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This section of the project highlights the main personalities in the Christmas Rebellion. Those

highlighted will be Samuel Sharpe, Colonel Johnson, Captain Thomas Dove, Captain Robert

Gardener, William Knibb and Sir Willoughby Cotton.

Samuel Sharpe - Samuel Sharpe was on born at a place called Cooper's Hill in St. James,

Jamaica. His father was a plantation owner by the name of Samuel Sharpe Esquire. Samuel

Sharpe was named after his white father excluding his surname. His exact date of birth is not

known but he was born in the year 1801 and died in 1832 on May 23rd (in his honour the date of

his death was named Labour Day). He was hanged as he was the leader of the slave rebellion.

In his lifetime he accomplished many things that the average slave could and would not. To be

specific he learnt to read and write English as exceptionally well, he became a Baptist preacher

and he led a successful revolt. The revolt that to greatly impacted the passing of the

emancipation bill. He was named a national hero of Jamaica in 1975.

"I would rather die upon yonder gallows than live in slavery" is the quote that Samuel Sharpe is

most famous for and he died making sure that no one else would have to suffer through slavery.
Colonel Johnson- Colonel Johnson was only known as the aforementioned name. His date of

birth is not known either. He was another leader in the rebellion. He led the group of slaves from

the Retrieve Estate. He and his group fought strongly against the militia.

Captain Thomas Dove- He also led a group in the slave rebellion. Little is known about

Thomas Dove except that he led the slaves from Belvedere Plantation. He was also literate like

Sam Sharpe.

Captain Robert Gardener- Little is known about Robert Gardener as well. He was the head

wagon man at the Greenwich Plantation.

William Knibb- WIlliam Knibb was born on September 7, 1803 in Kettering,

Northamptonshire, England. He was not directly involved in rebellion but was a big influence on

Samuel Sharpe. He was also locked up after the rebellion as the government blamed Baptist

ministries for the rebellion. He was however released after he was proved innocent. He died on

November 15,1845.
Sir Willoughby Cotton- Willoughby Cotton was born on May 4, 1783 in England. He was a

lieutenant general in the Bristish army. He played a major role in the halt of the Sam Sharpe

Rebellion. He with the help of troops had the rebellion under control within 10 days. He died on

May 4, 1860.

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