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The following are persons who usually have control in a typical social

context and thus also have

control in the typical communication situations in which they participate
in. Explain briefly these
people’s verbal or nonverbal means of control.

1. The president of the Philippines

The president is one of the most influential and powerful person in the country, he
is there for a reason and elected for a reason. He oversees and controls many
sectors of our government. The president can give orders that can literally control
almost everything in our country, and to top all of that certain bills can be
approved or not be approved by the president.

2. The teacher in the classroom

A teacher’s task is to make their students learn, and it is up to them on how are
they going to implement it, they can be strict or not, they may allow this or not
allow that, and they can give sanctions, orders, or any of that just to maintain the
order inside a class.

3. The police
The police or the law enforcer’s task is in its name already, they enforce laws.
They can enforce laws by accosting someone they find breaking the law, they can
apprehend someone if a law is being broken by someone, and their authority can be
seen in almost everywhere to maintain peace and order; you can see them in
different places.

4. A nurse
A nurse task is to help someone who is sick or nurse them, their control can be
seen by just giving you simple orders like “please sit here”, “follow me”, “you can
take these”, or in general they give you orders to help you when you are in the
hospital or clinic whenever you are sick or someone is sick.

5. Your parents
For me our parents are the most influential, and have the most authority in our
lives. They give orders and has the authority in our homes, they veer us in the right
path, they sometimes give orders to help them, they control everything in your
house, your allowance, your screen time, and everything under our roof.
What Have I Learned So Far?
Based on the discussions, answer the following questions. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of

1. Why is an effective and well-planned communication strategy


Communication is very vital in our lives, when not well thought of, time could be
wasted and a lot of misunderstanding might take part, so a well-planned
communication makes our audiences receive our messages without any flaws.

2. a crisis In involving the Philippine economy, who are the possible


The possible stakeholders are private sectors, large investors, large corporations,
and anyone who has an impact in our economy.

3. If you are a communications head of a company, should you release a

statement about your
company’s crisis before the media find out about it? Why or why not?

I'll make a statement. Because we value transparency, issuing a statement will help
the company's image. They will also not be shocked if they see a news item about

4. If your friend got mad at you because you accidentally mentioned his or her
secret to another friend, what communication strategy can you employ in
order to get his or her forgiveness?

I will apologize to my friend and accept full responsibility for my mistakes. After

that, I will show my sincerity to my friend.
5. Why is honesty important in planning effective communication strategies?

It is essential because it lets others know how we are feeling and prevents
misunderstandings. Honesty is essential in developing an effective plan, and it is
an ideal that everyone should adhere to. It is essential because it lets others know
how we are feeling and prevents misunderstandings. Honesty is essential in
developing an effective plan, and it is an ideal that everyone should adhere to.

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