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Increased Popularity of Online Businesses Nowadays in Bangladesh

General sentences:
Thesis Statement: There are many causes like rapid growth of internet users, easy way of selling
products, comfortable work routine and becoming passionate about business.

Supporting paragraph 1: Rapid growth of internet in Bangladesh.
Supporting paragraph 2: Easy way of selling products in Bangladesh.
Supporting paragraph 3: A comfortable work routine without any tension.
Supporting paragraph 4: Corona Pandemic.

Conclusion: Nowadays people in Bangladesh spend more time in online for various purposes.
There are many causes like rapid growth of internet users, easy way of selling products,
comfortable work routine and Corona Pandemic. Bangladesh is one of the biggest online
platforms that anybody can begin an online business easily. Nowadays, Covid-19 has spread
rapidly in Bangladesh and more lockdowns are incoming. So, online businesses are the best suit
for the situation for earning money in Bangladesh.

Firstly, rapid growth of internet users in Bangladesh is one of the biggest reason of increasing
online businesses nowadays. Internet Service suppliers, transportable operators and different
service suppliers are doing smart job for the enlargement of net use within Bangladesh. Online
shopping becomes a daily task for the people of this country. It is forever vital to look at trends
and selecting a business plan in online.

Secondly, selling a product in online is easier. Online customers see the product and order it with
their addresses and mobile number. They can pay cash on delivery or online payment. In online
businesses payment gateway is the most crucial thing. Sellers can easily communicate with the
customers without any tension of bargaining. Buyers can rate the product and influence others to

Thirdly, a comfortable routine to work is suitable for online businesses in Bangladesh. If anyone
wants to start online businesses, he/she can make a plan or routine how he/she will spend his/her
entire day. He/she will be busy with his/her own business and assisting the buyers with products.
So there can be a mental pressure for running a business. So, behind the increased popularity of
online businesses, a comfortable work routine plays an important role.

Fourthly, nowadays Covid-19 has spread in Bangladesh and more lockdowns are incoming. So,
nonessential businesses in public places are ordered to be closed. A new normal is limited
shopping for all. In this situation, online businesses can grow very fast. People who have no
businesses or people who are ordered to close their businesses, they are more interested to do
online businesses to earn money.

In conclusion, nowadays people in Bangladesh spend more time in online for various purposes.
Online businesses have a great impact in our economy. In this pandemic situation, people don’t
want to be left alone and they search for products. Online businesses can provide essential
supports and products to raise their businesses rapidly nowadays. Covid-19 changes the online
business platform in the history of Bangladesh.

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