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Insecurities among Teenagers

What is insecurity? Is it a familiar word? Do we know about it?

Yeah, maybe we all know about this term but let me tell you a bit about it.
Insecurity means a lack of security, uncertainty. The state of being subject to
danger, vulnerability.
You know that feeling you get when you walk into the cafeteria on your first day
starting at a new school or at a new place and then you have no one to sit with or
no one to talk with. That’s probably you feeling insecure.
There are a lot more causes and forms of insecurity, but one thing is certain,
everybody feels insecure at certain points in their lives.
Insecurity is multifaceted. It pertains to an overall sense of uncertainty or anxiety
about your worth, abilities, skills, and value as a person, conveying the message
that you’re at risk or in danger of something or someone.
We all feel insecure at some points of our life. But I think teenagers feel the most
when they feel insecure about something.
Okay so do we know about teenage insecurities?
Today we’ll talk about insecurities among teenagers. If you already know about
this then it’s a bonus! ;-)

Today we’ll talk about insecurities among teenagers. If you already know about
this then it’s a bonus! ;-)
Insecurities are undeniably part of a teenager’s life. They range from the smallest
things like hairdos, make-ups, and outfits, to big things like self-esteem, social-
acceptance and

Academic performance. It is unavoidable that people deal with insecurities


I definitely would like to give some examples from my life that I faced when I was
at my teen.
When I was at my teen I was really a chubby kid. I was totally unbothered with my
body and all. But there were some people, some of my friends, some of my family
members were really bothered about my body and as soon as they saw me they
would start saying “YOU ARE GETTING FAT, EAT LESS” and a lot of things.
From then on I started feeling insecure with my body. I used to feel very bad then.

And there’s more.

I was an average student when I was at my teen. But my parents were never happy
with my result. Even if I did well, they would tell me to get more marks. Why are
my marks less than the first girl of another class? Why couldn’t I do better than
her? They always made such comparisons with others.

In this way my confidence would decrease and I would feel insecure that maybe I
would never be able to do better result than that first girl.

Schleifer points out in his book “TEEN SUICIDE” that the dealing of insecurities
leads to one’s make or break.
I personally think that if someone strong enough to deal with insecurities then it’s
cool but most of the teenagers are not that much strong and that’s why they should
open up themselves about their insecurities.

Reasons behind teenage insecurities:

Some teenagers are always cheerful and some are shy but they all notice
what is going on around them. Everything about teenager is self-
centered. When something was said about them, when they got a little
attention from someone, all these things continue in their heads.

Teenagers have a lot of mood swings due to hormonal changes. It is seen

that they are upset about little things and they are sensitive, because of
these they feel insecure about many things.
The reasons of teenage insecurities are countless: being alone, rejected,
not a part of the popular crew, having bad grades, making mistakes,
failing to achieve something, and therefore,

Disappointing one’s friends, parents, teachers or oneself, having the

‘wrong kind of body’, clothes, hobbies and the list goes on.

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