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Вправи на Past Simple

1. Постав дієслово у Past Simple

1. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he _____________to work by bus.

2. They always get up early. This morning they _____________up late.

3. Bill often loses his key. He _____________one last Saturday.

4. I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I _____________two letters.

5. She meets her friends every evening. She _____________them yesterday

evening, too.

6. I usually read two newspapers every day. I _____________only a newspaper


7. They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they _____________ , too.

8. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We _____________ to the cinema last

Sunday, too.

9. Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom _____________ a shower this
morning, too.

10. They buy a new car every year. Last year they _____________ a new car, too.

11. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I _____________ two oranges.

12. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We _____________our shopping last

Monday, too.

13. Ann often takes photos. Last weekend she _____________ some photos.

14. We leave at 8.30 every morning. But yesterday we _____________ at 8.00.

1. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he _____________to work by bus.

2. They always get up early. This morning they _____________up late.

3. Bill often loses his key. He _____________one last Saturday.

4. I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I _____________two letters.

5. She meets her friends every evening. She _____________them yesterday
evening, too.

6. I usually read two newspapers every day. I _____________only a newspaper


7. They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they _____________ , too.

8. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We _____________ to the cinema last

Sunday, too.

9. Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom _____________ a shower this
morning, too.

10. They buy a new car every year. Last year they _____________ a new car, too.

11. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I _____________ two oranges.

12. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We _____________our shopping last

Monday, too.

13. Ann often takes photos. Last weekend she _____________ some photos.

14. We leave at 8.30 every morning. But yesterday we _____________ at 8.00.

3. Розкрий дужки, уживаючи подані в них дієлова в Present Simple або Past

1. In the morning my grandfather always ... (to look) through fresh newspapers.
But yesterday he ... (to listen) to news, because there ... (to be) no fresh newspapers
at home.

2. As a rule, Denys and Bohdan ... (to play) tennis on Sundays, but last Sunday
they ... (to play) volleyball with us, for a change.

3. In the evening, Granny often ... (to talk) on the phone to her numerous friends,
but yesterday I „. (to answer) their calls, because Granny ... (to be) out.

4. As a rule, my elder brother always ... (to work) in the Internet in the evening,
but last night he ... (to help) our mother about the house, for a change.

5. My Mum usually (to cook) dinner on Sundays. But last Sunday she ... (to be)
very busy with her work. So, Dad ... (to cook) dinner for us. We ... (to help) him.
He ... (to look) funny in Mum's apron. We ... (to laugh) a lot.

4. Переклади речення, використовуючи Past Simple.

1. Торік моя старша сестра дуже часто говорила по телефону зі своїми
численними друзями.

2. Учора ввечері я допомагав мамі готувати вечерю.

3. Після вечері ми дивилися телевізор.

4. Вони жили в селі минулого літа.

6. Учора ми грали в футбол у шкільному дворі.

7. Учителька ставила нам дуже багато цікавих запитань на уроці.

8. Ми відповідали на всі її запитання.

9. Мені дуже сподобався цей урок.

5. Заповніть пропуски.

1. Yesterday he (to wash) __________ his face at a quarter past seven.

2. I ( to work) __________ at school 3 years ago.

3. We ( to study) __________ at university in 1998.

4. My mother (not to like) __________ milk in her childhood.

5. Our children ( to play) __________ football last year

6. You (to like) your school? __________

7. You ( to work) at the hospital last week? __________

8. We ( not to rest) __________ yesterday

9. My friend (to live) __________ in America 2 years ago.

10. You (to live) in this house last year? __________

11. Where you (to study)? __________

12. Your mother (to cook) supper yesterday? __________

13. I (not to cook ) __________ my breakfast.

14. You ( to prepare ) your homework? __________

15.I ( to help) __________ my Granny at the garden.

6. Заповніть пропуски, вживаючи Present або Past Simple.

1. His sister (to study) English every day.

2. She (to study) English two years ago.

3. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - No, I ... .

Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight.

I (to be) very tired.

I (to have) dinner with my family.

After dinner I (to be) very thirsty.

I (to drink) two cups of tea.

Then I (to rest).

4. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day.

5. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

6. My brother (to wash) his face every morning.

7. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven.

8. I (not to have) history lessons every day.

9. We (not to rest) yesterday.

10. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.

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