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2. According to Navarro and Santos (2012), Measurement in education is the process on how we
measure the knowledge of the students. With that, Testing is an objective type of measurement that
measures the knowledge of the student as close as possible to the true value of the quantity of interest.
Test as well is an instrument that measures, assesses, and evaluates the student's knowledge, progress,
and result. Assessment on the other hand is the process on how we assess learning outcomes and also
how we improve student learning. While Evaluation is the process on how we evaluate the result that
will help us identify the success factors of the projects.

According to Wikipedia, there 5 qualities of a good test these are:

1- Validity:

A test is considered as valid when it measures what it is supposed to measure.

2- Reliability:

A test is considered reliable if it is taken again by the same students under the same circumstances and
the score average is almost the constant, taking into consideration that the time between the test and
the retest is of reasonable length.

3- Objectivity:

Objectivity means that if the test is marked by different people, the score will be the same. In other
words, marking process should not be affected by the marking person's personality.

4- Comprehensiveness:

A good test should include items from different areas of material assigned for the test. e.g. (dialogue -
composition - comprehension - grammar - vocabulary - orthography - dictation - handwriting)

5- Simplicity:

Simplicity means that the test should be written in a clear. Correct and simple language, it is important
to keep the method of testing as simple as possible while still testing the skill you intend to test. (Avoid
ambiguous questions and ambiguous instructions).


Performance Task: ORAL RECITATION

I would like to measure how fluent and confident are my students with their communication skill using
the English language. In this type of performance task it targets both their communication skill as well as
their understanding to the lesson. This is where validity takes place because the oral recitation measures
how well my students are with their communication skill. The type of validity it belongs to is in the
Criterion-related evidence of validity because this test measures not only the understanding of the
student of the lesson but as well as his or her ability in a given criteria. This also focuses on the
Predictive Validity type wherein students are expected to most likely obtain confidence and fluency in
communication through the use of English with this given performance task.

In terms of its reliability, I’m going to use the Test Re-test Method. Here I will conduct oral recitation
every after 3 weeks or not more than a month in my class. Let’s say for the first oral recitation I will ask
my students to introduce themselves in front of the class using the English language. A month later, I will
give an impromptu oral recitation wherein I will be asking my students thought-provoking questions
related to our topic. And for my final Test Re-test, I will conduct an extemporaneous speech tasks to my
students to fully measure their ability in communicating using English language. If the scores from the
first to last re-test is consistent meaning it could be it increased consistently I then tells that my
performance task is RELIABLE.

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