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Burada özenle seçtiğim içinde adjective clause olan cümleler var.

Kırmızı olan kelime ve edatlar

çoğu zaman beraber kullanılır. Adjective clause’larda bu edatlar vurgu için başa gelirler.
I do not like the people whom my wife works with.
I do not like the people with whom my wife works.
Bu edatlar her relative pronoun’ın başına gelmezler. Sadece whom, which ve whose ile
Aşaıdaki cümleleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. Bazı cümlelerde “in which”in “where” anlamında
kullanıldığına dikkat ediniz.
Tekin Atmaca
1. Even if Kripke had given none other, many would find the modal argument sufficiently
devastating to refute the traditional view of names at which it’s directed.
2. The death does not depend counterfactually on the shooting, but there will be
intermediate events which are dependent on the shooting, and on which the effect is
3. At the same time, he became aware of deficiencies in the philosophical basis on which,
in Grundlagen, he had rested his arguments and which underpinned his formal logic.
4. For our present purposes, the point on which to concentrate is our acquaintance with
5. The topic on which he then directs much of his attention is induction.
6. This much is supposed to be a fact on which all parties agree.
7. Moreover, it is clear that this approach affords no way of eliminating the semantic
concept(s) on which it is based, that is, satisfaction and reference, so this approach is
not a redundancy theory.
8. Human behavior that constitutes criteria for the ascription of psychological predicates is
not “bare bodily movement,” from which we infer analogically or hypothetically their
inner state or which we interpret as action.
9. This reaction can itself be taken as evidence of Carnap’s seminal influence but,
nevertheless, it is fair to say that Carnap and logical empiricism fell into a period of
neglect in the 1970s from which it only began to emerge in the late 1980s and early
10. An assertion of a causal law is an assertion not of a proposition, but of a formula from
which we derive propositions about particular events.
11. Marcus might no doubt say that any possible but non-actual object can be referred to,
but of course only in a world in which it exists, not in our world.
12. In 1980 Rawls published “Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory” (the Dewey
Lectures), in which he carefully described the details of the contract so that it
represented the Kantian idea of free and equal agents who are rational and reasonable.
13. Reasonable people, especially under conditions in which they enjoy basic liberties, will
tend to develop divergent comprehensive philosophical and religious views through
which they assess what is valuable in life.
14. The first are periods of cumulative progress in which scientists apply generally accepted
theories to the unresolved questions in a domain according to a shared understanding
of what constitutes a reasonable scientific question and of what criteria are used to
judge answers.
15. Traditionally, reference is considered the basic way in which words relate to the world.
16. There is a sense in which people have knowledge of the world in a way that is more
general than any particular bit of knowledge about it.
17. There are, for example, all sorts of employment for which a bachelor’s degree is a
18. Behaviorism is a theory for which he was not responsible, and it is now best regarded as
19. There is no logical or philosophical reason why we could not duplicate the operation of
biological machine, using some artificial methods.
20. It is one reason why Proust’s works, with their masterly and extensive nuanced
descriptions of inner states, have been so hard to adapt successfully to film.
21. He does not want to deny that there are cases where pieces of music are expressions of
emotion in the sense of being manifestations of emotions actually had by a composer.
22. This ambiguity is ubiquitous in the arts, where the artist practicing his or her profession
is also a person whose art is embedded in his or her life;
23. but it is especially in dance, where the whole of the dancing person is directly before us
24. So there are many degrees of modification of nature before one reaches the point
where the product of the alteration can only be considered as an artifact.

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