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Robert Sobot

any recent advances

in implantable devic-
es not so long ago

wou ld h ave b e e n
strictly in the domain
of science fiction. At the same time,
the public remains mystified [1], if
not c on f l ic ted a bout i mpla nt-
able technologies. Rising aware-
History, Controversies,
ness about social issues related and Social Implications
to implantable devices requires fur-
ther exploration.
Recently, even popular media are
running stories related to implant- Brain to Machine Interface Deep Brain Stimulation
able technologies. For example, in a Cochlear Implant Bionic Eye
recent news story in a Canadian daily and Hearing Aids
Traumatic Fracture
newspaper, the author writes about Vagus Nerve Stimulation Repair
a patient who was left immobile Breast Implants
and brain damaged for more than Artificial Heart Heart Pacemaker
two decades after a car accident. and Defibrillator
Diaphragm Stimulator
But she became again able to com- Spinal Fusion Hardware
municate with her relatives by the Artificial Arm
means of an eye-motion tracking RFID Tag Drug Delivery
hardware with the signal processing Bionic Hand Bladder Stimulator
software running on a tablet. The
story follows financial, legal, and Artificial Leg Artificial Skin
social issues that accompanied the
case. For example, the legal argu- Artificial Knee
ments revolved mostly around the
patient’s right to improve her “qual-
ity of life.” The general sense was
that the patient and family were Artificial Foot
happy with the overall benefit of
the technology. The public discus-
Figure 1. Map of the human body showing areas of typical artificial implants
sion focused on two main topics.
currently either already used or under development.
First, what is really required to have
a minimal “quality of life” and how
much does it cost; second, should technology itself and its creators Implantable technology is very
receive credit for this and other simi- controversial. Use of these tech-
lar “miraculous improvements,” or nologies opens a rather wide range
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2018.2880167
was it simply God’s will that really of questions, dilemmas, and argu-
Date of publication: 30 November 2018 enabled it. ments revolving around morality

december 2018 ∕ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 35

vs. legality, business profit versus and included in this review. To il- we were still evolving into com-
genuine altruism, religion versus sci- lustrate the current state-of-the-art, plex organism, the technology is
ence and technology, animal rights Figure 1 shows a map of the human non-existent;
versus human rights, to name but body, pointing out some of the most b) external (shared) technology:
a few. The above example shows common areas targeted by modern the most important technol-
that implantable technology blurs implantable technology, either al- ogy (arguably) that humans have
further the boundary between what ready in the clinical use or still in the developed, the controlled fire,
is living (human) and what is non- research stage. could be classified as the same
living (machine). There is a need as, for example, public trans-
for an informed discussion about Technology and the Human Body port, schools, phone networks,
these developments. From an engineering perspective, and the healthcare system;
the design of implantable systems c) external (personal) technol-
Historical Classification is constrained by a set of specific ogy: technologies that once may
The miniaturization and develop- system requirements such as: a) have been shared, but now are
ment of biomedical implantable biocompatibility, b) bio-resistance, closer to our body and have
devices parallels development in c) small size, d) density matched to become personal, e.g., cars,
science a nd engineer ing , more neural tissue, and e) minimal tether- cellphones, computers, and eye-
specifically in the fields of micro- ing to adjacent structures. A possible glasses, could be grouped into
electronics and IC technologies, strictly engineering classification of this category;
robotics, and power sources and general biomedical devices in rela- d) inter nal (temporar y) tech -
energy harvesting. Early historical tion to the human body is: a) wear- nolog y: follow ing the trend
reviews on implantable devices [2] able devices, b) implantable devices, of reducing physical distance
are recently updated by a number of and c) ingestible devices [8]. between a machine and human
excellent and comprehensive tech- Here, however, I prefer to define body, technologies that tem-
nical reviews that show the state-of- the body–technology relationship porarily cross the traditional
the-art [3]-[6], and in popular books in somewhat broader sense, that is, boundary line of our body, e.g.,
[7]. However, the objective of this relative to distance from the human contact lenses and ingestible
paper is to contribute by reviewing body. This perspective is shown in biotelemetr ic capsules, a re
historical background and some of Figure 2, which introduces the fol- examples of this category. We
the key developments that enabled lowing six general categories [9]: note that technologies in this
modern implants, but within the category can be easily put in
social and cultural context. Thus, a) infinitely far away technology: and removed by the user, i.e.,
a rather wider range of references, in the pre-technological epoch they spent only limited time
not all strictly technical, will be used of human evolution, i.e., while within the body;

Relative Distance Between the Technology and the Boundary of Our Body

External Internal Integrated


Non-Existant Shared Personal Temporary Permanent iCyborg? Time

Figure 2. Technology distance: As we developed as species, starting from simple cell organisms, it seems that on a global scale the
distance between our bodies and technology has been constantly reducing.

36 IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ december 2018

e) internal (permanent) technolo-
gies: the pacemaker, and dental Table 1. Most Commonly Clinically Used Implants (U.S.A. Only).
and cochlear implants, for exam- Avg. Cost of
ple, are permanently inserted in #Users/yr Total Market/ Procedure
the body by medical procedure Device [Millions] yr [$B] [$1000]
and they cannot be removed Artificial smart leg 0.13 0.5 40
by the user. These technologies
Artificial hips 0.25 10.5 45
are expected to function and
Artificial knees 0.5 12 22
co-exist with the natural human
organs during the the user’s life- Metal hardware 1 15 2–25
time without user intervention, Cardiovascular (pacemaker 0.4 10 20–40
to have ultra-low power con- and defibrillator
sumption, and to have natural Coronary Stents 0.5 7.5 13
multi-degree movement for the Ventricular assist 0.11 1.6 150
prosthetics; and,
Breast Implants 0.4 1 3–5
f) bio-mechanical integrated tech-
nology: obviously, if this trend Cochlear implant – 1.1* 30–50
continues in the same direc- Artificial Eye Lenses 2.6 8–10 3–5
tion, the ratio of internal (per- Hearing aid 2 6 1–4
manent) technologies relative
*global estimate
to body size is steadily increas-
ing. Therefore it is reasonable
to extrapolate the trend into not
so distant future and infer that the business aspect of implantable most commonly used implantable
we may reach the phase of com- medical devices is a very important technologies.
plete integration between our part of the world economy, provid-
biological selves and technol- ing (aside from medical benefits) Interface between Living and
ogy, where the natural organs job opportunities for engineers, and Non-Living Beings
seamlessly co-existing with the technical problems to be solved for The connection between living and
implanted ones. the research community. However, non-living beings has been the sub-
as any other competitive business, it ject of human curiosity ever since we
Thus, on the philosophical level, it is is almost impossible to evaluate the became self-aware, and this remains
natural to pose the following ques- location of the boundary between a most fascinating discussion topic
tions: Will humans at some point the need for reasonable business today. As J. Müller stated,
stop being humans? If so, at what profit and genuine usefulness, and
moment will this occur — when between necessity for a certain “Though there appears to be
will humans become what we now device, drug, or procedure and how something in the phenomena
consider machines? Where is the the marketing strategies of the ben- of living beings which cannot
boundary between the two anyway? efiting companies are influenced by be explained by ordinar y
the profit margins. mechanical, physical or chem-
Business Side of eHealth In Table I contemporary implant- ical laws, much may be so
According to various business sourc- able technologies are summarized explained, and we may with-
es and reports, as well as scientific with respect to the number of year- out fear push these explana-
journals freely available on the Inter- ly users, total market share, and tions as far as we can, so long
net, companies working on medical average cost of each procedure. as we keep to t he solid
devices report estimated total world- This data is aggregated and extrap- ground of observation and
wide revenue of more than $200 bil- olated for the U.S. only, based on experiment.”
lion a year. The United States alone publicly available information. It
generates about 30% of this sum, therefore should be read more in This passage from Müller’s book
being by far the largest shareholder. relative terms, as worldwide data is [10] inspired Emil du Bois-Reymond
That is to say, regardless of the abso- not that readily available, to illus- to discover the action potential of
lute numbers, without the doubt trate market share for some of the a living cell membrane [11], [12],

december 2018 ∕ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 37

science fiction, namely “controlling
machines directly by thoughts,”
Axion Terminal
became reality. However, at the fun-
Axion damental level, as soon as electrical
signals are generated by the brain,
Direction of Propagation and transmitted neurons (the liv-
ing cells) are picked by the neural
probe (i.e., a non-living object made
of metal and silicon), the problem
stops being transcendent or even
bio-medical, and it becomes strictly
Direction of Propagation
a signal-processing and engineer-
Potential ing problem, no magic required.
Then, like a good illusionist, a living
being equipped with implanted elec-
tronics and signal processing algo-
Direction of Propagation rithms (a.k.a., a brain-to-machine
interface, or BMI) is capable of
moving a robotic arm and perform-
Figure 3. Action potential propagation along the axion.
ing actions that are normally done
by our natural limbs, simply by the
which is the fundamental mecha- probe [15] (see Figure 4). Recent process of natural thinking in the
nism for transmitting electric signals reported developments advanced brain [17]. Successful application of
along neurons, and for activation of the idea of a neural probe by intro- BMI is culmination of the incremen-
intracellular processes (see Figure 3. ducing the concept of “neural dust,” tal advances over the previous two
The possible discovery of interac- a large number of wireless elec- decades a specific topic of electri-
tion between the living and non- trodes that can be affixed directly to cal activity of single motor cortical
living beings at the level of thoughts multiple nerves [16] thus create mul- neurons in macaque monkeys. After
(i.e., “brain waves”) has inspired tiple wireless sensing nodes inside the first experimental demonstra-
science fiction writers and popu- the body. tions of BMI, where a tiny owl mon-
lar media ever since. In fact, these Consequently, what is still con- key named Belle [17] with BMI chip
scientific advances touch the most sidered by the general public to be implanted in her brain controlled a
profound beliefs and trigger heated robotic arm installed nearby, this
discussions around the relationship DARPA funded technology reached
between science, religion, and our the clinical stage. There are now
fundamental existence. These reoc- already several humans using one
curring discussions are common to or even both bionic arms instead of
our society regardless of the era. their lost limbs [18].
They are famously illustrated by C. Improved understanding of the
Sagan in his novel [13], turned into electrical activity of motor cortical
a film, as well as in other popular neurons thus firmly established two
media that have presented these new research topics: the develop-
controversial discussions through- ment of the bionic arm and of the
out history [14]. bionic foot.

Brain-to-Machine Interface Bionic Arm

for Motor Actions Prosthetic arms made of wood and
Despite societal concerns, with the metal with various tools attached
action potential mechanism already at the end, which were simple but
well understood, further advances Figure 4. Action potential propagation surprisingly effective, have been
in microelectronic technologies at the interface point with the neural used over centuries. However, in
enabled development of the neural probe [9]. modern times despite advances

38 IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ december 2018

in engineering and availability, as the base of the remaining end of leg electrical signals traveling under the
of 2007, up to 75% of users were where the neural probe is placed to skin, for example to control move-
rejecting electric prosthetics [19]. pick up signals and process them ment of the eye, are relatively easily
One of the main reasons for the electronically. picked up and processed by exter-
rejection, aside from the social Two mechanical elements of the nal electronics, which makes this
acceptance and awkwardness, was bionic leg, knee, and hip, are among approach suitable for design of sim-
that the robotic prosthetic arms are the most commonly implanted devic- pler BMI control systems (see Figure 6)
heavy, difficult to master, and have es due to the continuous friction in [22]. Recently, there are a number of
very slow response due to the tra- the joints that leads to breakdown of commercial applications using this
ditional control technology used cartilage and bone. Replacement of principle in video gaming, medicine,
for the industrial type robots. Cur- these two mechanical implants pres- military, and other fields.
rently, external robotic prosthetic ents a significant (and profitable,
technology is advancing rapidly by see Table I) engineering challenge, Brain to Machine Interface
implementing an improved brain while post-operative complications for Neural Actions
to machine interface as well as new still may be associated with major Aside from detecting activities relat-
materials, which enables the pros- risks that in some cases may lead ed to motor function, the neural
thetics seamless integration into our into the patient’s death within the probe interface is widely used to tap
bodies [20]. first 90 days after operation (various into other areas of the brain. Name-
statistics are publicly available). ly, accessing the inner regions of the
Bionic Leg brain, tapping into the audio nerve,
Similarly to the prosthetic arm, Noninvasive BMI Technique and more recently into the opti-
wooden legs were in use an equally As opposed to deeply invasive BMI cal nerve are the most active lines
long time. Although being very help- techniques using implanted probes of research in this direction. Three
ful with balance, the users often and ICs that are in direct contact with typical examples of non-motor BMI
described the feeling of using them brain’s neurons, thus providing bet- are as follows.
as if walking on sand without feed- ter signal-to-noise resolution (SNR)
back sensation of the natural foot. and spatial resolution, non-invasive Deep Brain Stimulator
The first significant change hap- electroencephalography (EEG) tech- Since 1987 when A.L. Benabid [23]
pened with the introduction of much niques apply electrodes externally developed deep brain stimulation
publicized “Blade Runner” prosthet- on the skin. Consequently, the SNR technique to treat Parkinson’s dis-
ics that enabled a double-amputee and spatial resolution are greatly ease, the field of deep brain neu-
to compete in the 2012 Olympic degraded. As a counterargument, rosurgery applied this technique to
Games [21]. The advantage of the
new carbon-fiber “blade,” shown in
Figure 5(c), over a traditional “wood-
en leg” was obvious in many ways.
From the engineering perspective,
the new prosthetics were more simi-
lar to biological limbs. The natural
“foot up-down effect” was achieved
by the blades storing mechanical
energy during the pushing-down
phase and releasing it during the
“pushing-up” phase.
Ongoing research is focused on
integrating the three main elements
of the bionic leg prosthetics: the
artificial hip, the knee, and the leg
itself (Figure 5 (a)-(c)). BMI systems (a) (b) (c)
are integrated with the rest of the
bionic leg hardware by using the Figure 5. Bionic leg components: (a) the artificial hip [58], (b) knee [59], and (c)
brain’s electrical signals arriving to “blade runner” prostheses [60].

december 2018 ∕ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 39

treat chronic pain, major depres- implant is not yet capable of resolv- from a house profile and some other
sion, and obsessive-compulsive ing. Thus, listening to classical objects, but with relatively low reso-
disorder. L ately a lso ha s been music for example is still not quite lution black and white images.
applied to experimental treatment possible with the cochlear implant That is to say, further improvement
of Tourette syndrome and other (obviously, just temporarily at this of at least order of magnitude will
applications. Similarly to other inva- stage of the technology develop- be needed to achieve re solu -
sive techniques, this technique also ment). Some of the latest hearing t ion required to, for example,
adopts the use of robotic neurosur- aid systems are reporting notable read books.
gical tools [24]. progress in this area [26]. An interesting and non-obvious
In the latest developments, scenario related to implants that
Cochlear aside from further miniaturization, directly stimulate human nerves
Regarded as one of the most suc- researchers are exploring other should be noted. The electrical sig-
cessful commercial implants to mechanisms of stimulating the nals stimulating cochlea or the ret-
date, the Cochlear implant [25] has cochlea nerve, for example using a ina are generated by an electronic
been in clinical use since 1977. In series of laser pulses within the circuit. That is to say, it is impos-
the traditional setup, a microphone inner ear and using opto-acoustic sible for the brain to know the ori-
and sound processor are mounted effects [27]. gin of sound or video signals being
externally. Then a short distance received and interpreted. In other
wireless communication channel Bionic Eye words, for all practical purposes the
is used to transmit the processed What could be more miraculous sound and images may not even be
information to the internal implant, than restoring the vision of a blind coming from the immediate sur-
which is responsible for providing person? Research on visual pros- rounding, instead they could have
proper stimulus to the electrodes thetics follows the model of Cochle- been artificially synthesized by a
inside the cochlea. Subsequently, ar implant: An external camera is machine located on another planet.
electrically stimulated audio nerves used to digitalize a picture, which Thus, enhanced humans could be
further enable the brain to interpret is then processed electronically and experiencing an “artificial implanted
incoming sound. In state-of-the-art used by implanted electrodes to reality” without even knowing it. Fur-
systems, the human hearing range stimulate the retina, then the opti- thermore, in not so distant future,
is divided into up to 16 channels cal nerve conveys the information to humans using hearing implants
and up to 22 electrodes. Frequency the brain, which is able to interpret equipped with “language translator”
range is optimized for the human these artificially created signals as may be under the impression that
voice, thus telephone communica- low resolution images [28]. Current they are talking to another person
tion is normally not a challenge for state-of-the-art experimental bionic in their native language. But instead,
the user. However, in a noisy envi- eye systems use thousands of elec- they may not be able to know if the
ronment there is “cocktail party trodes [29], thus producing images original message was a real-time
effect,” to which our natural hear- that make it possible to visually sep- translation from another language
ing system is well adapted, but the arate, for example, a human profile or not. These now realistic scenarios


EEG Scanner Time Decision Machine

Figure 6. Non-invasive EEG based system principle [22].

40 IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ december 2018

open possibilities that are still the from 1969 to September 5, 2014, and social fields with the common
subject of science fiction, however there were 1333 artificial heart goal of further advancement. The
there are no fundamental physi- implantations using 13 different overall requirements of safety, reli-
cal obstacles to prevent them from designs and, according to the Guin- ability, patient use, regulatory con-
being realized [9]. ness World Record, the longest living siderations, and social acceptance
patient survived almost 7.5 years. must be considered. The following
Cardiovascular Implants The artificial heart is still primar- examples illustrate broad aspect of
Recording of electrical activity of ily used to extend waiting time for this research.
the heart was made possible with heart-replacement patients because
the invention of electrocardiogra- the list of potential heart donors is Drug Delivery and
phy (EKG) in 1903, which enabled much shorter than the list of waiting Lab-on-Chip Systems
many aspects of modern cardiovas- patients. But, debate about ethical, Medical treatments almost always
cular medicine. The heart itself has legal, moral, and financial issues are assume application of a drug that
been among the first organs to ben- all still very heated and unresolved. must be delivered to a specific
efit from implantable technology. The case of the first artificial heart region of the body and at specific
Understanding of fluid mechanics illustrates multiple non-technical times. Rapid development of IC and
and heart physiology enabled the controversies that implantable tech- MEMS technologies naturally led to
first artificial heart valve implan- nology raises. implantable technology being con-
tation surgeries with the external sidered as an efficient drug delivery
pacemaker in 1951-1952 [30]. Implantable Systems — Truly vehicle [33]. In parallel with other
At the same time, development Multidisciplinary Technology implantable systems, the objec-
of the transistor was happening, A remarkable feature of implantable tive of a drug delivery system is to
which finally enabled design of fully systems and devices is that they administer drugs over prolonged
implantable electronic devices. represent truly multidisciplinary periods of time, so that they are
This new opportunity was quickly systems that required collaboration injected either periodically or per
deployed for development of the fully of multiple scientific, engineering, request. Thus, modern sophisticated
implanted cardiac pacemaker, first
tested with animal subjects in 1958
followed by the first human success-
ful human operation in 1960, thus Leads
making the cardiac pacemaker the (Inside the Subclavian Vein)
first implantable electronic device
[2], Figure 7. Its subsequent develop-
ment stimulated research in materi-
als, electrodes, and rechargeable
light batteries that are bio-compat-
ible. Modern pacemakers are often
integrated with a defibrillator, whose
function is to reset the heart’s beat- Generator
(Between Skin and
ing if the heart stops.
Pectoralis Major)
Following number of animal ex- RA Lead
(Dual-Chamber Devices Also Have This Lead)
periments, the much publicized and
controversial first artificial heart
Coronary Sinus Lead
implant into a human being was (Only Biventricular Devices Have This Third Lead)
performed in 1982 [31]. Today this
device is most often used as an ex-
ternal pump. The 1982 procedure RV Lead
(Almost All Devices Have This Lead)
extended the subject’s life for 112
days [32], during which time he suf-
fered and asked several times to be
allowed to die. Publicly available Figure 7. Illustration of implanted cardiac pacemaker showing locations of cardiac
data vary; however it seems that pacemaker leads [61].

december 2018 ∕ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 41

implantable electro-mechan- Li Battery and Energy
ical systems are powered Harvesting
and electronically controlled Mobile devices, including
[34], integrated with micro- implantable systems, pre-
fluidics devices [35], while at sented the research com-
the same time all aspects of munity with a new problem:
a complex lab-on-chip sys- how to power up these devic-
tems are explored [36], [37]. es over prolonged periods
of time, given constrains in
Contact Lenses space and energy consump-
Although first envisioned tion? The first and most
by Leonardo da Vinci, this obvious line of research is
temporarily invasive device to reduce the device’s ener-
found its wider use after Figure 8. Diabetes-monitoring lens designed by Dr. Babak gy consumption. There has
development of the first plas- Parviz [62], photo by Google. been significant progress in
tic lens in 1948, and today it this area after development
is estimated that more than of transistor and CMOS IC
125 million people use it worldwide, mature surgical procedure gained technologies. A more aggressive
thus creating a more than U.S.$6 bil- publicity due to post-operative com- approach is to reduce the weight and
lion market. This device is used both plications related to the safety of volume of the batteries at the same
for medical (to improve vision) and the material used for the implant time. That is to say, there is a con-
cosmetic (to change eye color and [40]. Consequently, both ethical stant need for high-energy density-
appearance) reasons. In the case of [41] and legal [42] proceedings are light materials that could be used to
colored cosmetic eyes, some coun- published even in engineering jour- create implantable batteries. After
tries do not permit their use. How- nals in attempt to raise engineering the invention of the lithium battery
ever, overall simplicity, safety (as awareness of these non-technical in 1973 implanted devices had suit-
long as used and cleaned properly), consequences and issues. Contem- able source of energy that despite
and widespread use of prescription porary research, however, includes all efforts has not changed much
lenses prompted development of a integration of breast implants with since. Therefore, research in alter-
“smart” or sometimes referred to drug delivering and monitoring sys- native methods of delivering energy
as “bionic” contact lens that would tems [43]. to the implants, where and when it
incorporate microelectronic technol- is needed, has focused mostly on
ogies to embed flexible electronics Society, Science, energy harvesting methods [3], [9].
[38] to detect diabetes or glaucoma, Technology, and Art Recently, reported research in glu-
Figure 8, or to provide augmented Personal and social acceptance of cose biofuel cells points to a new
vision [39]. wearing visible prosthetics seems direction that may enable the next
to be progressing in a good direc- revolutionary stage in powering
Breast Implants tion, judging by the proliferation implantable devices [46].
Breast implants are a permanently of information and images being
implantable technology that was posted throughout social media for Implant Failures and
initially intended for post-mas- public consumption. Several fashion Controversies
tectomy breast reconstruction. How- shows and magazines have already Being electro-mechanical systems
ever, since the 19th century breast featured “The Bionic Models” and and still in the development phase,
implants have been used both for musical performers, sometimes dis- implantable systems are inevitably
medical and cosmetic reasons. playing e-skin [44] and electronic prone to various types of failures.
According to the Global Market tattoos. The social novelty of these Design errors and technology limita-
Research Report 2014-2015, the manifestations is most apparent tions are certainly causing unavoid-
global market share of breast im- because in these performances the able and typical failures, mostly
plants is estimated to be more than accompanying prosthetics are used because the bio-environment inside
U.S.$1 billion, mostly due to an in- not as a necessary evil, but instead a living being is corrosive for the non-
crease in the number of cosmetic as a creative visual and artistic state- biological materials used to create
surgeries. However, this relatively ment [45]. electronics, electrodes, and system

42 IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ december 2018

packaging. Thus, long term interac- prompting animal rights groups to information about an unconscious
tion with the human body causes object to the use of animal subjects. patient would be immediately avail-
implant material degradation and Similarly, in the case of terminally able to the medical staff. Once
eventual failure of the system. ill human subjects, such as the one implanted, for all practical needs,
Equally, non-biological material used in the first artificial heart experi- the RFID chip would be our always
leakage into the body is danger- ment, the public discussion on the up-to-date identification.
ous. What is more, implantable sys- subject’s right to die is still wide open. Counterarguments for using im-
tems by definition are a liability to planted RFID tags start with concerns
the companies working in the field RFID Tags and Privacy over loss of privacy and possible
(i.e., the engineers who designed Once (now ubiquitous) commercial abuse of private information, such
them), while public perceptions RFID tags entered inside the human as real-time position tracking (already
are shaped by daily news focused body in 1998, many new possibili- possible through cell-phone location
on any problems [47]. Examples of ties opened up, as well as new prob- tracking, which has been already
implant failure that received large lems. In a more trivial application, used as evidence in court), and tar-
public scrutiny are leakage of mate- instead of tracking movement of geted marketing. The issue of pro-
rial used to create breast implants commercial goods, RFIDs are now tecting private information is now the
[41], [42], and hip failures [48]. Con- routinely used to track pets using subject of vigorous research aimed
sequences of implant failure could implanted tags. at developing encrypting and com-
be as simple as a temporarily dis- Early demonstration showed munication protection techniques in
comfort, such as replacement of that, with a human-implanted RFID this overly constrained environment.
a broken toot filament, or deadly tag, a simple task such as opening In addition, if a n impla nt is
for the person, for example failure company’s front door and register- accepted as a part of our body
of a pacemaker. What is more, as ing at the front desk would be simply and if it coexist and co-functions
opposed to traditional electronics matter of walking by external elec- with biological organs, then when
systems susceptible to external tronics. It did not take much imagi- the implant is infected by a com-
attacks, in the case of a damaged or nation to see that storing personal puter virus, the human carrying
implant compromised by the exter- ID and health information could also the implant is affected as well. In
nal cyberattack it is not possible offer many benefits to society. For this case, the traditional boundary
for the owner to simply remove or example, in the case of a medi- between a machine and human is
stop the implant’s operation. This cal emergency all relevant medical further blurred [51].
scenario creates new constraints
and challenges for traditional tech-
niques used to protect informa-
tion technology.

Human and Animal Subjects

of Research
Development of science in general,
and implantable systems in particu-
lar (Figure 9), always relied on the
use of animal (mice, dogs, pigs) and
human (terminally ill patients, war
prisoners) as subjects. Depending
on the country, ethical and legal
regulations are enforced to various
extents [49]. Even though the ethical
approval process (if it exists) is rigor-
ous, the final responsibility lays with
the researchers involved in the project
[50]. In the case of animal subjects, Figure 9. Typical telemetry system implanted into an animal subject; dual pressure-
most animals are euthanized after volume sensor is inside the heart, while the implanted telemetry is under skin in the
being used in an experiment, thus neck region [63].

december 2018 ∕ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 43

Enhanced Humans and Society the developments in self-healing Acknowledgment
Even before the 2012 Oly mpic materials [57] and development of The author would like to express his
Games, when the “Blade Runner” bionic skin [54], further deepen sincere gratitude and to acknowl-
was allowed to compete with the the prospect of arriving at a fully edge contributions of his former
“regular” athletes, perceptions of bionic post-human. and current students, as well as of
possible advantages due to “arti- all colleagues around the world who
ficial enhancement” caused wide Beginning of a New are collaborating and working on
discussion on the ethics of using Technological Revolution these fascinating topics.
implantable technology for upgrad- Undoubtedly, we are witnessing the
ing oneself [52]. The question raised beginning of a new technological References
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