefruit
2 Drops Young Living Orange Vitality
Melt the beeswax and coconut oil together. Remove from heat. Add the
apricot/grapeseed oil and agave. Stir in the Peppermint, Grapefruit, and Orange.
Store in a pump top bottle or squeeze top bottle.
This amazing 10ml roller lightens & reduces leg veins!
40 Drops Lemongrass
20 Drops Cypress
10 Drops Helichrysum.

Fill to the top with Cel-Lite massage oil or fractionated coconut oil. Apply to
veins 2x daily for a month, then 1x daily to maintain.

Mr. Libido’s Perky Pellet

In an empty 00 veggie capsule combine
5-8 Drops Idaho Blue Spruce
3 Drops Goldenrod
2 Drops Nutmeg
10 Drops Olive Oil

He takes 20 minutes before go time. Can be used daily.

Scar Diminisher
25 Drops Lavender, 25 Drops Frankincense
25 Drops Fractionated Coconut Oil

Apply topically to stretch marks or scars 2x daily for a month.

Blue Bikini Wax Blend This blue tinted

bikini oil is your best friend after a
bikini wax. It contains the constituent
Azulene, which is known to support
healthy skin after waxing. Valor and
Blue Cypress protect the skin from any
microscopic openings and prevents
bumpiness and soothes irritation.
Lemon oil helps to remove any sticky
residue. Glycerin moisturizes and
pampers the skin. Great for use at home,
or bring it with you to the salon!
1 Tbsp Fractionated Coconut Oil
10 Drops Valor
10 Drops Blue Cypress
10 Drops Lemon
1/2 Tsp Vegetable Glycerin

Combine the essential oils and glycerin. Add coconut oil and shake. This half
ounce blend is a beautiful transparent blue.
Soldier Serum
2 tsp Natural Aloe Vera
2 tsp Fractionated Coconut Oil or V6
1/2 tsp Vegetable Glycerin
1/2 tsp Vitamin E
1/8 tsp Polysorbate 20 or liquid Soy Lecithin
8 Drops Shutran
5 Drops Idaho Blue Spruce
5 Drops Goldenrod
3 Drops Hong Kuai/Hinoki
3 Drops Nutmeg

Combine coconut oil with polysorbate/lecithin. This becomes your emulsifying

agent. Add aloe vera, glycerin, vitamin E and essential oils. This circulation
boosting lube starts on him to support his soldier. Where it goes after that is up
to you!
Love Button Lubes
Lucy’s Sea Man Love Button Stroking Jelly (also known as Lucy
K. First off - this is hands-down the best love button stroking jelly on the face of
the planet. To get it right though, you need to follow directions carefully. It
contains pure preserved aloe vera and grape seed oil. 100% pure liquid aloe vera
is too runny for this recipe. And cheap, fake “aloe vera” is a bright blue gel that
contains only a fraction true aloe and is full of artificial colors, preservatives,
thickeners and emulsifiers. Yuck.

To get this recipe right, you need a 99% pure aloe vera with just a touch of
natural preservatives such as citric acid and minimal natural thickeners such as
xanthan/xanthan gum or guar gum. The aloe vera I use is Green Leaf Naturals.

You also need an emulsifying agent to keep this recipe together. I use
polysorbate 20, because it is a low toxic ingredient and it’s an easy to find
emulsifier that binds the jelly together. You can also use liquid soy or sunflower
lecithin to emulsify your jelly but it will be darker and you may need less. You
can get liquid soy lecithin from most health food stores or online. I get my
polysorbate 20 online from You can also buy shea butter,
beeswax and vegetable glycerin from them.

The Sea Man Love Button Stroking Jelly is slippery and smooth without
absorbing too quickly with a look and feel and consistency of.... well... go and
make it. You’ll get it. Don’t freak out. You’ll LOVE it.

The recipe has a base which can have many variations depending on which oils
you add. The stroking jelly base is: Sea Man Stroking Jelly Base 2 Teaspoons
99% pure aloe vera gel like Green Leaf Naturals
1 Teaspoon Grape Seed Oil or Sweet Almond Oil
8-10 Drops Polysorbate 20 Emulsifier or 1/8 tsp Soy Lecithin
1/2 Teaspoon Vegetable Glycerin
1/2 Teaspoon Vitamin E
Then add your oils. The Recipe for Sea Man Love Button Lucy Lube Original is
the love button stroking jelly base plus: Lucy Lube Original Blend:

5 Drops Sensation
3 Drops Cypress
3 Drops Orange
2-3 Drops Peppermint

Combine and place in a 10 -15ml bottle - or in a 1 oz pump top dispenser. You

are going to DIE. It is SOOOOOO Good.

Variations for the Sea Man Stroking Jelly Base

Fire and Ice:

5 Drops Cypress
3 Drops Light the Fire
3 Drops Orange
1 Drop Peppermint
Oh Boy Oh Joy
5 Drops Joy
5 Drops Orange
3 Drops Cypress
1 Drop Nutmeg

Hot Nights:
5 Drops Ylang Ylang
3 Drops Tea Tree
3 Drops Black Pepper
2 Drops Orange

Shivers Up Your Spine:

5 Drops Clary Sage
3 Drops Peppermint
3 Drops Cypress
2 Drops Lime

Slick Lube Love Button Stroking Oil This love button stroking oil is
similar to the stroking jelly, but in a thick oil formula instead of a
1/2 Teaspoon Refined Shea Butter
3 Teaspoons Grape Seed Oil or Sweet Almond Oil
1/4 teaspoon Vegetable Glycerin
1/4 teaspoon Vitamin E

Melt the shea butter and grapeseed/almond oil together. Remove from heat and
add the vegetable glycerin and Vitamin E. Cool and add your oils. For Slick
Lube Lucy Lube, make the love button stroking oil above and plus: Lucy Lube
Original Blend::

5 drops Sensation
3 Drops Cypress
3 Drops Orange
2-3 Drops Peppermint
It makes about 15ml or a half ounce and can be stored in a 15ml EO bottle with a
dropper top, or in a 1oz / 30ml pump top bottle. Get ready to scream.

Variations You Can Add to Your Stroking Oil Base Fire and Ice:
5 Drops Cypress
3 Drops Light the Fire
3 Drops Orange
1 Drop Peppermint

Oh Boy Oh Joy:
5 Drops Joy
5 Drops Orange
3 Drops Cypress
1 Drop Nutmeg

Hot Nights:
5 Drops Ylang Ylang
3 Drops Tea Tree
3 Drops Black Pepper
2 Drops Orange

Shivers Up Your Spine:

5 Drops Clary Sage
3 Drops Peppermint
3 Drops Cypress
2 Drops Lime
Oil Reference Chart
Dr. Dan Purser, M.D.

Answers to
Frequently asked questions about Progessence Plus and
their answers from Dr. Purser
Here are just some of the questions we’ve received:

Is Progessence Plus® safe to take? Yes. It’s just that simple. It contains a tiny amount of a biologically
identical (to humans) hormone called progesterone that is not only safe, but incredibly beneficial to women.
Natural progesterone has no long-term problems associated with it – even at high doses.

Are natural hormones safe to take? Yes, they are very safe to take. Studies have shown that synthetic
hormones may have health risks that may exceed the benefits of HRT. A woman’s body has trouble
assimilating synthetic hormones effectively and the side effects that result are often much worse than the
original problems being treated.

Why is there a statement about causing cancer on the package? This is an outdated statement which is
required by law, in California. Proposition 65 is placed on anything brought into the state of California that
contains hormones. Unfortunately, the law does not differentiate between synthetic and natural hormones.
Young Living has a Progessence cream, which also carries the required Prop 65 statement on the tube. This
is because synthetic medroxyprogesterone acetate (which is found in so many products made for women)
along with the synthetics in the various birth control pills, have all been shown to cause cancer. Research
has proven that natural human progesterone does not.

Here is Young Living’s official statement about the Warning on the label:

—There is no cancer causing agents in Progessence Plus®. This statement is due to an outdated California
law that actually refers to the cancer known to be caused by the synthetic medroxyprogesterone acetate
(MPA as in the drug Provera) which has been shown in a number of studies to cause breast cancer. But
MPA is not the human P4 or bio-identical progesterone made from natural yam products that we used in
Progessence Plus® – the generic chemical names are just similar. But the law is poorly written and
mistakenly refers to any hormone as cancer causing when no naturally occurring human hormone has been
associated with any cancer ever (not even estradiol – CEE has but no human 17-beta- estradiol). Human
progesterone (even the compounded version like in Progessence Plus®) actually reduces breast and ovarian
cancer risk (and reduces a lot of other risks such as CAD, stroke, DVT, etc). This can all be verified by
searching on PubMed. If you live in California please lobby for the change of this law. Thank you for the
great question.

Does this mean I won’t get cancer now that I’m using Progessence Plus®? No, it can and in some cases,
will still happen. We just hope it reduces your risk. Let me be clear – Progessence Plus® and progesterone
will not cure you of cancer, nor do I want to give you any idea that it will. Medically & legally, I am
ethically bound to say that if you indeed have cancer please follow the instructions of your allopathic
(western) physicians (or physicians of your choosing) and have the proper surgeries or therapies. I have
found that faith can also do marvelous things and I pray for those of you whose lives have been affected by
cancer. God bless you.

I take birth control pills (or shots) and wonder why I can’t take the Progessence Plus®? If or when
you develop blood clots or breast cancer from the synthetics we don’t want Progessence Plus® to be
associated in any way or on the radar screen of possible causes when your attorney is looking for culprits.
Natural progesterone does not cause clots or breast cancer, period. Research has proven that synthetics are
cancer causing and if you are using synthetics, it would be too easy for doctors to point the blame at the
natural product. The safe and 100% natural human progesterone reduces your risks of clots, strokes, heart
attacks and cools your arteries besides.

I’ve had breast cancer and my doctor says not to take any hormones – why? Because synthetic
hormones have been associated with breast cancer and as all hormones can sometimes be lumped into the
same category, this opinion of staying away from hormones has tainted natural hormones as well (There is
no data that supports the connection between synthetic and natural hormones).

This is the like the Proposition 65 Statement law required in California where they combine all of the
hormones in one category, then they make a broad sweeping and inaccurate statement about them. They are
not even remotely similar. However; you should still talk to your doctor and get their approval to use
Progessence Plus® if you have any questions about it.

If my doctor says not to take Progessence Plus®, what should I do?

Hopefully, your doctor is trained in preventive medicine, endocrinology, gynecology, or is well versed in
natural and modern methods of prevention. Today there is so much information available about hormones
that your doctor should be able to provide you with a well researched reason to avoid it. I would suggest
you seek a second opinion. But always listen to your doctor FIRST.

I’ve had progesterone receptor (PR+) positive breast cancer; can I take Progessence Plus®? Again,
please talk to your personal physician first. If you were my patient, I would say that because of your
experience with cancer, that it is even more reason to use a natural progesterone product. Research
continues to prove that natural or human progesterone will connect to that progesterone receptor and cause
apoptosis (see my book on Progesterone for more details) or —destruction of the cell.
I have endometriosis – will Progessence Plus® be safe for me to take? Progessence Plus® is not only
safe but from may studies we know progesterone will probably help your endometriosis maybe even
dramatically reduce your symptoms.

I am 18 and have severe PMS – is Progessence Plus® safe to take? Progessence Plus® is not only safe,
but we know from lots of studies that progesterone will probably help your PMS. We’ve found that it
usually does help.

I have menstrual migraines -- is Progessence Plus® safe to take? Yes -- research has shown the positive
effect natural progesterone has on migraine headaches.

I’ve had a hysterectomy so why would I take Progessence Plus®? Lack of progesterone can occur
whether your ovaries are there or not – and as a woman you need a sufficient amount of progesterone to
balance your hormones.

I’ve had blood clots from birth control pills – is Progessence Plus® safe to take? Synthetic progestins
are known to cause clots, while human (natural) progesterone has been shown in a number of studies to not
cause clots. I would consult with your physician to be sure, but I believe that you can safely take
Progessence Plus® without increasing your risk of more blood clots.

I’ve had a stroke/heart attack -- is Progessence Plus® safe to take? Synthetic progestins are known to
cause strokes or heart attacks (vascular disease), while human (natural) progesterone has been shown in a
number of studies to reduce vascular inflammation and heart attacks/strokes. I believe that you are safe to
use Progessence Plus®, but I would consult with your doctor if you have any concerns.

I have insomnia -- is Progessence Plus® safe to take? Yes, progesterone has been shown to cause
somnolence (sleepiness) in women and you could find yourself sleeping deeper when using it.

I have hot flashes/night sweats -- can Progessence Plus® help? Yes, lack of progesterone has been
shown to stop these 98% of the time. (You might try the Young Living product, FemiGen, to take care of
the other 2% -- it increases estrone.)

I have no libido – will Progessence Plus® make this worse? No, research has shown that using
progesterone should improve libido – so go ahead and try some, but warn your honey first!

Can Progessence Plus® be taken with thyroid medications? Absolutely! And they do not cross react.

I have had a breast removed, can I use Progessence Plus®? What if I am currently being treated for
breast cancer? Always ask your doctor first before adding anything to your routine, but we, of course,
would encourage you to use Progessence Plus® (as long as they approve).
Is Progessence Plus® safe for breast cancer survivors taking tamoxifen? Ask your doctor of course, but
yes, we believe so.

What are the implications of using Progessence Plus® on MS patients? The implications are really
good—and so I suggest taking more. I know from the literature and our experiences that the top teaching
hospitals advise all kind of hormones for their patients (like testosterone) and progesterone because it is
thought to be quite beneficial in remyelinating nerves. It’s unfortunate that a lot of docs don’t read the
research or literature, but instead let drug companies influence their opinions on medical issues.

How would you recommend taking this serum? Begin with just a drop on your neck or the hairless part
of your arm each night and let your body adjust to the intake of progesterone. You can increase the amount
as you feel the need, but I would advise you to start with a small amount and increase it over time.
Remember that every woman will react differently to the increased progesterone levels in her body, so be
aware that you may have some kind of reaction too. Sometimes women using Progessence Plus®
experience an increase in hot flashes and that sometimes indicates an increase in application of Progessence
Plus® is needed before they subside.

How should menopausal women use this serum? Probably daily, I suggest that they rub it on their neck
or hairless parts of their forearms.

Is there a maximum amount a day that I should use? Follow what the instructions on the bottle say
however; I say take as much as you feel that you need. (Remember that your serum progesterone levels can
get 400X higher with pregnancy.)

How many milligrams (mg) of progesterone are in a drop of Progessence Plus®? Well, Progessence
Plus® has less than 15 mg per ml of progesterone (about 14.2 or so – just about the max allowed by the
FDA) but the secret is in the quality of the progesterone we used. One milliliter (ml) has about 30 drops
total in it and so one drop has about 0.5-1.0 mg of progesterone. All of this may be technical talk and is
meaningless when compared to the quality of this product and absorption properties. There are a number of
poor quality progesterone’s out there for oral or sublingual use, and thankfully we will never keep company
with any of them. What we do know is that as you are testing this, your body will appreciate your daily

Can Progessence Plus® replace my oral or sublingual progesterone completely? Possibly but it’s
according to the quality and amount of the progesterone that you’re taking at night. Remember to check
with your doctor before changing over. Progessence Plus® is certainly good to take in addition to
sublingual or oral progesterone.

Why do I get a headache whenever I use Progessence Plus®? This is a little uncommon but it can occur,
especially if you have a lot of vascular inflammation – it’s kind of a way your blood vessels fight back
against the relaxation and reduction in inflammation going on after you apply Progessence Plus®. If you
have this symptom then only apply small amounts before bed and build up slowly over a matter of months.
My high cholesterol problem went away (or improved) when I used Progessence Plus® – my doctor is
mystified by this – what happened? We know from a number of good studies that in women increasing
progesterone often causes a drop in cholesterol levels sometimes returning them back to normal. It’s a cool
benefit (literally for your arteries) and is one of the reasons why progesterone has been shown to reduce the
risk of stroke and heart attacks in women.

Can I use Progessence Plus® with Depo-Provera? These synthetic hormones cause vascular
inflammation and thus blood clots and strokes/heart attacks – human or natural progesterone does not. So
when or if you have these side effects we do not want our wonderful Progessence Plus® being associated
with these in any way shape or

form – that’s all. We’re being protective of our product and don’t want to be colored with the same brush as
the synthetics.

Can men use Progessence Plus® for any reason? NO! We get asked this all the time so let me answer it
again – HECK NO! It causes a decrease in libido and vascular inflammation (mild) in men – so best to be
avoided by men.

I get up every morning and apply my Progessence Plus® and then I feel dizzy all morning – why?
Progesterone lowers blood pressure (by relaxing arteries) – this is why, if you have just started using
Progessence Plus® and have had years of low progesterone you should not use Progessence Plus® in the
morning (start at night until your body gets used to it again). It also makes some women very sleepy so
again another reason to take before bed. After you’re used to it again for a while THAN you can start
adding it in the morning.

Is Progessence Plus® safe to use with my regular BHRT (Bio-identical Hormone Replacement
Therapy)? Absolutely and may help with your regular BHRT (can’t hurt) but ask your doctor before you
do this.

Is Progessence Plus® safe to use, with synthetic progesterone (sic – progestins)? Yes but we’d prefer
you didn’t because, again, we don’t want Progessence Plus® caught in the blame game when women start
having the blood clots, strokes, breast cancer and other side effects that are common from the synthetics.

Can Progessence Plus® replace my oral/sublingual progesterone in my regular BHRT (Bio-identical

Hormone Replacement Therapy)? Possibly – in my experience, most of the compounded hormones out
there, are not of a very good quality. But if curious, get your doctor to check levels before and after. And
make sure they approve this first.

Is Progessence Plus® safe to take with DHEA or Young Living products containing DHEA? Sure,
why not? These are not mutually exclusive in any way and both are natural hormones produced in your
body so they work together – remember though, do not take DHEA if you have a personal breast cancer risk
Will Progessence Plus® balance my estrogen dominance issue? The natural Progessence in Progessence
Plus® should help or may actually do it if it’s not too severe an imbalance. If I have high estrogen levels,
how can I lower my levels of estrogen? You don’t try to lower estrogen levels in estrogen dominance, but
instead you raise your progesterone level to balance it out. Use Progessence Plus® to do this and if you
would have any questions, check with your doctor when balancing your hormones.

Is Progessence Plus® safe with any cancer? Sure, why not? It’s a natural hormone not associated with
causation of any cancer (though the lack of progesterone has been associated with a higher risk of a number
of cancers). Remember though to talk to your doctor first.

Is Progessence Plus® safe with prolactinomas and adenomas of the pituitary? Yes, sure, why not?
There’s no connection between the two at all. If a woman makes progesterone in her ovaries and develops a
pituitary tumor or brain tumor, doctors don’t start ripping out ovaries usually (hopefully never). So it’s safe
– but make sure you talk to your doctor first.

I have endometriosis and my doctor wants to do a hysterectomy – in light of this is Progessence Plus®
safe to take? Yes. They are taking out the uterus probably because with endometriosis you’re bleeding and
are miserable. I believe that they’re just doing the best they can to try to help. I disagree with encouraging
women to have hysterectomies. I personally like to treat endometriosis with lots of progesterone until
symptoms resolve, but I’m not your doctor so talk to them first.

I have really high blood pressure that is difficult to treat – is Progessence Plus® safe to take? I have
received hundreds of emails from women saying — WOW - my blood pressure has gone way down and
that is what the medical studies show as well. In almost every study I have read, the women taking
progesterone have experienced lower blood pressure. So yes, take it and chances are very good that you will
have lower blood pressure sometime soon.

I have heavy menstrual bleeding, is Progessence Plus® safe to take in this situation? Yes, progesterone
has been shown to reduce crazy heavy bleeding – this is why gynecologists use synthetic birth control pills
to control this kind of periodic bleeding, so try the natural progesterone instead – safer and equally
beneficial results.

My daughter has menstrual migraines, should she try cycling Progessence Plus® to see if this assists?
Sure, it may help. When she has signs or symptoms just try a drop on her neck (over her carotids) – you’ll
see if it gives her some relief.

My daughter is 11 and complains of stomach aches low down in her abdomen once a month – I think
she’s almost ready to start her cycles – can I use Progessence Plus® with her? Sure – these are
probably early or pre-menarche PMS symptoms – so give her a little to see if she benefits.

My doctor says I have uterine polyps/fibroids/ovarian cysts – can I use Progessence Plus®? Uterine
polyps/fibroids/ovarian cysts have all been shown to be caused by low levels of progesterone over long
periods of time – so it does not hurt to take Progessence Plus® now.

Does taking Progessence Plus® reduce my own production of progesterone? No, no, no. Never!
Topical progesterone does not cause negative feedback loop suppression like birth control pills cause. The
serum just adds to your levels.

How do I know I really need Progessence Plus®? You can get levels checked -- 99% of women we
checked at the Young Living International Grand Convention of 2010 in Salt Lake City effectively had zero
levels (<0.20 ng/ml) of progesterone in their blood – no matter what their age. This was appalling. Plus if
you have symptoms of low progesterone (hot flashes, night sweats, migraines, loss of libido, depression,
etc) you may benefit.

How does Progessence Plus® compare to oral or sublingual progesterone my doctor gave me? This is
a common question we’ve gotten – they don’t really or it’s kind of like comparing apples to peanuts –
there’s no way other than by the way you feel and following blood levels can you tell for sure. Maybe your
progesterone you’re using is not very well micronized or maybe it’s very well micronized and you’re
running optimized levels – either way there’s no way of knowing without blood levels or symptom

Does Progessence Plus® help women get pregnant? Anything that increases progesterone levels in pre-
menopausal women who have chronically low progesterone levels may benefit attempts to get pregnant. We
don’t know for sure but our guess it might indeed.

Is Progessence Plus® safe to take with other medications besides BCPs? Always ask your doctor but
we’d say yes. It’s a just a little low dose topical progesterone in Vitamin E (with a few critical essential oils)
so we’d say sure – no problem. But please ask your doctor first.

Which facilities do you recommend using to get my levels tested? You may download my Purser
Preferred Lab Solutions PDF for free at It will give you info on my preferred labs and
where your levels should be.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this FAQ is intended for educational purposes only. It is not
intended to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. Dr. Dan
Purser, M.D. and Young Living assume no responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any loss,
damage, or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information herein.
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