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Duty Responsibility

A duty is something you_have A responsibility is something

to_do. you _are expected to_do.

Serve in the armed forces when
Keep informed regarding current
issues If the phrase describes a
duty, place the phrase in the
Seron ave jury when called Serve in voluntary appointed column marked Duty.

If the phrase describes a

Pay taxes Attend school responsibility, place the
phrase in the column marked
Participate in political campaigns Responsibility.
Obey the law

If the phrase describes BOTH

Register to vote a duty and a responsibility,
place the phrase between
Serve as a witness in court when the Duty and
Responsibility columns.
Always be on time for meetings

Respect Others’ Rights to an Equal

Add your own phrase on
Voice in Government the blank cards and place
Influence government by each on the mat.
communicating with officials

Hold elective office Help the elderly

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