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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 September 9, 2021 – Day of Awe #4

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART XCII] – “We are not pleased!”

As anticipated/feared, today’s Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee public hearing

was a bust; the sole witness confirmed what had already been extensively documented, to wit,
that Fulton County elections officials had received “confusing” last-minute “guidance” c/o the PA
Department of State. The Dems dominated the questioning, invoking his opinion that there had
not been any confirmed fraud (in this rural county); efforts to impugn Sen. Mastriano were often
rebuffed by the Chair, prompting additional wonderment as to what Doug hadn’t attended.

At the end, Sen. Dush noted that the Secretary of the Commonwealth had disclaimed intent to be
present due to pending litigation; he then listed queries that he’d wanted to have raised, none of
which had anything to do with the (punitive) decertification of the Dominion machines (which is
the basis for the suit that, if unsuccessful, would force Fulton County to purchase new machines).
Of course, in my view, this would be a blessing-in-disguise, for returning to hand-counting at the
precinct level would be ideal (and do-able), precluding pre-canvassing (an invitation for fraud).

Yesterday, I quoted articles stating an audit/investigation was being launched and that Corman
expects subpoenas to issue; the two-hour public hearing will be archived, and the agenda notably
excluded even a vote on the modicum of questions that had been written for the Executive Branch
(thereby ignoring the suggested subpoenae that had been submitted via the official “portal”).

By publishing a hit-piece on election integrity, PennLive’s John Baer []

has earned himself a spot on the ~250-member “bcc” list, herein; one example of how he mauled
the basic chronology is his claim that Doug procrastinated when, actually, he was poised to act
but was unceremoniously/repeatedly blocked by Corman. Contrasting was GoErie’s even-handed
reportage, both before and after the hearing. [Kudos to Candy Woodall, @ 717-480-1783.]

Journalistic malpractice remains a national disease noting, for example, how a “news” article
about Arizona conveys warped information via loaded vocabulary; also, it probes “canvassing”
(and the DoJ’s intimidation) while blindly impugning this voter integrity effort, absent any data.
One hopes that the Maracopa exposé will convert “Big Lie” references from Trump to the Dems;
indeed, delay may be due, in part, to scrutiny of signature-envelopes that will prove deceit.

Meanwhile, the US SENATE RACE became PERSONAL after real estate developer Jeff Bartos
slammed rival Sean Parnell for allegations related to his contentious divorce and child custody
dispute; Parnell enjoys Trump’s endorsement, perhaps explaining why this event is c/w the view
that Bartos is trying (and FAILING) to straddle the party's establishment wing and its Trump wing.
Also, the publisher will reissue State Sen. Doug Mastriano's WWI book with possible corrections,
another broadside allegation that will deviate from discussion of relevant gubernatorial issues,
if/when Mastriano enters the race; and why hasn’t Lou Barletta slammed the 11/3/2020 election?

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