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Energy equality and energy sufficiency:

new policy principles to accelerate the

energy transition
Dr Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini
NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Psychology

energy equality, energy justice, energy sufficiency, energy policy (Heffron and McCauley, 2017; Sovacool et al., 2016). Its merit
could be the scholarly effort of taking ethical arguments to the
core of the academic and policy research on the energy transi-
Abstract tion. While this effort might be welcomed by those engaged in
Energy equality (EE) is a novel concept, and its tentative defi- research on energy poverty and on the ethical aspects of sus-
nition was recently presented as follows: “Providing all in- tainable consumption, it still leaves open a wide scope for de-
dividuals with equal opportunities of using energy services, bate regarding the exact definition of EJ and its degree of influ-
energy technologies, and consuming energy and embodied ence on current and future energy policies. It could be argued
energy for satisfying personal needs and holding capabilities” that EJ, dealing with distributional and procedural injustices,
(Pellegrini-Masini, 2018, p. 13). The complexity of the concept is relevant to fuel poverty and energy poverty (Sovacool, 2015;
and its relation to widely used concepts such as “needs”, “ca- Walker and Day, 2012), which in turn have been for long tack-
pabilities”, “energy justice”, “environmental justice”, “distribu- led through measures, among others, which sought to improve
tional justice” and “energy sufficiency” deserve to be analysed energy efficiency1 in the building stock and now appear to be
and discussed. Nevertheless, EE appears as a concept that is addressed by novel concepts like energy sufficiency.
susceptible to inspire energy policies pursuing higher levels In this paper, I will focus on a further concept that has not
of distributional equity and the reduction of CO2 emissions. yet been sufficiently discussed but that could be considered a
Distributional policies though, are known to be contentious specific interpretation of the EJ concept, namely energy equal-
and often raise debates on the opportunity of interfering with ity (EE). I will discuss its relevance in the EJ debate and more
the free market allocation of goods in capitalistic economies. importantly, its potential relevance for energy policies, their
Whether EE inspired policies might be considered feasible and social acceptability and how EE would fit in an energy policy
implementable depends on their expected social acceptance. vision including energy sufficiency.
In this paper, we discuss the interrelation of EE with other
concepts at the core of energy consumption policies and we
discuss the profile of social acceptability of the policies that Equality and Energy Justice
might be informed by EE. EJ was defined by several authors since its first appearance (Gu-
ruswamy, 2010), although two definitions became prevalent.
One holds that EJ “… aims to provide all individuals, across all
In recent years, Energy justice (EJ) has established itself as a
guiding concept in reframing social and policy research regard-
1. As an example, please see the Warm Front Scheme in England: https://we-
ing energy consumption, sustainability and energy poverty



areas, with safe, affordable and sustainable energy.” (McCauley pally as theories of human motivation (Maslow, 1987) while the
et al., 2013, p. 1). The authors (McCauley et al., 2013) elabo- capabilities approach (CA) was developed in relation to moral
rate further on this, indicating that three tenets define EJ, and philosophy and economy studies (Nussbaum, 2003; Sen, 1992,
namely ‘distributional justice’, ‘procedural justice’ and ‘recogni- 1979). Sen (1979, p. 217) who pioneered this approach argues
tion justice’. Distributional justice deals with equity in the dis- for the moral desirability of “basic capability equality”, which
tribution of goods, while procedural justice advocates for fair he distinguishes from utilitarian equality, based on the equality
participation in processes of energy policymaking and finally of marginal utility for each individual, which holds equality of
recognition justice means recognizing and granting the rights treatment of everyone’s interests, and from total utility equality,
of marginalized social groups (McCauley et al., 2013). i.e. essentially absolute equality, and finally Rawlsian equality,
Sovacool and Dworkin (2015, p.  436) instead defined EJ: which is based on a theoretical level of equality that could be
“… as a global energy system that fairly disseminates both the agreed on by whoever wasn’t aware beforehand of his relative
benefits and costs of energy services and one that has repre- position in a distribution. He argues that while total utility
sentative and impartial energy decision-making.” At the same equality (absolute equality) might address problems of un-
time the authors indicated ten principles that lie at the core of equal distribution, it does not address the problem of unequal
EJ: ‘availability’, ‘affordability’, ‘due process’, ‘transparency and capabilities unless it is assumed that all human beings are the
accountability’, ‘sustainability’, ‘intragenerational equity’, ‘inter- same in their abilities and inclinations, which is not the case.
generational equity’, ‘responsibility’, ‘resistance’, and ‘intersec- Sen (1979) appears to be mindful of the difficulties entailed in
tionality’ (Sovacool et al., 2017, p. 687). defining and measuring basic capabilities, still, he advocates
It has been argued (Kymlicka, 2002, p. 4) that each theory of to focus on this approach because in his opinion what matters
justice: “shares the same ‘egalitarian plateau … each theory is for assessing individual utilities is not so much goods but what
attempting to define the social, economic, and political condi- goods do on human beings (Sen, 1979, p. 219). Sen argues that
tions under which the members of the community are treated needs can be interpreted as capabilities: “I believe what is at
as equals”. Pellegrini-Masini et al. (2018) observed that this was issue is the interpretation of needs in the form of basic capabili-
precisely the case for EJ and that equality could be considered ties. This interpretation of needs and interests is often implicit
the root concept of EJ. They observed that both ‘formal equal- in the demand for equality. This type of equality I shall call ‘ba-
ity’ and ‘substantive equality’ were two conceptual dimensions sic capability equality’.” (Sen, 1979, p. 218). Certainly, focusing
that underpinned EJ’s tenets and principles outlined by the two on capabilities instead of needs might create a shift of focus
major definitions of the concept (McCauley et al., 2013; Sovacool from motivations driving individual actions (needs) to the abil-
et al., 2017). Pellegrini-Masini et al., (2018) argue that the prin- ity to act to satisfy those motivations, which would appear to
ciples and tenets of EJ would favour not absolute equality but, be two related but different things. Satisfaction of needs seems
higher levels of equality that would entail the use of the concepts to be mainly a matter of achieving a purpose, being capable of
of formal and substantive equality as benchmarks to gauge the satisfying a need appears instead as a condition that holds the
implementation of EJ’s fundamental tenets and principles. This potential of achieving a purpose (need’s satisfaction), never-
view aligns with the opinion of DeMarco (2001) who held that theless without considering this achievement as inevitable. In
equality was a benchmark concept suitable to value the imple- this respect, capabilities seem to be more difficult to capture
mentation of other central concepts for modern western socie- through indicators which in many cases build on data register-
ties, such as democracy, freedom, participation etc. ing outcomes rather than abilities and potentials.
However, even if we accept that equality could be a root con- If we go back to the definition of EE introduced earlier (Pel-
cept of EJ, what are the policy implications? Even if we affirm legrini-Masini, 2018), we can see that it points to equal oppor-
that EJ is aimed at establishing higher levels of formal and sub- tunities of using services, technologies and of consuming energy
stantive equality of citizens in several processes, this being reg- and embodied energy in order to satisfy personal needs and
ulatory processes, or processes of production or consumption, developing and holding capabilities. The proposed definition,
which together establish an energy system, what are the de- therefore, distinguishes between needs and capabilities. The idea
sirable levels of equality that the energy system should attain? underneath is that a core of essential needs should be met in-
Moreover, should we argue explicitly for Energy Equality? A dependently from making individuals capable of satisfying cer-
recent attempt defined EE as follows: “Providing all individuals tain basic needs such as food, safety, acceptable housing. Other
with equal opportunities of using energy services, energy tech- needs, however, such as achieving career goals, or establishing
nologies, and consuming energy and embodied energy for sat- significant social ties, appear to be more easily facilitated foster-
isfying personal needs and nurturing capabilities” (Pellegrini- ing capabilities than in any other way. The reason for this is that
Masini, 2018, p. 13). This definition provides some indication basic needs attain the survival of individuals and assuming that
of the level of equality that would be desirable to be attained so we live in a society that wants to ensure that each of its members
that an energy system can be considered equal: in fact, equality would meet his basic needs, we might have to resort to providing
per se is a generic term, which could be referred for example direction to those subjects that cannot develop capabilities for
to procedural equality, equality of consumption or equal satis- meeting them or that would face anyway extreme environmental
faction of basic needs only, while using the terms “equality of obstacles in acting towards meeting them.
opportunity” makes explicit reference to a level of equality im- In energy terms, the definition differentiates between pur-
plying distributional justice without discounting personal pref- suing equality with respect to energy consumption only and
erences. The cited definition establishes a direct link to “needs” extending this pursuit to embodied energy, too (i.e. the en-
and “capabilities”, two concepts that already have an established ergy consumed to produce goods). In the first case, EE would
record of empirical research. Theories of needs arose princi- not go much further than ensuring that basic levels of energy



consumption are warranted for everybody, in order to provide B (higher needs) belongingness, esteem, self-actualization. This
necessary comforts to all individuals in buildings. At most, this distinction is supported by some empirical evidence (Sheldon
could be stretched to include access to public transport or any et al., 2001). Cluster A would mean ensuring that individuals
form of transport necessary for working and socialising. In the are capable of meeting their physiological and safety needs.
second case, having a minimum degree of equality in relation Clearly, in terms of energy policy, these needs invoke inter-
to embodied energy consumption might allow all citizens to ventions that attain the provision of warm, safe living envi-
achieve, for example, adequate standards of education in order ronments. There is a vast literature regarding fuel poverty and,
to limit unequal career prospects. more broadly, energy poverty, which is impossible to review
here. What is evident though is that energy poverty is an issue
that has far-reaching effects (Walker and Day, 2012), confirm-
Policies favouring Energy Equality ing Maslow’s theory that if basic needs are not sufficiently met
Scholars have attempted to list and rank capabilities. Particu- individuals will find it difficult or impossible to satisfy higher
larly known is Nussbaum’s list of “central human capabilities”, needs. Therefore, the capabilities of individuals to satisfy those
which includes the following ten capabilities (Nussbaum, 2003, basic needs should be prioritized over further policy interven-
pp. 41–42): 1 life, 2 bodily health, 3 bodily integrity, 4 senses tions.
imagination and thought, 5 emotions, 6 practical reason, 7 af- In Table 1 an essential range of policy interventions aimed at
filiation, 8 other species, 9 play, 10 control over one’s environ- increasing energy equality is presented. These are by no means
ment. Sen (2005) heavily criticizes the drawing of a hierarchical exhaustive, but they provide an initial indication of what type
list of capabilities, because he considers this against democratic of policies could address basic and higher needs. Not all of
scrutiny and public reasoning and, incapable of capturing the these policies are strictly energy policies, particularly when
specific social reality of a given context. Perhaps because of the embodied energy is considered. Embodied energy is already
aversion by Sen, the founder of the capabilities approach (CA), used as a term to account specifically for the energy necessary
there is a lack of empirical studies that aim at validating a uni- to produce buildings, mostly, but also manufactured goods
versal list of capabilities. The same cannot be said of theories (Kara et al., 2010). More recently, the term has been used in the
of needs and particularly those that were conceived in empiri- social sciences and rephrased as “embodied energy injustices”
cally driven disciplines, like psychology. In this area, the most (Healy et al., 2019) in order to highlight global environmental
famous is the theory of motivation of Maslow (1987), which injustices related with indirect energy consumption through
was conceived in the 1940s. Maslow’s humanistic approach has the production and use of goods. A broad discussion of energy
been criticized but it has withstood several empirical tests (Oi- equality should not exclude embodied energy, because this ac-
shi et al., 1999; Sheldon et al., 2001; Taormina and Gao, 2013). counts for a large part of the energy consumed worldwide and
There is no easy objection to complement the CA by Sen with within countries. For example, in the EU, only 25 % of final
the Maslow’s theory of needs, as Sen (1979) himself indicated energy consumption is consumed by households (European
that capabilities are themselves an interpretation of needs, Energy Agency, 2018).
emphasizing choice and possibilities over goods’ actual distri- The current levels of energy consumption inequality ap-
bution. Maslow’s (1987, pp. 35–47) hierarchy of needs, which pear very high, as research indicates that the poorest half of
arguably could correspond to an equivalent hierarchical list the global population is responsible for only 10 % of the global
of capabilities, comprises the following needs: 1 physiological total lifestyle carbon emissions and that the wealthiest 10% of
needs, 2 safety needs, 3 belongingness and love needs, 4 esteem the global population is responsible for 50 % of emissions (Ox-
needs and 5 the need for self-actualization. It was objected that fam, 2015). Similarly, even within nations, the differences be-
this list is culture, and context-dependent but research suggests tween low income and high-income individuals are very large
otherwise (Taormina and Gao, 2013). (Oxfam, 2015). Somebody could object that still, this inequal-
In a CA perspective, what might appear of fundamental im- ity warrants the satisfaction of basic needs to the vast majority
portance is whether citizens have the capabilities necessary to of the world population, but, even if that was the case, energy
satisfy the listed needs. This reasoning might translate to the equality is about advocating for equality of opportunities of
energy policy area: it makes sense to think whether and how it energy consumption in relation to the satisfaction of all needs,
is desirable to grant that all citizens have access to energy ser- not only the basic ones The urgency of considering embodied
vices and technologies in order to be capable of satisfying all or emissions has been pointed out in recent research about energy
at least as many as possible of the needs listed. justice (Sovacool et al., 2017), and, in analogy, the same could
It is not possible here to discuss thoroughly whether equality be said for embodied energy. Social acceptability of energy
or at least some levelling is desirable, something that has always equality policies
attracted a vast amount of theoretical and empirical research Energy equality policies might have significant political and
(Okun, 2015), which has recently bent towards giving merit to economic implications. A substantial increase in redistribu-
equality for creating better societies (Wilkinson and Pickett, tive policies would be needed in order to support currently
2010a). Assuming that some degree of equality is desirable it disadvantaged individuals and for reducing the gap between
could be argued that policies favouring energy equality would wealthier individuals, who are responsible for the largest direct
need to intervene in order to favour the possibility of satisfying and indirect energy consumption, and the rest of the popula-
Maslow’s list of needs (or any improved version that might be tion. A system of personal energy allowance, or carbon energy
supported by empirical tests). allowance, if the policy focus was directly on reducing carbon
For policy-making, Maslow’s needs could be organized in emissions, could be considered. This could be justified on the
two clusters as follows: A (basic needs) physiological and safety, grounds of reducing carbon emissions per capita but would



Table 1. Needs and energy policy interventions towards energy equality.

Needs Policies affecting direct energy consumption Policies affecting embodied energy
Physiological • Energy poverty (fuel poverty) policies • Income support policies
Safety –– Satisfaction of basic heating, cooling, cooking and • Provision of public housing schemes
(basic needs) warm sanitary water needs
• Ubiquitous and sufficient street lighting in all
Belongingness • Measures warranting sufficient mobility for family, • Progressive taxation
Esteem social and work activities • Personal energy (carbon) allowance
Self-actualization • Provision of adequately warm and lighted public schemes
(higher needs) buildings • Education services and school facilities
freely accessible for all and at all levels.

also have the benefit of rising general environmental aware- as “… a state in which people’s basic needs for energy services
ness and weakening the resistance of some sectors of society are met equitably and ecological limits are respected.” (Fawcett
towards redistributive measures based on higher progressive et al., 2018, p. 8).
taxation. While a reduction of general economic incentives While the first (Darby, 2007) and the third definition (Faw-
could dampen to some extent individual economic initiative cett et al., 2018) stress the importance of valuing how much
and productivity, the so-called trade-off between equality and energy is enough through reference to other research or con-
efficiency (Okun, 2015), a further socioeconomic development cepts (‘basic needs’, ‘equitably’, ‘ecological limits’) the second
towards more egalitarian societies is seen as a necessity to cre- (Brischke et al., 2015) merely describes the process of suffi-
ate sustainable development (Mészáros, 2001; Pereira, 2014; ciency.
Wilkinson et al., 2010; Wilkinson and Pickett, 2010b). Interestingly the definition presented earlier of EE (Pellegri-
While the range of variables influencing social acceptability ni-Masini, 2018) bears some overlapping and some differences
of policies might be multiple and varied in nature, it is possible with the concept of ES, particularly in both the definitions of
to attempt a grouping of the variables that most likely have in- ES (Fawcett et al., 2018) and EE there is a mention of satisfying
fluence. The main division in categories is drawn from a simi- needs and a reference in one case to equality and in the other
lar categorization developed for research about acceptability of to equity.
wind farms in planning phase (Pellegrini-Masini, 2017, n.d.) While equity and equality are related they are also different,
but is supported by another very similar categorization, albeit in fact, equity is often maintained as a means of achieving or
worded differently, that was developed for variables affecting restoring distributive equality (Beder, 2010; Ikeme, 2003) but
support for climate policies specifically, and which emerged this is not always the case, in fact, the perhaps oldest definition
from an extensive literature review (Drews and van den Bergh, of equity, attributed to Aristotle (Ikeme, 2003) is that of an ac-
2016). Therefore, support is hypothesized to be influenced by tion aimed at correcting a law that is deficient in terms of its
1 ‘resources’ like income, education, information, 2 ‘contextual rationale or universality. Further, Fawcett et al. (2018) refrain
variables’ like trust toward proponents, transparency and fair- from defining what they mean for “equitably” and they appear
ness of the decision-making process, and 3 ‘psychological vari- to use interchangeably inequity and inequality. So, while energy
ables’ like the perception of collective and subjective benefits equality appears more defined in its content, in its latest formu-
and costs, pro-environmental attitudes, political values. This is lation ES seems to be more ambiguous.
by no means a definitive list, but these variables have been em- Another difference is in the reference to needs, the definition
pirically tested for their effect on acceptability of environmental of ES mentions “meeting basic needs” while the definition of EE
policies, which has been shown to be, to various degrees, sig- that was presented earlier talks of satisfying personal needs and
nificant (Drews and van den Bergh, 2016; Dreyer and Walker, nurturing capabilities. Clearly, the focus of energy sufficiency
2013; Harring et al., 2018; Kallbekken and Sælen, 2011; Ziegler, is more on a limited set of basic needs while “personal needs”
2019). mentioned in the EE definition would imply both the wider
consideration of basic and higher needs.
A further difference is related to the mention of “energy ser-
Energy equality and energy sufficiency vices” in the ES definition and that of energy services, technolo-
Energy sufficiency (ES) is a relatively novel concept, Darby gies and consumption of embodied energy in the EE definition.
(2007, p. 114) wrote arguably the first author to discuss energy Again, the EE definition has a broader take on what should be
sufficiency wrote: “sufficiency of energy services is complex relevant in terms of energy consumption.
and involves normative decisions on how much is enough, Despite this considerations the ES definition has a solid mer-
whether these are based on scientific or intuitive judgements.” it in deliberately mentioning “ecologic limits”, which could be
Later, more definitions were presented, like Brischke et al. argued are implicit in the concept of sufficiency, since its early
(2015, p. 1574) who wrote that ES is “… a strategy that aims to appearance (Darby, 2007); the reason being that sufficiency
limit and reduce the input of technically supplied energy by a literally means the quality of being sufficient, i.e. enough or
quantitative or qualitative change of utility demanded and/or adequate, (Oxford Dictionaries, 2019), therefore it refers to an
technical service delivered”, while more recently ES was defined assessment of economy of a presumably scarce resource.



Therefore, EE and ES could be seen as synergic and compat- environmental character are made explicit and understood.
ible concepts whose utility in inspiring energy policies could Further, personal values and attitudes leading to acceptance or
be seen as complementary: on one side EE would inspire poli- rejection should be understood to comprehend which specific
cies to act towards distributive justice of energy services, tech- subgroups of the population, if any, might require specific ef-
nology and embodied energy consumption, which is arguably forts in delivering policy communication and/or preliminary
more environmentally friendly than accumulation and unequal processes of consultation.
distribution and certainly is more socially sustainable, while Climate change is a looming threat whose urgency and
ES would lead energy policy towards an approach of limiting magnitude are increasingly evident, governments will have to
overall consumption in order to generate an environmentally act quickly to avert the worst consequences and more radical
sustainable energy system. policies than those so far implemented will be needed, com-
municating and introducing such policies in order to minimize
opposition will be a key aspect in the wider strategy for acceler-
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