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-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Week 11 – Lesson 5-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

Making suggestions SUGERENCIAS and stating preferences
→English has a number of fixed when making suggestions or
PRESENT PAST invitations. Among them, How about…? Would you like…? Let’s
1. He goes to bed early He went to bed early and Why don’t we…? Pay attention to the structures that follow
2. We don’t like onions They didn’t like onions these expressions.
3. Erick lives in Santiago Erick lived in Santiago How about…? = ¿qué te parece…? → si se ´pone un verbo directo
4. Does she exercise? Did she exercise? después de una preposición, ese verbo va en ING
5. I hate cooking I hated cooking
6. They play video games They played video games Would you like…?= ¿te gustaria…?
7. He knows the answer He knew the answer
Let’s = vamos
8. I forget his name I forgot his name
9. They don’t study They didn’t study Chemistry Why don’t we…?= ¿Por qué no hacemos tal cosa…? → si se quiere
Chemistry hacer una invitación
10. Do they drive? Did they drive?
What about taking a walk? = ¿que tal dar un paseo?

What did you do yesterday? → I cooked my lunch – I studied for Examples:

1. How about listening to music?
2. Would you like to go to the park for a walk?
Video: social language 3. Let´s go clubbing tonight
4. Why don’t we go for a swim?
A: You’re late.
5. How about going skiing this weekend?
B: What time is it?
6. Would you like to eat Chinese food?
A: two minutes after six
7. Let’s eat out and dance.
B: I am not late. Two minutes is not late.
8. Why don’t we have a nice quiet evening at home?
A: yes, it is. It’s two minutes late.
B: oh, look! It’s five to six. I’m early. Making suggestions / invitations
A: So, for your birthday on Saturday, there’s a great French movie
at the Avalon.
B: there's a baseball game on Saturday night
A: or there's a play at the Art Center at 8:00 P.M. Life is a dream
B: the tigers are playing the giants. You know, baseball?
A: oh, look! There's a Mozart concert on Saturday. Would you like
to go?
B: what time?
A: half past seven
B: the ball game’s at 7:00
A: oh, wow! There's a talk by the writer Ellen Lee at the university
B: on Saturday night. Is your birthday on Saturday?
A: no, it’s your birthday… Would you like to go to a baseball game
for your birthday?
B: a baseball game. That sounds great!

1. How are they related?: They are boyfriend and girlfriend. They
are on a relationship.

2. What can you infer about Cheryl’s personality?: Cheryl is very

punctual PUNTUAL and responsible.

3. Is Bob early or late?: Bob was two minutes late

4. What does Cheryl suggest Bob to do on his birthday? She

suggests going to the cinema, a concert or a talk.

5. What does Bob want to do?: Bob wants to go to a Baseboll

Apple = Manzana Avocado = Aguacate Asparagus = Espárrago Green beans = porotos verdes
Banana = Plátano Blackberry = Mora Broccoli = Brócoli Cabbage = Repollo
Blueberry = Arándano Raspberry = Frambuesa Carrot = Zanahoria Cauliflower = Coliflor
Strawberry = Frutilla Cherries = Cereza Celery = Apio Cucumber = Pepino
Coconut = Coco Grape = Uva Eggplant = Berenjena Garlic = Ajo
Grapefruit = Pomelo Lemon LEMN = Limón Mushroom = Champiñón Onion = Cebolla
Lime = Lima Mango = Mango Peas = Arvejas Pepper = Pimiento
Orange = Naranja Papaya = Papaya Potato = Papa Pumpkin = Calabaza
Peach = Durazno Pear = Pera Spinach SPINISH = Espinaca Olives = aceitunas
Pineapple = Piña, Plums PLAMS= Ciruelas Zucchini = calabacin Kale KEIL= col rizada
Nectarine = Nectarino Passion Fruit = Maracuya Scallions = cebolletas Fennel = hinojo
Tangerine = Mandarina Watermelon = Sandía Brussels sprouts = coles de bruselas
Cantaloupe= Melon calameño Kiwi= Kiwi (Butter, Roman, Iceberg) Lettuce = Lechuga
Pomegranate POMGRENET= Granada (Cherry )Tomato = Tomate (cherry)

What is your favorite fruit? → watermelon is my favorite

summer fruit, because it is refreshing.
- Pomegranate is my favorite winter fruit . Beef = carne de vacuno Pork = cerdo

Chicken = Pollo Duck = pato

What are the principal fruits that Chile export? → Cherries and all
berries Mutton (adult sheep) = oveja adulta Lamb = Cordero

Quail = codorniz Turkey = pavo

Drum sticks = trutos Whole = entero

Wings = alitas Thighs = muslos

Chicken breast = pechuga de pollo

How would you like your meat?

How would you like your meat cooked?

Rare: seared on the outside, complete red

Medium rare (a punto): 50% red center

Medium (3/4): 25% pink

Medium Well: with a slight hint of pink

Well Done: 100% brown

How do you like your meat? → I liked medium well

Video: restaurant conversation
W: Hi I’m Lori, I will be your waitress CAMARERA today. Can I get you It this table free or reserved? → ¿Esta mesa este libre o
anything to drink? reservada?
A: Just water
W: would you like bottled or regular? I will have the…please/ I’ll have… → Yo voy a pedir…. porfavor
A: regular
I would like…please/ I’d like → Me gustaria…por favor
W: and for you?
B: I’ll have a diet soda What would you recommend? → ¿que recomendarias?
W: great. I’ll be right back… Have you decided what you’d like or
do you need some more time? Do you have….? → ¿tiene…?
B: I’ll have the grilled chicken and a dinner salad Can I have the salad without the sauce? → ¿Me trae la ensalada
W: and what kind of dressing would you like? sin la salsa?
B: what kind do you have?
W: Italina, blue cheese and French. Excuse me, may have the check, please? → Disculpa, puedes
B: I’ll have the Italian, and can you server that on the side? traer el cheque, por favor?
W: of course, And for you sir?
A: the Peppered Salmon, is that very spicy?
W: yes
A: I don’t like spicy. I’ll have the steak. Are you ready to order? → ¿esta listo para ordenar?
W: and how would you like that cooked?
Would you like something to drink? → ¿te gustaria algo para
A: medium please
W: alright, so that’s ckicken with salad, Italian dressing on the
side, and one steak, medium. What would you like for dessert? → ¿qué te gustaria para el
Finishing the meal….. May I bring you a salad? → ¿puedo traerte una ensalada?

Anything else sir / ma’am? → ¿algo más señor / señora?

W: are you still working on that or shall I wrap it up for you?
B: I’m done. Is everything OK, sir / ma’am? → ¿está todo bien señor / señora?
A: I’ll take this to go
W: would you like a dessert menu?
A: yes, please Exercises: Identify Server (S) or Customer (C)
W: would you like coffee?
A: yes 1. S Anything for dessert?
B: I’ll have some to. 2. S Was everything rigtht?
W: cream or sugar? 3. C Could you bring me some bread?
A: I’d like some cream 4. C No, thanks, just a glass of water, please.
B: I’ll have sugar 5. C Keep the change
6. C Everything was delicious, thanks you.
Ordening dessert….. 7. S Can I offer your dessert?
8. C Do you have a dry white wine?
W: have you decided what you’d like for dessert? 9. S The fish is really fresh today.
A: I’ll have the chocolate cake. 10. S Try our grilled salmon with vegetables
W: and for you? 11. S If you try our roast pork, you won’t be sorry.
B:I’ll have the cheesecake hola d 12. S Our salads are excellent, madam.
W: excellent, I’ll be right back 13. S Would you like to hear today’s specials?

Get the check…..

W: did you enjoy your meal?

B: it was wonderful!
W: can I get you anything else, or should I get your check?
A: We’ll take the check?
W: thank you for coming
- . - . - . - MENU - . - . - . - How would you like your egss?
Starter/appetizer = entrada

Main Couerse / Entrée = plato principal

Hard-boiled eggs = huevos duros
Dessert = postre

Soft-boiled eggs = huevos pasados por agua

Lamb chops with mashed potatoes = costillitas de Cordero con
puré de papas.

Beef steak with a side salad = filete de ternera con una ensalada
de acompañamiento
Sunny-side up Scrambled = revuelto
Pork chops with rice = chuletas de cerdo con arroz

Roasted chicken with French fries = pollo asado con patatas fritas
On what occasions do you prepare hard-boiled eggs? → for
Fish and chips = pescado y papas fritas breakfast or when we go for a picnic.

Lasagna = lasaña

How would you like your eggs? →

Cheesecake Ice cream = helado Cream caramel = flan - I would like my eggs _____, please.
1. Hard boiled: eggs are boiled for 3 or 4 minutes
Fruit salad = ensalada de fruta Apple pie = tarta de manzana
2. Soft Boiled: eggs are boiled for 10 or more minutes
Which one this desserts you like? → I like cream caramel 3. Scrambled eggs:
4. Fried eggs: sunny side-up. The action is break the egg
shell and place the egg in the frying pan.
5. Over easy: flip for a short time
6. Over hard: flip for a long time
7. Poached eggs POUCHT = huevos pochados. Is similar to
soft boiled eggs, but you don’t cook with the egg shell.

- Part of a egg
Yolk YOUK= yema
White = clara
Egg shell = cáscara

How would you like your eggs? → I would like my eggs poached.
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Week 12 – Lesson 5-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

What is you favorite egg preparation? → I love scrambled eggs,

maybe you can add tomatos.

Meat→I have never eaten duck

Poached egg on toast

You need:
- 2 fresh eggs - 1 L water
- 1 tbsp white vinegar - Frypan
- Spatula - Stove
- Toast - Butter
- Salt & pepper

Let’s do it:
1. Light the stove
2. Put the frypan on the stove
3. Pour the water into the frypan
4. Wait until the water is simmering AGUA POR HERVIR. SMALL BUBBLES
5. Add the vinegar to the water
6. Stir with a spoon
7. Crack the eggs into the pan, carefully
8. Add the bread in a toaster
9. Spread some butter on the toast
10. Carefully, lift the eggs out of the frypan.
11. Lets the water drain away
12. Put the egg on the toast
13. Add salt and pepper
14. Cut our yolk open and see if we have a soft, runny egg yok.

Reading & Listenning

Picky eater = regodiona, quisquillosa

Grabbed = cogió Stuck = atascado
Video: what’s in the salad
B is Cheryl
Mashed potatoes = puré de patatas W: Are you ready to order?
Baked potatoes = patatas al horno A: We are
B: Excuse me I have a question
French fries = papas fritas W: Yes
B: I'm in the mood for lamb but the sauce looks too fatty. Could I
Boiled potatoes = patatas hervidas order the lamb without the sauce?
W: Sure
B: What is it come with? = ¿con que viene?
W: French fries
B: I don't like fried food. Could I have a grilled vegetable instead?
W: I think we have grilled peppers
B: Perfect
W: Would you like to start with an appetizer?
B: Is there oil on the tomato salad?
W: There's a lot of olive oil, yes
B: Could I get it without the oil?
W: yes, but it won't taste very good
B: Then i'll just have a mixed green salad
W: …and you?...
B: I'm sorry I have another question… Is there salt on the limb?
W: it's cooked with salt and pepper
B: I don't want a lot of salt I think… I'll have the fish
instead…What's in the sauce?
W: lemon butter, millk
B: oh, that's too much dairy = demasiado lacteo… Maybe i'll have
a large salad for my entrée a no appetizer… What's in the salad?
W: lettuce, carrots, peppers, onions, eggs
B: no egg, please
W: salad no egg… Anything to drink?
B: Just water, please
W: ….and for you?
C: I'll have the special
D: ….The special.
A: ….The special.
W: great!
B: could I ask you another question?
A-C-D-W: NO!
Cheryl? → Cheryl is a picky eater.

Offering Ordering
What would you like? I’d like the veggie burger
I’ll have a mango salad
What kind of soup would you I’d like anion soup, please
like? I’ll have the soup of the day
What would you like to drink? I’d like a lemonade
I’ll have a large orange juice
Would you like anything else? I’d like some coffee
That’s all, thanks
Week 13– Lesson 5: Going out Lesson - 6: Amazing experiences What do you see?
Going Out (Review)

Picky eater is a person doesn’t like al lot of things

I eat potatoes, but I don't eat chips.

- You like rice, but not spring rice

The children, in general are picky eater - There are five people siting on the table and they are eating,
they are in the dining room.
Are you a picky eater? → no, I like vegetables, fruits and legumes, - Table: there is food, there are plates, there are glasses.
but I don't eat meat because I am a vegetarian

Reading and Listening: verbs in past Help yourself everyone!

Plenty options = many options

Wednesday WENSDAY
Answer ENSER
Plumber PLAMER
Listen LISEN
Half JAF
Friend FREND
Receipt RICIT = boleta ➢ There’s…
Rock climbing ROCK CLAIMING - Roast chicken
Raspberry / - Baked potatoes
Almond - Salad
Champagne - Broccoli with garlic
Sandwich - Red cabbage
Salmon - And rice
Chocolate 1. Who cooked dinner? Cheryl did.
2. Why doesn’t Mr Evans aet much chicken? He’s not a big
chicken eater.
3. Why doesn’t Mr. Evans eat potatoes? He’s avoiding potatoes
4. Why doesn’t Mr. Evans eat broccoli? Broccoli doesn’t agree
with him.
5. What food is he allergic to? He’s allergic to cabbage.
6. What food is he crazy about? He’s crazy about rice
7. Why isn’t Bob eating much? Because he’s on a diet
8. What kind of diet is Paul on? He’s trying to gain weight
Lesson 6: Amazing experiences Island=isla→ when I went to Easter island ISLA DE PASCUA last
summer, I look this photo of a small island off

Stream = arroyo, riachuelo (small river) Geyser = Géiser

Hot springs = aguas termales Forest = bosque
Countryside = campo Cliff = acantilado Waterfall=cascada→ Have you ever seen the
Laja waterfall near Los Angeles? It’s beautiful.

Mountain= montaña → We went skiing in the mountains close

to a volcano. We were lucky to get powder snow. We also Hill=cerros, colinas→ Have you ever rolled down a hill? When I
enjoyed bathing in the hot springs.
do that, it makes me feel like a little kid again!
> Foothills = precordillera
Hot springs es como decir “Las termas”
> Chile is a country with lot hot springs.
> In winter the experience is the snow
Cliff=acantilado → I’ve looked over a cliff at
Desert=desierto→ Last year I went to the Atacama desert the edge of a canyon. It was scary!
What impressed me most were the
huge sand dunes DUNAS, the geysers GÉISERES , and
seeing the desert in bloom DESIERTO FLORIDO
Describing locations: Where are they?

River=rio→ s I’ve been white-water rafting many times on a

river in Pucon. It is dangerous because of the
rapids CATARATA and the rocks ROCAS, but it’s
exciting! She is in the mountains He is on an island

Ocean=oceano→ I’ve always wanted to go to a beach PLAYA in

the Caribbean Ocean. I´d love to walk on the white sand ARENA and
surf on the warm waves OLAS.
> In Curanipe is also very nice to go surfing. The house is on the river She is walking along the river
> You need waves and you can practices

Countryside=campo→ Last weekend I went to the

countryside. The grass HIERBA in the fields CAMPOS there was
very green. I also saw a little stream ARROYO in the forest. She is sitting by the river She is in the river
> The countryside is opossite of city. She is swimming in the river
> Fields = potrero o extension de terreno con
algun cultivo. (fields of rice ). NO se dice “I living
in the fields ”, se dice “I living in the countryside”

National Park=parque nacional→ Last holiday we went to They are at the beach
The boat is on the river
Torres del Paine. We saw many Ice bergs and we
drank scotch whit ice from a glacier in the San
Rafael Lake LAGO

They are lying on the beach The house is on the beach

Exercices: Landscapes: places in nature Different places in Chile
1. Iceberg: a very block of ice that floats in water EASTER ISLAND ELQUI VALLEY
2. Field: an area on land used to grow crops (agriculture)
3. Country/countryside: the opposite of “city”, synonym of
“rural area”
4. Hot spring: a place where hot water comes up naturally.
5. Cliff: a high piece of land (rock)
6. Stream: a body of water that is smaller than a river. → This place, maybe, is the
→ In the middle of the
7. Sand dune: a piece of sand land in the desert. most famous place in Chile
8. Waterfall: A body of water that flows over the edge of a high → Touristic place desert we have Elqui
cliff; cascade → The special thing about Valley
9. Island: A piece of land surrounded by water. this place are the moais and →The typical product of
the culture the Elqui Valley is wine

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Week 14 – Lesson 6-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-


→ In the middle of the → Is a waterfall

desert we have Elqui Valley
→The typical product of the
Elqui Valley is wine


1. Do they drive? Did they drive?
2. She works at a She worked at a restaurant
3. Do you eat dairy? Did you eat dairy? → This bone-white beach is → Hot springs
4. Where do you live? Where did you live? hidden in an indigenous → You can see the river
5. He doesn’t like milk He didn’t like milk reserve of the Huilliche
6. The class starts at 8:00 The class started at 8:00 community.
7. Does he eat breakfast Did he eat beakfrast?
8. I don’t pay with my I didn’t pay with my credit
credit card card
9. He has coffee after He had coffee after lunch
1o. Do you enjoy sports? Did you enjoy sports?

3 things you didn't do on the weekend →

- I didn’t study
- I didn’t go to the supermarket
- I didn’t relax because I have many test this week.
I have never been to = nunca he estado en

- I have never been to Atacama desert.
- Have you been to Chiloe? – No, I haven’t
- Have you been to Viña del Mar? – Yes, I have.

1. It’s a great movie. I have seen that movie many times.

2. Have you ever eaten really strange or interesting food?
3. (A) Has your brother talked to you yet?
(B) Yes, he has
4. My family and I have flown VERBO “VOLAR” EN PARTICIPIO to many
different countries around the world.
5. My sister has never ridden a bicycle. She is afraid that she
will fall off.
6. (A) Have you talked to Mr. Parfitt?
(B) No, I haven’t
7. I’m sorry, but I haven’t finished my homework yet.
8. (A) Have you finished your lunch yet?
(B) Yes, I have
9. Eva, Thomas and Robert have been to Hong Kong.

Tell me about a place you visited, a good experience. What

places have you been to → I have been to Villarrica. It is a
beautiful place with a huge lake called Mallolafquén
overlooking the Villarrica volcano. I have never seen such a
beautiful sunset. I went last summer with my friends from
University. We stayed at a friend's house for one week.
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Native English – Lesson 6-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Natural Experiences
Amazing experiences
Hot springs: a place where naturally hot water comes up out of
Geographical Locations the ground and forms a pool that people can swim in.
→When talking about places we’ve been to, we sometimes need - We went skiing in the mountains close to a volcano. We were
to use the cardinal points in order to say where these places are lucky to get snow. We also enjoyed bathing in the hot springs
located. The cardinal points in English are:
Geysers: column of hot water or steam sent up from the groind
North = norte at intervals, caused by the heating of water deep in the earth.
East=este - Last year I went to the Atacama desert. What impressed me
South= sur most were the huge sand dunes and geysers.
West = oeste
North-east= noreste River:
South-east = sureste - I’ve been white-water AGUAS DULCES rafting many times on a
South-west = suroeste river in Pucon. It is dangerous because of the rapids and the
North-west = noroeste rocks, bit it’s exciting!

Uses: IN – ON – TO Beach:
1. IN : we use in to indicated that a place is inside a specific - I’ve always wanted to go to a beach in the Caribbean Ocean.
area: I’d love to walk on the whitesand and surf on the waves.
➢ Chile is in South America.
➢ Atacama is in northern Chile. Countryside: an area of land that is used for growing food,
➢ Easter Island is located in the Pacific Ocean.
keeping animals, or playing a sport
2. ON: we use on in references to rivers, coast, lakes and seas - Last weeknd I went to the countryside. The grass in the fields
to mean that something is located at the side of the body of there was very green. I also saw a little stream in the forest.
➢ Valdivia is on the river Calle Calle. Stream: a narrow, flowing body of water that is like a river, but
➢ Chile is on the Pacific Coast.
➢ The Andes Mountain are on the border between Chile
and Argentina. Waterfall: wather that is flowing over the edge of high rocks into
a river or the sea.
3. TO: we use to for describing the location of a place in
relation to the position of another place.
Where would you like to be? → I would like to be in the Atacama
➢ Concepción is 500 kms to the south of Santiago.
desert, the Elqui Valley and the desert in bloom.
➢ Copiapo is 800 kms to the north of Santiago.

Understanding Sings

You are not allowed to enter the property without


You are not allowed to park in front of the entrance.

Gate = reja.

Do not go near here – you might get hurt.

You should walk carefully so as not to fall.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Native English -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

1. I get up (get up) at 6:00 am. I don’t get up (not get up) at
5:00 am.
2. My father shaves (shave) every day.
- We use present simple to talk about general actions we do. 3. Margot doesn’t take (not take) a shower in the afternoons.
➢ I speak English 4. My sister brushes (brush) her teeth every day.
➢ You live in Chillán 5. My parents don’t watch (not watch) TV in the evenings.
➢ She walks to the park 6. Karina puts on (Put on) make up at 6:30 every day.
➢ We watch TV. 7. Flor watches (watch) movies on saturdays.
➢ I swim 8. My mother doesn’t make (not make) dinner on weekend.
➢ I cook Italian food 9. They don’t study (not study) math on Fridays.
➢ She dances cueca 10. My child takes (take) a bath everyday.
➢ We play poker. 11. My sister goes (Go) to bed at 10:00 on weekdays.
12. Susan studies (study english from 7:15 to 9:45
13. Carlos doesn’t eat (not eat) breakfast on sundays because he
gets up (Get up) late.

1. My sister goes to bed at eleven o'clock

➢ My sister doesn't go to bed at eleven o'clock.
2. We play basketball every Sunday
➢ We don't play basketball every sunday.
3. He studies French on Friday
➢ He doesn't study french on friday.
4. They do their homework in the morning
➢ They don´t do their homework in the morning.
5. Frank cleans up his room on Saturday
➢ Frank (he) doesn't clean up his room on sunday.
6. My friends have a new laptop
➢ My friends don't have a new laptop
affirmative 7. School finishes at 12:00
- I play footbal. ➢ School doesn't finish at 12:00.
- You study English. 8. Amanda has a big house
- He eats a hamburger. ➢ Amanda doesn't has a big house .
- She talks with her friends. 9. My cousin takes a shower every day
- It walks to the park. ➢ My cousin doesn't take a shower every day.
- We dance every night. 10. Emily plays tennis at school
- They fight when they have problems. ➢ Emily (she) doesn´t play tennis at school.

negative 1. Does your father work in an office?

- I don't eat fish. 2. Does she have any coloured pencils?
- You don't travel by train. 3. Do they brush their teeth after breakfast?
- He doesn't talk with Peter. 4. Does Rachel visit the museums in the city?
- She doesn't play volleyball. 5. Do you study at an elementary school?
- We don't go to the supermarket. 6. Do we have any cheese in the fridge?
- They don't watch TV. 7. Does Mrs. Smith drive to work?
8. Does Clara and Jhon play chekers?
interrogative 9. Does the train arrive at eleven o'clock?
10. Do you best friend listen to rock music?
- Do you sing? Yes, I do / No, I don't.
- Does he visit his friends? Yes, he does / No, he doesn't.
- Does she go to the mall? Yes, she does / No, she doesn't.
- Does it play with other cats. Yes, it does / No, it doesn't.
- Do we work hard? Yes, we do / No, we don't.
- Do they use their car? Yes, they do / No, they don't.
1. I’m planting (plant) a tree now
2. My sister is watching (whath) tv in the living room
- We use present continuous to talk about actions we do in a 3. Children are watering (whater) the plants
specific moment. 4. They are writing (write) a letter
➢ I am speaking English in this class 5. We are swimming (swim) in the pool
➢ You are living in Chillán now 6. my sisters are riding (ride) their bikes
➢ She is walking to the park this morning. 7. she is talking (talk) on the phone now
➢ We are watching TV in this moment.
➢ I am swimming at the lake
➢ I am cooking Italian food for lunch
➢ She is dancing cueca for 18 de September 1. I am not reading (not read) a magazine at the moment.
➢ We are playing poker tonight 2. She is not runing (not run) in the garden.
3. The students are not studying (not study)
4. We are not cooking (not cook) in the kitchen
5. I am not watching (not watch) TV.
6. It is not raining (rain) heavily today
7. Sally is not going (go) to school.
8. Brian and his friends are not having (have) a BD party.

- I am playing football
- You are studying english
- He is eating a hamburger
- She is talking with her friends
- It is walking to the park
- We are dancing tonight

- I am not eating fish
- You are not travelling by train
- He is not talking with Peter
- She is not playing volleyball
- It is not eating its food
- We are not going to the supermarket

- Are you singing at the Christmas concert? Yes, I am/ No, I am
- Is he visiting his friends? Yes, he is/No, he isn't.
- Is she going to the mall? Yes, she is / no, she isn’t
- It is playing with other cats? Yes, it is / no, it isn’t
- Are we eating lassagna for dinner? Yes, we are / no, we aren’t
- Are they using their car? Yes, they are / no, they aren’t


1. What did she do this morning? She ate breakfast

2. Where did they go yesterday? They went to the school
- I played football yesterday with my friends. 3. What did he do this afternoon? He watched TV.
- You studied for the english test. 4. What did she do last week? She went shopping
- He ate a hamburger. 5. What did she do last Sunday? She rode a bike.
- She talked with her friends last night. 6. What did he do last ninght? He studied
- I bought some clothes at the mall. 7. What did she do two hours ago? She toke a bath.
- We danced all night.
- They spent a lot in their trip.


- I didn’t eat fish at my brother’s house.
- You didn’t travel by train.
- He didn’t talk with Peter
- She didn’t play volleyball
- It didn’t make sense
- We didn’t go to the supermarket
- They didn’t watch TV.


- Did I arrive late last night? Yes, you did / No, you didn’t
- Did you sing a song at the party yesterday? Yes, I did / No, I
- Did he visit his friends last week? Yes, he did / No, he didn’t
- Did she go to the mall? Yes, she did/ No, she didn’t.
- Did it play with other cats? Yes, it did / No, it didn’t.
- Did we work hard to buy the house? Yes, we did / No, we
- Did they use their car for work? Yes, they did / No, they
I have never been to = nunca he estado en

- I have never been to Atacama desert.
- Have you been to Chiloe? – No, I haven’t
- Have you been to Viña del Mar? – Yes, I have.

10. It’s a great movie. I have seen that movie many times.
11. Have you ever eaten really strange or interesting food?
12. (A) Has your brother talked to you yet?
(B) Yes, he has
13. My family and I have flown VERBO “VOLAR” EN PARTICIPIO to many
different countries around the world.
14. My sister has never ridden a bicycle. She is afraid that she
will fall off.
15. (A) Have you talked to Mr. Parfitt?
(B) No, I haven’t
16. I’m sorry, but I haven’t finished my homework yet.
17. (A) Have you finished your lunch yet?
(B) Yes, I have
18. Eva, Thomas and Robert have been to Hong Kong.

Tell me about a place you visited, a good experience. What

places have you been to → I have been to Villarrica. It is a
beautiful place with a huge lake called Mallolafquén
overlooking the Villarrica volcano. I have never seen such a
beautiful sunset. I went last summer with my friends from
University. We stayed at a friend's house for one week.
Vocabulary: Food and Drinks

Poached egg on toast = huevo pochado Apple = Manzana Shrimp cocktail = coctel de camaronês
en tostada Avocado = Aguacate Garlic bread = pan de ajo
Hard-boiled eggs Banana = Plátano Onion rings = aros de cebolla
Soft-boiled eggs Blackberry/ies = Mora/s
Sunny-side up eggs Blueberry/ies = Arándano/s
Scrambled eggs = huevo revuelto Raspberry/ies = Frambuesa/s
Strawberry/ies = Frutilla/s Lamb chops with mashed potatoes =
Cherries/Cherry = Cerezas/cereza costillitas de Cordero con puré de papas.
Coconut = Coco Beef steak with a side salad = filete de
Asparagus = Espárrago ternera con una ensalada de
Grape = Uva
Green beans = porotos verdes acompañamiento
Grapefruit = Pomelo
Broccoli = Brócoli Pork chops with rice = chuletas de cerdo
Lemon LEMN = Limón
Cabbage = Repollo con arroz
Lime = Lima
Carrot = Zanahoria Roasted chicken with French fries = pollo
Mango = Mango
Cauliflower = Coliflor asado con patatas fritas
Orange = Naranja
Celery = Apio Fish and chips = pescado y papas fritas
Papaya = Papaya
Cucumber = Pepino Lasagna = lasaña
Peach = Durazno
Eggplant = Berenjena Steak = bistec
Pear = Pera
Garlic = Ajo Barbecue ribs = costillas a la barbacoa
Pineapple = Piña,
Mushroom = Champiñón Barbecue = barbacoa
Plums PLAMS= Ciruelas
Onion = Cebolla Chicken wings = alitas de pollo
Nectarine = Nectarino
Peas = Arvejas Roast chicken = pollo asado
Passion Fruit = Maracuya
(green, red, yellow) Pepper = Pimiento Chilean shepherd’s pie = pastel de
Tangerine = Mandarina
Potato = Papa papas/carne
Watermelon = Sandía
Pumpkin = Calabaza Ceasar salad = ensalada cesar
Cantaloupe= Melon calameño
Spinach SPINISH = Espinaca Spaghetti and meatballs = espagueti y
Kiwi= Kiwi
Olives = aceitunas albondigas
Pomegranate POMGRENET= Granada
Zucchini = calabacin Fish fry = pescado frito
Kale KEIL= col rizada Beef = carne de vacuno
Scallions = cebolletas Pork = cerdo
Fennel = hinojo Still or sparking? is sparking as good for Chicken = Pollo
Brussels sprouts = coles de bruselas you as still water = agua sin gas / con gas Duck = pato
(Roman, Iceberg) Lettuce = Lechuga Diet soda = refresco dietetico Mutton (adult sheep) = oveja adulta
(Cherry )Tomato = Tomate (cherry) Lemonade = limonada Lamb = Cordero
Orange Juice = jugo de naranja Quail = codorniz
Milkshake = batido Turkey = pavo

Chicken cuts
Jell-o / Jelly = gelatina Drum sticks = trutos
Banana split Whole = entero
Doughnut = dona Wings = alitas
Pankcakes = panqueques Thighs = muslos
Apple pie = tarta de manzana Chicken breast = pechuga de pollo
Ice cream = helado
Cream caramel = flan
Fruit salad = ensalada de fruta
Rice = arroz
Potato salad = ensalada de papas Pepper=pimienta
Stir-fry vegetables = verduras salteadas Lemon juice = jugo de limon
Corn on the cob Garlic oil = aceite de ajo
Coleslaw = ensalada de repollo Salt = sal
Mashed potatoes = puré de patatas Worcestershire sauce = salsa inglesa
Baked potatoes = patatas al horno Parmesan cheese = queso parmesano
French fries = papas fritas Croutons = crutones
Boiled potatoes = patatas hervidas Romane lettuce = lechuga romana

Mayonnaise = mayonesa
Onions = cebollas
Carrots = zanahorias
Macaroni = macarrones

Onions = cebollas
Lettuce = lechuga
Tomatoes = tomates
American cheese = queso americano
Beef = ternera

Hoagie roll= rollo de hoagie (tipo de pan)

Provolone cheese = queso provolone
Sautée onions = cebollas salteadas
Rib- eye steak = filete de costilla

Frica bread = pan de frica

Aji verde peppers = aji verde
Green beans = judias verdes
Tomatoes = tomates
Beef steak = filete de ternera

Toasted bread = pan tostado

Mayonnaise = mayonesa
Bacon = tocino
Lettuce = lechuga
Tomatoes = tomates

Pepperoni = peperoni
Mozzarella cheese = queso mozzarella
Tomato sauce = salsa de tomate

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