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It is a common misconception that yoga only means physical activity.

According to ancient
texts, there are 8 parts to yoga :

1. Yama (ethical or moral discipline)

2. Niyama (self discipline)
3. Asana (posture)
4. Pranayama (breathing practice)
5. Pratyahara (withdrawal from senses)
6. Dharana (focus with effort)
7. Dhyana (effortless focus)
8. Samadhi (Sublimation)

Practising asanas or physical posture is only one part of it which can be done at any time as
long as we keep our stomach empty. However as per the teaching of great masters like Sage
Patanjali one can practice yoga throughout the day by understanding the 8 parts or Ashtanga

Areas of discussion:

1. Overhauling HPF in order to make it a premium and preferred ‘recover and

restart’ destination for substance abusers among a plethora of unorganized,
undifferentiated, lopsided rehabilitation options.

In order to achieve the above it is recommended that we reimagine and realign HPF as
a (organization) brand that
1. Has a clear ‘Purpose’ – A rock solid reason for its existence which will make a
notable difference in lives of suffering addicts, their families and society.
Usually a combination of one’s area of competence (recovery/deaddiction),
one’s passion (helping people get back on their feet) and what the world will
benefit from (people who have overcome serious handicaps inspiring and
empowering others to do so). The bracketed stuff are just examples.
2. Is nourished and guided by enduring Values – human & universal - which
when lived will create a great culture at HPF. This great culture (plus good
moolah!) in turn will attract great talent/professionals.
3. Has a sharply defined proposition/promise
4. Is led by people – masters of their domain – who will design
methodologies/program to deliver a well-rounded unique solution (the
promise). To put it loosely, a heady mix of science and spirituality!
5. Constantly strives to break their own boundaries – constantly evolving
6. Focuses on the growth of all stakeholders while placing the client (formerly
known as ‘the patient’) at the center of it all.

This recommendation takes into account that there is already an existing set-up in place - the
positives and possibilities of which will be integrated into the new scheme of things (unless

This process will be implemented in a systematic (step by step) and phased manner.
This initiative will require complete commitment in time, energy and resources to maintain
speed and focus. Should be up and running in 45 to 60 days.

Next steps: Discover, crystallize and articulate points 1 through 3, and identify professionals
to lead and guide the 3 areas of intervention: Physical, Mental/Emotional and Spiritual – with
regard to both routine sessions and one on one counselling.

Ideally the above needs to time-lined.

2. Initiating the 3Ps method amongst clients in transit

It has been decided that I will work out the guide to clients using the 3Ps to arrive at a
personal solution, and pilot it with Raghav and Harish beginning Tuesday, September
07, 2021.

Refresher: Excerpt from document ‘HPF Project Expand’

Actualising the goal: Spiritualising every activity of life based on Vedanta & Yoga

In the light of the concept & method discussed above, HPF will help resolve the issues of the
client by introducing the principles of man-making/character building to him via a set of
guided activities, he will then be exhorted to practice the principles repeatedly so it becomes
habit forming, and finally get him to integrate those principles into every activity of his daily
life (making it a way of life) by using the 3Ps in concept 1: Prioritise, Plan & Perform.

This will include:

1. A time management method which prioritises issues on the basis of Important vs.
Urgent using the quality of ‘discernment/discrimination’
2. Planning towards the goal with attention to detail. Plan for the benefit of all and to
the detriment of none (as far as possible). The spirit of love, acceptance and self-
sacrifice will need to be invoked here.
3. Perform or execute with courage and compassion – surrendering the result to God

Finally, he will be able to generate his own plans to deal with the important and urgent
issues in life, live a *successful life based on spiritual character-building principles that have
been inculcated in him. Chances are very high that with Divine Grace and his own efforts he
will be useful to himself, those in recovery, and an asset to society.

This is the way to success for the client, of the approach and of HPF’s intervention.

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