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Which of the following findings is

consistent with a diagnosis of
megaloblastic anemia?
SEPTEMBER 6, 2021 a. Hyposegmentation of neutrophils
HEMATOLOGY b. Decreased serum lactate
ASSESSMENT dehydrogenase level
c. Absolute increase in reticulocytes
d. Increased MCV

Characteristic features • Megaloblastic anemias are caused by

•M conditions that impair synthesis of
_____, such as _______________or
• _______ maturation lags behind
•H cytoplasmic development as a result
•C of the impaired DNA synthesis.

• This asynchrony between nuclear and • A megaloblastic anemia is

cytoplasmic development results in larger characterized by oval macrocytes
cells. and hypersegmented neutrophils in
• All cells of the body are ultimately affected the peripheral blood and by
by the defective production of DNA
megaloblasts or large nucleated RBC
• _________ anemia is one cause of vitamin precursors in the bone marrow.
B12 deficiency, whereas malabsorption
secondary to ___________________ is • The MCV in megaloblastic anemia can
one cause of folate deficiency. be markedly increased (up to ___ fL),
but modest increases (___-___ fL)
occur as well.
2. A patient has a clinical picture of
• ____________________ is an
megaloblastic anemia. The serum
folate level is decreased, and the essential nutrient consisting of a
serum vitamin B12 level is 600 pg/mL tetrapyrrole (corrin) ring containing
(reference interval is 200–900 pg/mL). cobalt that is attached to 5,6-
What is the expected value for the dimethylbenzimidazolyl
methylmalonic acid assay? ribonucleotide.
a. Increased • Vitamin B12 is a ________ in two
b. Decreased biochemical reactions in humans.
c. Within the reference interval

• In the _______ of vitamin B12,

• One is isomerization of methylmalonyl the impaired activity of
coenzyme A (CoA) to succinyl CoA, methylmalonyl CoA mutase
which requires vitamin B12 (in the
adenosylcobalamin form) as a cofactor leads to a ____ level of serum
and is catalyzed by the enzyme methylmalonic acid (MMA),
methylmalonyl CoA mutase. which is useful for the
diagnosis of vitamin B12

• Folate is the general term used for • The function of folate is to transfer carbon
any form of the vitamin folic acid. units in the form of methyl groups from
donors to receptors.
• Folic acid is the synthetic form in
• In this capacity, folate plays an important
supplements and fortified food. role in the metabolism of amino acids and
• Folates consist of a pteridine ring nucleotides.
attached to para-aminobenzoate • Deficiency of the vitamin leads to impaired
cell replication and other metabolic
with one or more glutamate alterations.
3. Which one of the following statements 4. Which of the following CBC
characterizes the relationships among findings is most suggestive of a
macrocytic anemia, megaloblastic
megaloblastic anemia?
anemia, and pernicious anemia?
a. Macrocytic anemias are megaloblastic. a. MCV of 103 fL
b. Macrocytic anemia is pernicious b. Hypersegmentation of neutrophils
anemia. c. RDW of 16%
c. Megaloblastic anemia is macrocytic. d. Hemoglobin concentration of 9.1
d. Megaloblastic anemia is pernicious g/dL

5. In the following description of a bone marrow smear, find

the statement that is inconsistent with the expected picture 6. Which one of the following findings
in megaloblastic anemia. “The marrow appears would be inconsistent with elevated
hypercellular with a myeloid-to-erythroid ratio of 1:1 due to
prominent erythroid hyperplasia. Megakaryocytes appear titers of intrinsic factor blocking
normal in number and appearance. The WBC elements
appear larger than normal, with especially large antibodies?
metamyelocytes, although they otherwise appear
morphologically normal. The RBC precursors also appear a. Hypersegmentation of neutrophils
large. There is nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony, with the
nucleus appearing more mature than expected for the color b. Low levels of methylmalonic acid
of the cytoplasm.”
a. Erythroid nuclei that are more mature than cytoplasm
c. Macrocytic RBCs
b. Larger than normal WBC elements d. Low levels of vitamin B12
c. Larger than normal RBCs
d. Normal appearance of megakaryocytes

7. Which of the following is the

• The vitamin ________________ complex,
most metabolically active form of termed ______________________, is the
absorbed vitamin B12? metabolically active form of vitamin B12.
a. Transcobalamin • ______________ binds to specific
receptors on the surfaces of many different
b. Intrinsic factor–vitamin B12 types of cells and enters the cells by
complex endocytosis, with subsequent release of
c. Holotranscobalamin vitamin B12 from the carrier.
• The body maintains a substantial reserve of
d. Haptocorrin–vitamin B12 absorbed vitamin B12 in _________.
8. Folate and vitamin B12
• In the plasma, only 10% to work together in the
30% of the vitamin B12 is production of:
bound to _____________; the a. Amino acids
remaining 75% is bound to
transcobalamin I and III, b. RNA
referred to as the _________. c. Phospholipids
d. DNA

• Vitamin B12 and folate are needed for • Lack of vitamin B12 leads to the
the production of _______ accumulation of
___________ for DNA synthesis. ___________________________
• Deficiencies of either vitamin impair ___________________________.
DNA replication, halt cell division, and
• Folate deficiency, in particular,
increase apoptosis, which results in
ineffective hematopoiesis and leads to elevation of _________
megaloblastic morphology of levels and possible risk of
erythrocyte precursors. _____________________.

9. The macrocytosis associated with megaloblastic

• Folate deficiency may result from anemia results from:
inadequate intake, increased need with a. Reduced numbers of cell divisions with normal
growth or pregnancy, impaired absorption, cytoplasmic development
impaired use, or excessive loss. b. Activation of a gene that is typically active only
• The action of folate can be impaired by in megakaryocytes
drugs such as those used to treat epilepsy c. Reduced concentration of hemoglobin in the
or cancer. cells so that larger cells are needed to provide the
same oxygen-carrying capacity
• Renal dialysis patients experience
d. Increased production of reticulocytes in an
significant folate loss to the dialysate.
attempt to compensate for the anemia
• ________________ often is the 10. Which one of the following
earliest sign of megaloblastic groups has the highest risk for
anemia. pernicious anemia?
• Patients with uncomplicated a. Malnourished infants
megaloblastic anemia are b. Children during growth periods
expected to have _________ c. Persons older than 60 years of
hemoglobin and hematocrit age
values, __________, and
d. Pregnant women

• Pernicious anemia is an • The incidence per year is

___________ disorder roughly __ new cases per
characterized by impaired 100,000 persons older than 40
absorption of vitamin B12 due to a
years of age.
lack of intrinsic factor.
• This condition is called pernicious
• Pernicious anemia most often
anemia because the disease was manifests in the ____ decade
___________________________ or later.

11. The clinical consequences of 12. Idiopathic acquired aplastic

pancytopenia include: anemia is due to a(n):
a. Pallor and thrombosis a. Drug reaction
b. Kidney failure and fever b. Benzene exposure
c. Fatigue, infection, and bleeding
c. Inherited mutation in stem
d. Weakness, hemolysis, and
d. Unknown cause
Etiologic Classification of Aplastic Anemia
Acquired (__% to __% of cases)
*Idiopathic (__% of cases)
*Secondary (__% to __% of cases)
-Dose dependent/predictable
• Cytotoxic drugs
*Inherited (__% to __% of
• Benzene
• Radiation
- Idiosyncratic
Cutting/lubricating oils
• Epstein-Barr virus
• Hepatitis virus (non-A, non-B, non-C, non-G)
• Human immunodeficiency virus
- Miscellaneous conditions
• Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
• Autoimmune diseases
• Pregnancy

13. The pathophysiologic mechanism in • Bone marrow failure in

acquired idiosyncratic aplastic anemia is:
• a. Replacement of bone marrow by
acquired aplastic anemia
abnormal cells occurs from destruction of
• b. Destruction of stem cells by autoimmune hematopoietic stem cells by
T cells direct toxic effects of a drug,
• c. Defective production of hematopoietic
growth factors
autoimmune T-cell targeting of
• d. Inability of bone marrow stroma to stem cells, or other unknown
support stem cells mechanisms.

14. The most consistent peripheral blood

• The autoimmune reactions are findings in severe aplastic anemia are:
rare adverse events after a. Hairy cells, monocytopenia, and
exposure to drugs, chemicals, or neutropenia
viruses. b. Macrocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and
• They are idiosyncratic in that they
c. Blasts, immature granulocytes, and
are unpredictable, and severity is thrombocytopenia
unrelated to the dose or duration d. Polychromasia, nucleated RBCs, and
of exposure. hypersegmented neutrophils
15. The treatment that has shown the best • Aplastic anemia is classified as
success rate in young patients with severe
aplastic anemia is: nonsevere, severe, or very severe,
a. Immunosuppressive therapy based on bone marrow
b. Long-term red blood cell and platelet ___________, absolute ________
transfusions count, ______ count, ________
c. Administration of hematopoietic growth level, and _________ count.
factors and androgens
• The severity classification helps to
d. Stem cell transplant with an HLA-identical
guide treatment decisions.

• Preferred treatment for severe and 16. The test that is most useful in
very severe acquired aplastic anemia differentiating FA from other causes of
is hematopoietic stem cell pancytopenia is:
transplant (HSCT) for younger
patients with an HLA-identical a. Bone marrow biopsy
sibling. b. Ham acidified serum test
• For those without a matched sibling c. Diepoxybutane-induced
donor and for those who are not HSCT chromosome breakage
candidates, immunosuppressive
therapy with ____________ ______ d. Flow cytometric analysis of CD55
and _________ is recommended. and CD59 cells

• Fanconi anemia (FA), dyskeratosis • A positive chromosome breakage study

congenita (DKC), and Shwachman- with diepoxybutane is diagnostic.
Bodian-Diamond syndrome (SBDS) are
• DKC can be
inherited forms of aplastic anemia with
progressive ________________, and ________________________________
patients may present with characteristic ________________________________,
________________. and mutations in __ genes have been
• FA is inherited in an
_____________________________ • SBDS is ______________ and is
pattern, and mutations in __ genes have associated with mutations in the SBDS
been identified. gene.
17. Mutations in genes that code for the • Telomerase complex defects play a
telomerase complex may induce bone marrow role in the pathophysiology of inherited
failure by causing which one of the following?
aplastic anemias and some acquired
a. Resistance of stem cells to normal apoptosis
aplastic anemias.
b. Autoimmune reaction against telomeres in
stem cells • The defects result in the
c. Decreased production of hematopoietic
growth factors ______________________________
d. Premature death of hematopoietic stem cells which leads to premature
hematopoietic stem cell _________
and _________.

• Pure red cell aplasia is a disorder of

18. Diamond-Blackfan anemia
__________ production.
differs from inherited aplastic
• Acquired (TEC and DBA)
anemia in that in the former:
a. Reticulocyte count is increased ___________________________________
b. Fetal hemoglobin is decreased ________________________________are
c. Only erythropoiesis is affected disparate subtypes with distinct etiologies,
clinical features, and courses.
d. Congenital malformations are
• Mutations in __ different ribosomal protein
absent genes have been identified in DBA.

19. Which anemia should be suspected

• The congenital dyserythropoietic
in a patient with refractory anemia, anemias (CDAs) are a heterogeneous
reticulocytopenia, hemosiderosis, and group of rare disorders characterized
binucleated erythrocyte precursors in by refractory anemia,
the bone marrow? reticulocytopenia, hypercellular bone
a. Fanconi anemia marrow with markedly ineffective
b. Dyskeratosis congenita erythropoiesis, and distinctive
c. Acquired aplastic anemia dysplastic changes in bone marrow
d. Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia .
• Secondary hemosiderosis arises
from chronic ____________ and • A type low-risk MDS anemia
___________ hemolysis as well characterized by mono-lineage
as increased iron absorption dysplasia, anemia,
associated with ineffective dyserythropoiesis, and low
percentage of blasts in bone
• Iron overload develops even in the
marrow and peripheral blood.
absence of blood transfusions.

_____________ ____________
• Physical malformation • Hypocellular; blasts and abnormal cells
• Macrocytosis absent;
• Elevated HbF
• Anemia • Reticulin normal; RBC dyspoiesis may be
• Neutropenia present;
• Thrombocytopenia • WBC and platelet dyspoiesis absent
• Duplications and triplications of the long arm of
• PNH cells* may be present;
• Gains of the portions of long arms of __________ • Chromosome abnormalities may be
• Monosomy __ present
• No splenomegaly

_____________ 20. The primary pathophysiologic

mechanism of anemia associated with
• Moderate Pancytopenia chronic kidney disease is:
• Marked hypocellular marrow a. Inadequate production of
(<10%) erythropoietin
b. Excessive hemolysis
• Reduced trilineage
c. Hematopoietic stem cell mutation
d. Toxic destruction of stem cells
• No evidence of malignancy
• Anemia is a common complication of • Without erythropoietin, the
chronic kidney disease (CKD), with a bone marrow lacks adequate
positive correlation between anemia stimulation to produce RBCs.
and renal disease severity
• Another contributor to the
• The primary cause of anemia in CKD
is ___________________________. anemia of CKD is _____, which
inhibits erythropoiesis and
increases RBC fragility.

21. The term hemolytic disorder in general

refers to a disorder in which there is:
a. Increased destruction of RBCs after they
enter the bloodstream
b. Excessive loss of RBCs from the body
c. Inadequate RBC production by the bone
d. Increased plasma volume with unchanged
red cell mass

Differential Diagnosis for hemolytic

22. RBC destruction that occurs anemias
when macrophages ingest and
destroy RBCs is termed:
a. Extracellular
b. Macrophage-mediated
c. Intra-organ
d. Extrahematopoietic
23. A sign of hemolysis that is • A rapid decrease in hemoglobin
typically associated with both concentration (e.g., 1 g/dL per week)
fragmentation and macrophage- from levels previously within the
reference interval can signal
mediated hemolysis is:
hemolysis when _________ and
a. Hemoglobinuria _________ have been ruled out.
b. Hemosiderinuria • Jaundice and reticulocytosis provide
c. Hemoglobinemia additional confirmation of a hemolytic
cause for an anemia of at least several
d. Elevated urinary urobilinogen level days duration.

• The rapid decrease in hemoglobin

during an acute hemolytic episode,
• When only the however, usually is apparent before
____________________ fraction reticulocytosis and bilirubinemia
of the total serum bilirubin is develop.
elevated, hemolytic jaundice is • For acute hemolysis, hemoglobinemia
confirmed. and hemoglobinuria are expected with
fragmentation causes; therefore, their
• An elevated urinary ___________
absence suggests a
level strengthens the conclusion. _______________ cause.

24. An elderly white woman is evaluated for worsening

anemia, with a decrease of approximately 0.5 mg/dL of
•RBC morphology and hemoglobin each week. The patient is pale, and her
skin and eyes are slightly yellow. She complains of
haptoglobin levels can extreme fatigue and is unable to complete the tasks of
daily living without napping in midmorning and
assist in differentiating midafternoon. She also tires with exertion, finding it
difficult to climb even five stairs. Which of the features
fragmentation from a of this description points to a hemolytic cause for her
macrophage-mediated a. Pallor
b. Yellow skin and eyes
cause. c. Need for naps
d. Tiredness on exertion
Laboratory Evaluation of Hemolysis
25. Which of the following tests *Hematologic Intravascular Extravascular
provides a good indication of Blood film
accelerated erythropoiesis? Reticulocyte
a. Urine urobilinogen level Bone marrow
b. Hemosiderin level *Serum or
c. Reticulocyte count Bilirubin
d. Glycated hemoglobin level Haptoglobin
Plasma free

Laboratory Evaluation of Hemolysis

26. A 5-year-old girl was seen by her physician
*Serum or Intravascular Extravascular
several days prior to this visit and was diagnosed
Plasma with pneumonia. Her mother has brought her to the
physician again because the girl’s urine began to
LDH darken after the first visit and now is alarmingly dark.
The girl has no history of anemia, and there is no
family history of any hematologic disorder. The CBC
Bilirubin shows a mild anemia, polychromasia, and a few
schistocytes. This anemia could be categorized as:
a. Acquired, fragmentation
Hemoglobin b. Acquired, macrophage-mediated
c. Hereditary, fragmentation
Urobilinogen d. Hereditary, macrophage-mediated

27. A patient has a personal and family history of a mild 28. Select the statement that is true about
hemolytic anemia. The patient has consistently elevated
bilirubin metabolism.
levels of total and indirect serum bilirubin and urinary
urobilinogen. The serum haptoglobin level is consistently a. Indirect bilirubin is formed in the liver by the
decreased, whereas the reticulocyte count is elevated. The addition of two sugar molecules to direct
latter can be seen as polychromasia on the patient’s blood
film, along with spherocytes. Which of the findings reported
for this patient is inconsistent with a classical diagnosis of b. Macrophages of the spleen liberate bilirubin
fragmentation hemolysis? during hemoglobin catabolism.
• a. Elevated total and indirect serum bilirubin
c. Urobilinogen is not water soluble and is not
• b. Elevated urinary urobilinogen
excreted in the urine.
• c. Decreased haptoglobin
• d. Spherocytes on the peripheral film d. Normally, the major fraction of bilirubin in the
blood is the direct (conjugated) form released
from macrophages.
29. A patient has anemia that has been worsening over the last
several months. The hemoglobin level has been declining slowly,
30. Which of the following sets of test results
with a drop of 1.5 g/dL of hemoglobin over about 6 weeks. is typically expected with chronic
Polychromasia and anisocytosis are seen on the blood film,
consistent with the elevated reticulocyte count and RBC fragmentation hemolysis?
distribution width (RDW). Serum levels of total bilirubin and
indirect fractions are normal. Urinary urobilinogen level also is • Serum Haptoglobin
normal. When these findings are evaluated, the conclusion is
drawn that the anemia does not have a hemolytic component. • Urine Hemoglobin
Based on the data given here, why was hemolysis ruled out as
the cause of the anemia? • Urine Sediment Prussian Blue Stain
a. The decline in hemoglobin is too gradual to be associated with a. Increased Positive Positive
b. The elevation of the reticulocyte count suggests a malignant b. Decreased Negative Negative
c. Evidence of increased protoporphyrin catabolism is lacking. c. Decreased Positive Positive
d. Elevated RDW points to an anemia of decreased production. d. Increased Positive Negative

31. In HS a characteristic • Hereditary spherocytosis arises

abnormality in the CBC results is: from defects in proteins that
• a. Increased MCV provide _______ support for the
• b. Increased MCHC membrane.
• c. Decreased MCH • Hereditary elliptocytosis is due to
• d. Decreased platelet and WBC
defects in cytoskeletal proteins
counts that provide ________ support for
the membrane.

• Diagnostic of Hereditary spherocytosis:

•Blood smear shows _________
Spherocytes and • Blood is added to serial dilutions of NaCl &
polychromosia incubated.
• Amount of hemolysis determined by reading
•Hemoglobin electrophoresis is absorbance of supernatant from each tube.
______. • ↑ in ____________________.
• ↓ with TIST:
•MCHC usually >__ g/dL. ___________________________________
•___ retics, ___ osmotic fragility.
32. The altered shape of the 33. Which of the following results are
spherocyte in HS is due to: consistent with HS?
a. An abnormal RBC membrane protein a. Increased osmotic fragility, negative DAT
affecting vertical protein interactions
b. Decreased osmotic fragility, positive DAT
b. Defective RNA synthesis result
c. An extrinsic factor in the plasma c. Increased osmotic fragility, positive DAT
d. Abnormality in the globin result
composition of the hemoglobin d. Decreased osmotic fragility, negative DAT
molecule result

34. The RBCs in HE are abnormally shaped 35. The peripheral blood film for patients
and have unstable cell membranes as a with mild HE is characterized by:
result of:
a. Elliptical RBCs
a. Abnormal shear stresses in the circulation
b. Oval RBCs with one or two transverse
b. Defects in horizontal membrane protein
interactions ridges
c. Mutations in ankyrin c. Overhydrated RBCs with oval central
d. Lack of all Rh antigens in the RBC pallor
membrane d. Densely stained RBCs with a few
irregular projections

__________- ___________

•Defect in band 3 causing • Severe defect in spectrin that disrupts

horizontal linkages in protein
increased membrane rigidity. cytoskeleton;
•Only exists in heterozygous • Severe RBC fragmentation
State 30% oval cells with • Elliptocytes,

one or two transverse • Schistocytes,

• Microspherocytes
____________ ____________
• Increased membrane permeability to • Increased membrane permeability
sodium and potassium; to potassium;
• increased intracellular sodium causing • decreased intracellular potassium,
influx of water, increase in cell volume,
resulting in loss of water from cell,
and decreased cytoplasmic viscosity
• decrease in cell volume,
• Stomatocytes (5%–50%),
• macrocytes • increased cytoplasmic viscosity

36. Laboratory test results for patients with 37. Acanthocytes are found in
HPP include all of the following except:
a. RBCs that show marked thermal
association with:
sensitivity at 41° C to 45° C a. Abetalipoproteinemia
b. Marked poikilocytosis with elliptocytes,
RBC fragments, and microspherocytes
b. G6PD deficiency
c. Low fluorescence when incubated with c. Rh deficiency syndrome
d. Increased MCV and normal RDW
d. Vitamin B12 deficiency

38. The most common manifestation of • G6PD-deficient RBCs cannot generate
G6PD deficiency is: sufficient ______ to reduce ________
a. Chronic hemolytic anemia caused by cell and thus cannot effectively detoxify
shape change the hydrogen peroxide produced upon
b. Acute hemolytic anemia caused by drug exposure to oxidative stress.
exposure or infections • Oxidative damage to cellular proteins
c. Mild compensated hemolysis caused by and lipids occurs, particularly affecting
ATP deficiency
hemoglobin and the cell membrane.
d. Chronic hemolytic anemia caused by
intravascular RBC lysis

39. A patient experiences an episode of

• Oxidation converts hemoglobin to acute intravascular hemolysis after taking
___________ and forms sulfhydryl primaquine for the first time. The physician
groups and disulfide bridges in suspects that the patient may have G6PD
hemoglobin polypeptides. deficiency and orders an RBC G6PD assay
2 days after the hemolytic episode begins.
• This leads to decreased How will this affect the test result?
hemoglobin solubility and a. No effect
precipitation as _____ bodies b. False increase due to reticulocytosis
c. False decrease due to hemoglobinemia
d. Absence of enzyme activity

• Reticulocytosis typically occurs as a

• To avoid falsely elevated or falsely
response to an acute hemolytic episode
and will falsely increase the patient’s G6PD normal results, biochemical assays for
activity over baseline values. G6PD activity should not be performed
• Patients who are not G6PD deficient are during _____________.
expected to have high G6PD activity during • The testing should be performed after
hemolytic episodes.
the reticulocyte and total RBC counts
• When a patient with reticulocytosis has
an unexpectedly normal G6PD activity have returned to baseline, which may
result, G6PD deficiency should be take __ weeks to __ months after the
suspected. hemolytic episode
40. The most common defect or
deficiency in the anaerobic glycolytic
pathway that causes chronic HNSHA ______________________
is: is the most common RBC
a. Pyruvate kinase deficiency. enzymopathy, but the vast
b. Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency majority of patients are
c. Glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency
d. Methemoglobin reductase deficiency

• Patients with classes II and III G6PD

• Most patients with
variants may develop acute hemolytic
anemia after infections or after _______________ deficiency
ingestion of certain ______ or ______ have symptoms of hemolysis.
• A small percentage of patients have • ____ cells are commonly observed
class I G6PD variant and chronic on the peripheral blood film.
hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic • PK deficiency is the most common
anemia (HNSHA).
cause of HNSHA.

41. Which of the following laboratory 42. Which one of the following is a
tests would be best to confirm PNH? feature found in all microangiopathic
a. Acidified serum test (Ham test) hemolytic anemias?
b. Osmotic fragility test a. Pancytopenia
c. Flow cytometry for detection of eosin- b. Thrombocytosis
59-maleimide binding on erythrocytes c. Intravascular RBC fragmentation
d. Flow cytometry for detection of CD55, d. Prolonged prothrombin time and
CD59, and FLAER binding on partial thromboplastin time
neutrophils and monocytes
•Microangiopathic hemolytic • The RBC fragmentation occurs
anemias (MAHAs) are a intravascularly by the mechanical
group of potentially life- shearing of RBC membranes as
the cells rapidly pass through
threatening disorders turbulent areas of small blood
characterized by RBC vessels that are partially blocked
_______________________ by microthrombi or damaged
______________________. endothelium

• Upon shearing, RBC membranes 43. Typical laboratory findings in TTP

quickly reseal with minimal escape of and HUS include:
hemoglobin, but the resulting a. Schistocytosis and thrombocytopenia
fragments (called schistocytes) are b. Anemia and reticulocytopenia
distorted and become rigid. c. Reduced levels of lactate
• The spleen clears the rigid RBC dehydrogenase and aspartate
fragments from the circulation through aminotransferase
the extravascular hemolytic process d. Increased levels of free plasma
hemoglobin and serum haptoglobin

44. The pathophysiology of idiopathic TTP

• The major microangiopathic involves:
hemolytic anemias include a. Shiga toxin damage to endothelial cells and
______________________ (TTP), obstruction of small blood vessels in glomeruli
____________________ (HUS), b. Formation of platelet-VWF thrombi due to
autoantibody inhibition of ADAMTS-13
HELLP c. Overactivation of the complement system and
(___________________________ endothelial cell damage due to loss of regulatory
d. Activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic
syndrome, and ____. systems with fibrin clots throughout the
• TTP can be idiopathic, secondary, or • Secondary TTP can be triggered by infections,
inherited. pregnancy, surgery, trauma, inflammation, and
disseminated malignancy, possibly by depressing
• Idiopathic TTP has no known
the synthesis of ADAMTS-13.
precipitating event. • Other conditions may induce an inhibitory
• In idiopathic TTP, autoantibodies to reaction to ADAMTS-13, including (HAHQTT)
___________ inhibit its activity,
causing a severe deficiency. _______________________________________
• These autoantibodies are usually of _______________________________________.
the ___ class but can be ___ or ___.

45. Which one of the following laboratory

results may be seen in BOTH traumatic
• Secondary TTP is very cardiac hemolytic anemia and exercise-
heterogeneous, and the induced hemoglobinuria?
mechanisms that trigger the a. Schistocytes on the peripheral blood
TTP pathophysiology are not film
completely clear. b. Thrombocytopenia
c. Decreased serum haptoglobin
d. Hemosiderinuria

46. Which of the following species of 47. Which one of the following is not a
Plasmodium produce hypnozoites that mechanism causing anemia in P. falciparum
can remain dormant in the liver and infections?
cause a relapse months or years later? a. Inhibition of erythropoiesis
b. Lysis of infected RBCs during schizogony
a. P. falciparum
c. Competition for vitamin B12 in the
b. P. vivax erythrocyte
c. P. knowlesi d. Immune destruction of noninfected RBCs
d. P. malariae in the spleen
48. Which Plasmodium species is 49. One week after returning from a vacation in Rhode
Island, a 60-year-old man experienced fever, chills,
widespread in Malaysia, has RBCs with nausea, muscle aches, and fatigue of 2 days’ duration. A
multiple ring forms, has band-shaped early complete blood count (CBC) showed a WBC count of 4.5 x
trophozoites, shows a 24-hour erythrocytic 109/L, hemoglobin level of 10.5 g/dL, a platelet count of
134 x 109/L, and a reticulocyte count of 2.7%. The medical
cycle, and can cause severe disease and laboratory scientist noticed tiny ameboid ring forms in some
high parasitemia? of the RBCs and some tetrad forms in others. These
findings suggest:
• a. P. falciparum
a. Bartonellosis
• b. P. vivax b. Malaria
• c. P. knowlesi c. Babesiosis
d. Clostridial sepsis
• d. P. malariae

50. What RBC morphology is 51. Which of the following tests yields
characteristically found within the first results that are abnormal in DIC but are
24 hours following extensive burn usually within the reference interval or just
slightly abnormal in TTP and HUS?
a. Indirect serum bilirubin and serum
a. Macrocytosis and polychromasia haptoglobin
b. Burr cells and crenated cells b. Prothrombin time and partial
c. Howell-Jolly bodies and bite cells thromboplastin time
d. Schistocytes and microspherocytes c. Lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate
d. Serum creatinine and serum total protein

52. Immune hemolytic anemia is due to 53. The pathophysiology of immune

a(n): hemolysis with IgM antibodies
a. Structural defect in the RBC always involves:
• a. Complement
b. Allo- or autoantibody against an RBC
• b. Autoantibodies
c. T cell immune response against an • c. Abnormal hemoglobin
RBC antigen molecules
d. Obstruction of blood flow by • d. Alloantibodies
intravascular thrombi
54. In hemolysis mediated by IgG • Hemolysis mediated by IgG antibodies
antibodies, which abnormal RBC occurs with or without complement
morphology is typically observed and predominantly by extravascular
on the peripheral blood film? mechanisms.
a. Spherocytes • RBCs sensitized with IgG are removed
from circulation by macrophages in the
b. Nucleated RBCs
spleen, which have receptors for the
c. RBC agglutination Fc component of _____ and ____.
d. Macrocytes

• Often, IgG-sensitized RBCs are

• IgG antibodies are not efficient in only partially phagocytized by
activating complement, and macrophages, which results in the
intravascular hemolysis by full removal of some membrane.
activation of complement from C1 • ________ are the result of this
to C9 is rare (except with _____ in process, and they are the
paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria) characteristic cell of IgG-mediated

55. The most important finding in the 56. A qualitative abnormality in hemoglobin
diagnostic investigation of a suspected may involve all of the following except:
autoimmune hemolytic anemia is: a. Replacement of one or more amino acids
a. Detection of a low hemoglobin and in a globin chain
hematocrit b. Addition of one or more amino acids in a
b. Observation of hemoglobinemia in a globin chain
specimen c. Deletion of one or more amino acids in a
c. Recognition of a low reticulocyte count globin chain
d. Demonstration of IgG and/or C3d on the d. Decreased production of a globin chain
RBC surface
• Deletions involve the removal of one or
• The types of genetic mutations
more nucleotides, whereas insertions result
that occur in the in the addition of one or more nucleotides.
hemoglobinopathies include • Usually deletions and insertions are not
point mutations, deletions, divisible by three and disrupt the reading
frame, which leads to the nullification of
insertions, and fusions synthesis of the corresponding globin
involving one or more of the chain.
adult globin genes • This is the case for the quantitative

57. The substitution of valine for

glutamic acid at position 6 of the B
chain of hemoglobin results in
hemoglobin that:
a. Is unstable and precipitates as Heinz
b. Polymerizes to form tactoid crystals
c. Crystallizes in a hexagonal shape
d. Contains iron in the ferric (Fe31)

58. Patients with SCD usually do not

exhibit symptoms until 6 months of age
a. The mother’s blood has a protective
b. Hemoglobin levels are higher in
infants at birth
c. Higher levels of Hb F are present
d. The immune system is not fully
• Individuals affected with SCD are
characteristically symptom free until the
second half of the first year of life because • Erythrocytes containing Hb S
of the protective effect of Hb F. become susceptible to
hemolysis, and a progressive
• Toward the end of the first 6 months of life,
mutated __ chains begin to be produced
hemolytic anemia and
and gradually replace normal __ chains, splenomegaly may become
which causes Hb S levels to ______ and evident.
Hb F levels to _______.

59. Which of the following is the most

definitive test for Hb S?
• a. Hemoglobin solubility test
• b. Hemoglobin electrophoresis at
alkaline pH
• c. Osmotic fragility test
• d. Hemoglobin electrophoresis at acid

60. Which of the following is the principle for

WBC measurement in Abbott CELL-DYN
a. Impedance volume and conductivity and
five-angle light scatter measurement
b. Fluorescent staining; forward light scatter
and side fluorescent light detection
c. Light scatter and impedance
d. Light scatter and absorption

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