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24th April 2015

The Life Coaching Centre

Tips for Mental Health

and Wellbeing

What is Stress?
You may believe that you are a traumas like the loss of a limb or for a fight or a flight. You may
You will learn.. modern human, but beneath the lifted huge weights off trapped sometimes wish that you could
surface you are still primitive, family members. The trouble is settle disagreements at work or
 We are hardwired programmed to live in a wild and that evolution moves slowly and deal with that awkward customer
to respond to high savage environment, struggling to hasn’t caught up with the rapid with a sharp-edged spear, or im-
pressure situations survive from one day to the next. changes in the way we live. Our ply by running away, but that
 Pressure causes Millions of years of evolution bodies deal with the pressure of option isn’t available. Our bodies
stress ensured that you would respond work or the congestion in com- tense up ready for a physical
to any threat in one of two ways - muter traffic in the same way as reaction but that isn’t possible.
 Some pressure by attacking or by running away. they learnt to deal with wild ani- Instead, we bottle it up. That’s
and stress is good This fight or flight response to a mals on the savannah - by pro- stress.
 Causes of stress threat is instinctive and so it is ducing adrenalin and preparing
largely outside our conscious
 The signs of too
control. The body responds to
threats by producing adrena-
 5 simple ways to lin. In situations where a per-
promote your own son’s life (or the life of a
mental health and loved one) is threatened, it’s
wellbeing amazing what the surge of
adrenalin can help someone to
do. People have jumped five-
bar gates, coped with major

Pressure Causes Stress

If you put a little bit of pressure same. Put them under a degree of less able to cope with any pres-
on the end of a strip or wood or pressure and they will spring sure. You need to understand
metal it will usually bend. Let it back easily, but push them too far what stress is, what effect it has
go and it will spring back into and they will break. on people and what causes it.
shape. But push it too far and it
Just as different mate-
can break.
rials respond different-
You have put the material under ly to pressure, people
different degrees of stress. Some will respond differently
materials will accept more stress as well. Some seem to
than others. Some can be bent relish pressure, soaking
double and spring back without a it up like a clock
problem. Some will snap with the spring, easily able to
slightest pressure. People are the unwind. Others are far
Tips for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Some Pressure is a Good Thing

We need a certain amount of adequate deadline given to an ployee who has to take care of
pressure to perform at our best, employee, which motivates and her four children at home and a
this is shown by the graph, encourages her to work actively sick mother at the hospital. This
which was created by Robert and efficiently on the project overwhelming mix of situa-
Yerkes and John Dodson in assigned to her. Another might tions, if not managed carefully
1908 be an approaching major exam- and totally, will result to a poor
ination which leads a student to performance at work, bad rela-
The curve shows that as the
double time on studying and tionships with other members
level of stress increases, the
reviewing of lessons. of the family, ill health, and
performance level also increas-
es, this is healthy tension and is As stress begins to be perceived
a key ingredient in feeling en- as overwhelming or excessive, Fortunately, there is a region
“A diamond is a gaged and motivated – wanting the person reaches a fatigue called the “area of best perfor-
chunk of coal that is to do more and better. When point and performance levels mance”. In this region, moder-
made good under we are performing at our best, and enthusiasm start to decline. ate pressure resulting to opti-
we are experiencing levels of This can lead to exhaustion, mum stress or stress that is
pressure” pressure that we are able to burnout, or ill-health. totally manageable leads to the
~ Henry Kissinger manage. highest level of performance
For instance, a very tight dead-
(and satisfaction).
An example is the short but line is given to an office em-

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Stress—Causes and Symptoms

Causes of Stress
There are many causes of stress in life including: The UK's Health and Safety Executive lists six key workplace stress
 Death: of spouse, family, friend
 Health: injury, illness, pregnancy  The demands of the job
 Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage  The control staff have over how they do their work
 Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss  The support they receive from colleagues and superiors
 Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours  Their relationships with colleagues
 New location: vacation, moving house  Whether they understand their roles and responsibilities
 Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it  How far the company consults staff over workplace changes.
 Environment change: in school, job, house, town
Remember, how we respond to situations varies from person to person.
 Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job
One person’s fearful situation is another’s source of excitement. The
 Stress at work key is to know your own risk factors and manage yourself accordingly
or learn techniques to manage your responses in situations that general-
ly cause you unwanted stress.

Symptoms of Stress
We all respond to stress in dif- things.
ferent ways. Common symp-  Becoming obsessive over
toms of too much stress in- aspects of the work.
 Frequent lateness and absen-
 Getting very anxious about teeism.
possible events.
The key is knowing yourself,
 Regular headaches or other
and being aware of changes in
physical pains.
your own state or behaviours.
 Mood swings - sharp changes When you notice a change, try
from gaiety to anger and back to identify the trigger and if
again. possible remove it.
 Bursting into tears over small

Mental Wellbeing—Get Your 5-a-Day

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Tips for Mental Health and Wellbeing

5 ways to Mental Wellbeing

We all have a sense of when we feel mentally and physically well. But sometimes we need extra sup-
port or a gentle nudge to look after ourselves so that we keep well.
The New Economics Foundation has assessed the latest scientific evidence and created a set of simple
actions to improve wellbeing in everyday life.
By adopting the five ways to wellbeing, you can increase your life expectancy by 7.5 years. And with
one in four people today experiencing mental distress during their lifetime, there’s never been a better
time to take your health into your own hands.

Live longer, feel healthier, be happier.

Connect… with the people around you. With fam- what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experi-
ily, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, ences will help you appreciate what matters.
work, school or in your local community. Think
Keep learning…Try something new. Rediscover
of these as the cornerstones of your life and invest
an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take on a
time in developing them. Building these connec-
different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn
tions will support and enrich you every day.
to play an instrument or how to cook your favour-
Be Active… Go for a walk or run. Step outside. ite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving.
Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising Learning new things will make you more confi-
makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover dent as well as being fun.
a physical activity you enjoy and that suits your
Give… Do something nice for a friend, or a
level of mobility and fitness.
stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your
Take Notice… Be curious. Catch sight of the time. Join a community group. Look out, as well
beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the as in. Seeing yourself, and your happiness, linked
changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether to the wider community can be incredibly reward-
you are walking to work, eating lunch or talking ing and creates connections with the people
to friends. Be aware of the world around you and around you.

About Me
I am passionate about helping individuals and organisations to promote mental health and wellbeing.
I failed to spot the symptoms of too much stress in myself leading to a period of illness and absence
from work so now I like to use my first hand experience to prevent others having to suffer as I did..
I am voluntary Chair of the Swindon Mindful Employers Network which is a network of employers
all committed to promoting and sharing best practice in promoting mental health and wellbeing in the
workplace. We hold regular meetings with expert speakers on a variety of mental health topics.

I work as a Trainer for UK College of Personal Development delivering a range of coaching, mentor-
ing, leadership and management courses for businesses as well as personal development courses for

I also work as a coach, assisting individuals to unlock their potentential and overcome obstacles to
personal and professional success.
Contact me for more information:
Tel: 01793 511180


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