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On 28/06/2017 at 01:06 a patient named Mrs Alice Lee from Montgomery Hospital
was found on the floor of her room. Nobody witnessed the fall so, there was no
testimony. Upon investigation, her skin over the right hip area was bruised and
abrasions were present which could possibly an indication of hip fracture. Also,
client complaints of pain on the right side of her hip and she could not put weight
on the affected leg. Her blood pressure was slightly high and noted 160/102 and
Respiration was 18 and pulse was 110. On mental status examination it has been
clear that the patient was angry. After initial assessment, client was assisted back
to her bed with assistance.
After making the patient comfortable, attending physician was informed. He
advised to administer ES Tylenol for pain and Ice compression at the site of injury.
Besides , instructed to elevate the affected extremity to prevent swelling. After
performing all the prescribed interventions, the manager and next of kin was
notified about the incident.

Revathi.Balan RN

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