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34 Önemli Phrasal Verbs YDS-YÖKDİL

1)This would lead to reduction in medical costs and improvement in health care. (sebep olmak,
neden olmak)
2) Before long, the sports law will be amended to bring about fair play and equality in the voting
system. (neden olmak)
3)Statistics show that heavy vehicles account for a large number of accidents. (oluşturmak)
4) Do her fears stem from difficulties inherent in conducting a relationship in the public eye?
(den kaynaklanmak)
5) When different germs trade resistances, you could end up with an untreatable disease. (ile
6) I need to figure out a way to list my blogs topically, rather than by date. (keşfetmek, çözmek)
7) Is it clear to you to what extent you can trust your eyes and to what extent you can rely on
them? (bel bağlamak, güvenmek) (to what extent- ne derece)
8) If the politicians do not come up with a fairer alternative to the current system, then anarchy is
what we will have. ((çözüm) bulmak)
9) He will also carry out tests in the Dungarvan test center while on rotation from Waterford.
(yapmak, yürütmek)
10) I would not want to see a situation where the withdrawal of troops meant that a civil war
would break out. (patlak vermek)
11) To make up a team, Alsager teacher Lindsay Purcell recruited a number of footballers.
(oluşturmak, kurmak)
12) Strikes have been put off until the end of February to give negotiators a chance to agree a
deal. (ertelemek)
13) She was not sure if Jadrien was angry with her or just James, but she did not want to find out.
(öğrenmek, bulmak)
14) I could barely make out the golden hands of the clock in the dim light of the candle. (ne
olduğunu kestirmek)
15) Since when do we have to put up with complacency, rudeness, laziness and neglect of duty?
(tahammül etmek)
16) To make up for the lost sleep, he sleeps to the full on weekends, getting up after noon. (telafi
17) If a plane deviates from its flight path, the autopilot would take over and bring the plane back
on course. (ele geçirmek)
18) Bacteria and insects break down organic material to produce soil and nutrients so plants can
grow. (bozulmak, parçalanmak)
19) During that period, his condition would see-saw and we were not sure if he would pull
through. (iyileşmek) (see-saw ileri geri)
20) Many Kazakh orphanages lack qualified medical personnel to deal with such problems. (ile
21) That fire lasted for nearly half an hour but was put out by a very active bucket brigade.
22) A group of human heroes and villains set out to respectively save or exploit the situation.
(yola çıkmak)
23) Kevin Ward served as editor from 2012 to 2016, where he left to set up a PR company in
Newport. (kurmak)
24) While some mango trees take up to five years to fruit, others start fruiting very young.
(zaman almak,yer kaplamak)
25) He has not looked himself since he had to give up his day job at the High Court. (bırakmak,
26) There are times when others can hold up the mirror and show us our true selves. (tutmak)
27) I was still annoyed with him, but his unending persistence was getting to me, and I never
turn down a cup of coffee. (reddetmek, sesini kısmak)
28) There are others who break into vehicles and steal other people's property and make residents
feel unsafe in their own community. (zorla soygun amacıyla girmek)
29) Yesterday our English teacher from England told us that he had decided to settle down in
Shanghai because he felt it was a safe place. (yerleşmek)
30) We were looking for a duplex or a triplex, but triplexes are really hard to come across. (karşı
karşıya gelmek)
31) Thousands of people were forced to get off their trains at suburban stations. (araçtan inmek)
32) Health services are failing to keep up with national improvements, key performance
indicators reveal today. (yetişmek, -e ayak uydurmak)
33) He put down rebellions and sent his Athenian armies to colonize other areas of Asia Minor.
(isyan vb. bastırmak)
34) The address the company had left on the contract was wrong and the telephone number could
never be put through. (telefon bağlamak )

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