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Anal''tical Solutions for Diffusion on Fractal Objects

Ben O'Shaughnessy and Itamar Procaccia
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
(Received 5 July 1984)
A generalization of the Euclidean diffusion equation is proposed for diffusion on fractals on the
basis of a scaling argument, a renormalization-group theory for the Green's function, and numeri-
cal tests. Conjectures on the applicability to natural fractals (such as porous media) are presented.

PACS numbers: 66.30.Dn, 05.60. +w

The wide interest in the rich variety of natural ob- where J(r, t) is the total radial current. Define p(r, t)
jects which are best modeled as fractals'2 has in- as the average probability per site, i. e. , M ( r, t)
creased further since the discovery of their unusual — rD 'p(r, t). Assume now that there exists a consti-
dynamical properties. 3 6 The unusual forms of the tutive relationship of the form
density of states on fractals, 4 5 their anomalous dif-
fusion properties, 6 and the scaling laws for conductivi- J(r, t) = K(r) r Bp(r, t)/Br
ty have all attracted intensive research.
In this Letter we address the issue of diffusion on where K(r) rD ' is defined as the total conductivity of
fractal structures. We go one step beyond previous a shell of rD ' sites. Generally speaking Eq. (2) is an
research by proposing a generalization of the diffusion approximation; it involves a product of spherically
equation for Euclidean lattices to the case of lattices of averaged quantities rather than an average of a prod-
noninteger dimension (section 1). When we assume a uct. Equation (2) in Eq. (1) yields the diffusion equa-
scaling form for the conductivity the equation can be tion
solved exactly; all the well-known scaling properties t
follow4 6 while the information contained in the full ap(rt) = 1 8 lap(rt)-
probability distribution is far greater. The equation rD-' K(r)
tir Qr
should provide a theoretical framework for transport
processes in, e.g. , porous media in natural environ-
ments (section 4). Equation (3) is a natural generalization of the spher-
To help judge the arguments of section 1 we present ically symmetric diffusion equation in Euclidean
a renormalization-group theory for the Green's func- spaces. For the latter D is integer and K(r) = K is the
tion on simple fractals and numerical tests in sections constant diffusion coefficient. To calculate K(r) we
2 and 3, respectively. Throughout we emphasize the exploit the equivalence of the electrical conductivity
shortcomings of the smooth scaling form assumed for problem and the stationary diffusion problem and con-
the conductivity and the solution of section 1 which sider a fixed potential @ at the origin and a zero
results. (ground) potential at the shell at r. The total integral
(1) Scaling argument. — Consider diffusion on a frac- resistance R (r) = @/J. Let us assume R (r) scales like

tal object of fractal dimension D, embedded in space of
dimension d. Let M(r, t) be the probability at time t to
—r;then the conductivity at the shell r is

a(r) [M /Br ] ' . r' . From this we get
be within the hyperspherical shell between r and r + dr

K(r) r' a. (r) r — . We thus have
centered on some origin chosen to lie on the fractal.
Conservation of probability requires that
K (r) = Kr, 0 = D + ct —2.

AM(r, t)/Bt = d J(r, t)/dr (1) With use of Eq. (4) in Eq. (3) we get a diffusion equa-
tion whose exact solution is
( )
(2+0) 1
~2+ 8
Dr (D/(2+ 0) ) K (2+ tI)'t K(2+0)'t
where the normalization
Drf 'p(r, t)dr
From (5) we obtain the exact result
=1 has been used.

(r'(t) ) = [K(2+ 0)'t]'I" +'~r ((D+ 2)/(2+ 0) )/r (D/(2+ 0) ) (6)

and therefore we identify 0 as the exponent of anomalous diffusion6 and Eq. (4) (hitherto only a definition of 8)
as a scaling law. Wilke et al. have argued differently for the same law (they related the resistance to the effective
number of one-dimensional links between shells) and Guyer has argued for a similar law involving the coupling-

Qc 1985 The American Physical Society 455


constant exponent instead of the resistance exponent (a)

n. From (5), p (0, t) — t t + 1 from which
we find
the usual relation for the spectral (fracton) dimension
d =2D/(2+8). Equation (5) appears to agree with
the form suggested by Banavar and %illemsen' based
on a different argument.
It must be emphasized that the factors Kr» and
rD ' in (3) which yield (5) are the smooth envelopes of
the conductivity and number of sites in a shell which
can be highly singular functions of r in all lacunar'
fractals. Indeed, these singularities occur on all length
scales. In turn the solution (5) is anticipated to be the
envelope of an equally singular distribution p(r, t).
To illustrate the determination of K and 8 and to
analyze the Green's function in section 2, we need a
simple fractal on which calculations can be done exact-
ly. The obvious choice is the Sierpinski gasket which
has been the testing ground for so many ideas on frac-
tals. 3 5 9 '3 For this fractal we have calculated the
equilibrium current Jexactly as a function of lattice
size using a decimation method'4 for the case of the
origin at the top triangle [Fig. 1(a)]. Now in steady
state, Eq. (3) yields a current as a function of K and 8;
by requiring this to equal J, both K and 8 are deter-
mined. For the gasket in d dimensions we find in this
way 14
D(2+ 8 D) (d+ 1)—
where Wis the conductance of a bond. FIG. l. (a) The Sierpinski gasket and the coordinate sys-
's tem used here. (b) The four triangles that are explicitly con-
(2) Renormalizati on group theo-ry for the Green sidered in the renormalization-group theory.
function In .co— ntrast with previous studies of the

Sierpinski gasket9 "'

Green's function for the diffusion equation on the
we deal with explicit spatial conditions P;(0) = 5;~, on a gasket of 3" triangles.
coordinates, in terms of which theory is developed. G~&
"1(t) is the Laplace transform of the Green's func-
For the purpose of analysis, it is essential to choose a tion Gg;~(E) for the diffusion or Schrodinger equa-
coordinate system which reflects the dilatational in- tion. We wish to develop a fixed-point equation by re-
variance. For the triangular gasket the appropriate lating it to Gt," Jt)(Pt) To do so .we pick four neigh-
coordinate system was suggested in Ref. 13. In a boring triangles on the (n —1) lattice, denoted by
gasket with 3" triangles, the triangles are labeled (see i, k, 1, m [see Fig. 1(b)]. On the (n) lattice each of
Fig. 1) these consists of three triangles, i =3i+a, etc. , with
n —1 n=O, 1, 2 [Fig. 1(b)]. From Eq. (8)
i = X ak3", ak=0, or 2.
[3 —(E/W)]G;, ~" (E) = X„Gk" (E)+h„".
k=o (9)
Given an inner length scale, the diffusion occurs by
hopping from site to site with a diffusion equation
We pick now an initial condition on a triangle [which
on the (n) lattice is composed of jo, jt, j2], and derive
W 'Q~ = —4Q~ + X» Q» where q runs over four the equations for G;t"J) = gpG, J,
subject to P; (0)
nearest-neighbor sites. By summing over the three = 5, . With the notation X = 1 —e, e = E/ W, and
vertices that belong to a given triangle we have derived 5, J = g& 8; J these read
the equivalent equation for triangles
P, = W(X,.P, —3P, ) (8) ) G'"'(.
where P; is the probability to belong to the ith triangle =G& ) (.)+Gt) (.)+G& ) (.)+S„,, (loa)
at time t. The factor of 3 reflects the fact that triangles
have three neighbors rather than four. ) G()(
Consider now the Green's function G;tj"1(t), which
is the probability to be at triangle i at time t with initial = G, ,", (.) + G, , "' (.) + G,'"' (.) + S,~, (lob)


Q 2— Y
0 CL


Oo 25 75 0


]GO 150 200 250 0


FIG. 2. Typical plots of p(r, t) vs r along the edge of the gasket with 5-function initial conditions at the top, and W=0. 25.
(a) t = 3000,
r in dimensionless units, numerical experiments plotted with crosses, analytical predictions with open circles. (b)
t = 25 000, otherwise identical to (a). Notice that the analytical predictions have no free parameters.

with similar equations for G; J (e) G; ~ (e), Gk("~ (e), and G ", (e). Multiplying Eq. (10a) by (1+A. ) and ad-
ding to Eq. (10b) we find

(X +A. —1)G; «) (e) = (1+A. ) [G; ~) (e)+ G; J (e)]+ G, " (e)+ (1+A. )5;, +St, ,
where Gi, — = g Gr J . Analogous
j, equations are easily found for G;(",) (e) and G;() (e). When these three equa-
tions are all summed we find

%e note that 5; 5~ =35;~; the key point is that the

system (12) has the same structure as a sum of sys- it is apparent that the solution of Eq. (3), i.e. , Eq. (5),
tems (9). By denoting (A. —A. —3) by (3 —e'), we is a solution of the fixed-point equation (15). To see
have this pick, for example, j=0
(the uppermost triangle)
(e) for which Eq. (15) reads G3;(t) = —,' G;( ,' t). A solu-—
tion of this equation [together with G;(t=0)=5;]
=3(1+A.)G; " ' (e')+X G " ')(e') (i3) when expressed in terms of the distance r in the
embedding space which satisfies r ~ j'"2 '"3 is
where q are nearest neighbors to i.
To compare with the diffusion equation approach, G(r, r) = Ct exp( —r'" '" /C, r)/r'"' '"'.
= j
we consider now Eq. (13) for i and which are far
" Remember that for the example at hand3 D =ln3/ln2
apart. We then have G~I," ' ' and also
" =
" =
G;, and 0 =ln5/ln2 —2; thus we see that Eq. (16) agrees
G, G, G3;") . Accordingly we finally find
exactly with Eq. (5). On the other hand we realize
G,',") (e) = —, (5 —e) G, '"
' "(5e —e') (l4) that Eq. (15) has information on triangles i, and 3 i,
3"j only. Therefore an analytic solution like (16) for
On the infinite lattice, since boundary effects are any k, l~3"i, 3"j should be interpreted as an envelope.
immaterial, we expect the Green's function to be the To appreciate these points further we turn now to
fixed-point function G ~(e) of the rescaling procedure some numerical simulations.
(14). By considering the limit e 0 we find that'4 for (3) Numerical simulations —
We have s. lved numeri-

large times Eq. (14) predicts that cally the random-walk problem [Eq. (8)] on the Sier-
pinski gasket with three sites with delta-function ini-
G3, »(r) = —,' G, , ( —,' r). (15)
tial conditions at the top triangle. We have tested the
Although this equation is derived for the gasket em- predictions of Eq. (5) by (i) plotting (see Fig. 2) the
bedded in d=2, its generalizations to higher d are numerical values of p(r, t) along the edge of the gasket
available and will be reported elsewhere. ' together with the right-hand side of Eq. (5), using the
The crucial point now is that Eq. (15) can be used theoretical value of IC, Eq. (7). Notice that Eq. (5)
on the one hand to support the validity of Eq. (3) and contains no free parameters. As anticipated theoreti-
on the other hand to expose its shortcomings. Firstly, cally, Eq. (5) appears to be an envelope to the numeri-

cal results which display the expected nonanalyticities; 2Proceedings of the Conference on Fractals in the Physical
these have interesting self-similar properties which will Sciences, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1983, edited by M. F.
be discussed elsewhere. 4 (ii) We plotted ln[p(r, t)/ Shlesinger, J. Stat. Phys. 36, Nos. 5 & 6 (1984).
p(r, 0) ] vs [r + /t], for many values of r and t. Satis- 3Y. Gefen, A. Aharony, B. Mandelbrot, and S. Kirkpa-
factory straight lines are found. '4 (iii) Lastly, we test- trick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1771 (1981).
4S. Alexander and R. Orbach, J. Phys. (Paris) Lett. 43,
ed the scaling Eq. (15) at many general (i,j) sites at
2625 (1982).
various times. The scaling prediction is confirmed. '4
(4) Conjectures.— Given a fractal of dimension D, be
sR. Rammal and G. Toulouse,
L-13 (1983).
J. Phys. (Paris) Lett. 44,
it random or not, we conjecture that when the resis- 6Y. Gefen, A. Aharony, and S. Alexander, Phys. Rev.
tance envelope scales like r the diffusion problem Lett. 50, 77 (1983).
should be describable by Eqs. (3) and (5). Similarly 7H. G. E. Hentschel and I. Procaccia, Phys. Rev. A 29,
we suggest that in natural materials, such as porous 1461 (1984).
media, a link between the scaling of conductivity and S. Wilke, Y. Gefen, V. Ilko vie, A. Aharony, and
the existence of a diffusion equation like (3) should be D. Stauffer, J. Phys. A 17, 647 (1984).
sought experimentally. 9R. A. Guyer, Phys. Rev. A 29, 2751 (1984).
OJ. R. Banavar and J. Willemsen, Phys. Rev. B 30, 6778
It is a pleasure to acknowledge useful discussions
with Professor A. Aharony, Professor S. Alexander, (1984).
»E. Domany, S. Alexander, D. Bensimon, and L. P. Ka-
and Professor S. Havlin. This work has been support- danoff, Phys. Rev. B 28, 3110 (1983).
ed in part by the Minerva Foundation, Munich, Ger- &2D. Ben-Avraham and S. Havlin, Phys. Rev. A 29, 2309
many. (1984).
&3J. C. Angles d'Auriac, A. Benoit, and R. Rammal, J.
Phys. A 16, 4039 (1983).
tB. B. Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature (Free- i4B. O'Shaughnessy and I. Procaccia, to be published.
man, San Francisco, 1983). tsR. Hilfer and A. Blumen, J. Phys. A 17, L537 (1984).


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