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The Art of Networking – Thursday 25th March 2021

What is networking?
Forming new relationships, exchanging ideas etc.

Who and Why do you want to network?

Sometimes it’s good to network for other people.

How to Network?
It’s not networking if you haven’t met new people!

With introductory messages, make it personalised. Make sure it’s not generic. What specific
post caught your eye? Be direct, be kind, reply with a purpose. If it’s an introductory, be
specific and kind.

First connect, and then follow up with a question. Don’t straight away ask for something.

When virtual networking, have a plain background or as plain as possible.

Adjust your communication style when you talk to people. If you have to slow down your
speech, make sure you are being heard. There’s a lag with the waif so make sure you
consider it.

Dress appropriately on camera. Dress smartly as if you were in person.

Know your elevator pitch also. It’s a brief way to describe yourself and what you do in 30-45
seconds approx. If you were in an elevator for the short time, what would you say to them
and how would you introduce yourself.

Focus less on what you do and focus more on why you do it. There’s so many other
performers or physiotherapists, what makes you stand out is why you do what you do and
what have you taken away from it.

Don’t give up! Prepare for failure!

Do research about whoever you’re meeting! Maybe that will be a point of interest for both
of you.

Meeting someone for the first time

-Listen to them

-Smile, it makes you feel happier

-Remember name and important information

-Feed their ego. We all love people to listen to us, when networking we need to listen and
let them speak, don’t always just talk. Ask questions about what they’ve done. It will make
them like you and remember you more.

-Give, don’t take. Sometimes meeting someone or going to an event isn’t just for your
benefit. You could always help someone else with the person you met.

-Be attentive to the other person’s need. Ask how you can help them? Be specific, help
others out and they will help you.

--Be a part of the 10% that follow up with emails

--Be a part of the 1% that bothers to personalise the message that you send as an
introduction. Take networking to the next level.

--Relationship management – keep the conversation going. Find ways to be a person of

value in the relationship. What can you give to people that is valuable to them.

--Be visible on social media. Send articles and posts to others if it’s relevant and will add
value to them.

--Tell people what you are doing. That doesn’t mean to boast but share your successes and
update people. You never know who others know or who might help you from that.

Book recommendations
Start with why

Start being visible

Show Your Work (Austin Kleon)

How to win friends and influence people

Never eat alone

The speed of trust

Give and Take

Speed Networking

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