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NIM : 191012115201001




Nutritious Ebreast Milk

Breast milk provides a balanced diet for babies because it contains all the essential
nutrients, increases immunity against disease and promotes physical and mental growth.
Because of this, mothers are encouraged to care for their bundles of excitement as soon as
possible after the birth of a baby. In some cultures, colostrum, the first milk that appears
and has a yellowish color, is discarded. Mothers are urged not to get rid of colostrum
because it is very rich in antibodies, protein, zinc, and other minerals, and low in lactose and

Mature breast milk appears between two and five days after birth. Babies find it easier to
digest breast milk because they contain a higher whey to casein ration (both are types of
protein) compared to breast milk. This is because whey is more tolerated by the baby's
digestive system. Lactose, the only type of carbohydrate in breast milk, also helps digestion
and energizes the baby. Its presence helps the baby absorb important nutrients such as
calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The general perception is that many Asian babies are
lactose intolerant. Contrary to this claim, research shows that lactose intolerance actually
develops during childhood and very few babies are allergic to lactose. In fact, lactoglobin in
cow's milk is a major cause of allergies in infants. Breastfeeding

Please answer the questions based on the text above:

1. What is the topic of the text above?

Nutritious Ebreast Milk

2. What are the main ideas and ideas supporting the first paragraph?

Main idea:

Breast milk provides a balanced diet for babies because it contains all the essential
nutrients, increases immunity against disease and promotes physical and mental growth

Supporting Details # 1:
mothers are encouraged to care for their bundle of excitement as soon as possible after the
birth of the baby

supporting details # 2:

In some cultures, colostrum, the first milk that appears and has a yellowish color, is

Supporting Details # 3:

Mothers are urged not to get rid of colostrum because it is very rich in antibodies, protein,
zinc, and other minerals, and low in lactose and fat.

3. What are the main ideas and ideas supporting the second paragraph?

Main idea:

are types of protein) compared to breast milk. This is because whey is more tolerated by
the baby's digestive system. Lactose, the only type of carbohydrate in breast milk, also helps
digestion and energizes the baby. Its presence helps the baby absorb important nutrients
such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Supporting details:


perception is that many Asian babies are lactose intolerant. Contrary to this claim, research
shows that lactose intolerance actually develops during childhood and very few babies are
allergic to lactose

4. What is colostrum (based on text)?

In some cultures, colostrum, the first milk that appears and has a yellowish color, is
discarded. Mothers are urged not to get rid of colostrum because it is very rich in
antibodies, protein, zinc, and other minerals, and low in lactose and fat. Colostrum or jolong
is milk produced by the mammary glands in the later stages of pregnancy and a few days
after the birth of the baby. Human colostrum and cow are yellowish and thick in color.
Colostrum is important for baby mammals because it contains a lot of nutrients and body
defense substances.
5. Why is breast milk better than breast milk?

The reason is because a baby's digestion is not perfect so it will not be able to digest cow's
milk protein periperly, whereas ASI provides the best nutrition for babies until they are one
year old, Cow's s milk contains calsium which is very large so that it is good for consumption
by a child.

Please write a pregnancy case based on patient data.

And please attach data here. (describe in paragraph form about a patient's data and don't
forget the data in the tabular form here)


Mrs. Selly is 28 years old, has a junior high school education, islamic religion, works as an
IRT and her husband is Mr. Candra, age 32, Islamic religion, junior high school education,
private work residing in Mardimulyo rt01 / 04 Pati. On July 20 2015 came to BPS Santi to
have a second pregnancy check. Mrs. Selly said that she was 6 months pregnant and this
was her 2nd child. Mrs. S said that she experienced vaginal discharge that was not itchy and
had no smell since 3 days ago on TM I had experienced nausea and vomiting. The first child
is born spontaneously, male, weighs 2900 grams, age 3 years is helped by a midwife and
there are no complications either during pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth. She has had
an injection for 2 years and has never experienced vaginal discharge. To meet the needs of
the fetus sometimes consume milk and drink lots of water. Mother eats 3 times the portion
of rice with rice, side dishes and mom doesn't like to eat vegetables. Mother defecates
regularly every morning, smooth and no complaints, defecates 6-7 times / day. Menarche is
12 years old, 28 days long, 7 days long, changes pads 3 times / day and there are no
complaints. Married at the age of 24 years and is the first marriage. Past medical history and
family in a normal state of pregnancy history now HPHT: 01 February 2015, ANC 2 times, TT
immunization 2 times, have received drugs and Fe tablets from midwives, never drank
liquor, smoked, consumed herbs and obata herbal remedies, feel fetal movements since 5
months of gestation, in a day feel fetal movements more than 10 times. General condition:
good, compositional awareness, TD 120/80 mmHg, pulse 80x / minute, RR 24x / minute,
temperature 37oC, BB / TB / LILA: 56kg / 155cm / 24cm, Head to toe examination within
normal limits. In terms of hygiene mothers take a bath twice a day, shampoo once every 2
days, change clothes twice a day. Mother's activities at home are like before pregnancy is
still lived that is as a housewife. Mother likes to walk, take naps for 1 hour while at night for
6-7 hours. Mother is very happy with this second pregnancy. And the family is also happy
especially her husband and children. Strie gravidarum is found in the stomach of the mother
and there are no surgical injuries. Symmetrical breasts, protruding nipples and colostrum.
Hb 11.2 gr%, uri reduction (-). Mother plans to give birth at a midwife. Mother is a devout
follower of Islam. Mothers feel less comfortable with complaints of vaginal discharge
experienced at this time. In family, decisions are taken by deliberation. Relationships with
husband and family are harmonious.

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