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Blended Families 17/8/2021

Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There are TWO words you will not need.

Achieved Argument Break

Bullies Challenge Common
Couple Divorce Guilty
Nuclear Popular Previous
Proud Reality Relationship

A stepfamily, or blended family, is a (couple) with at least one child from a (previous)
relationship who lives with them all the time or some of the time.

These families often have an image problem. In old fairy tales stepmothers are wicked
and stepsisters are (proud). When you see a stepfamily in one of you favourite TV soap
operas they usually have (achieved) with other family members. That is why the phrase
“blended family” is often used instead of stepfamily.

Family life has faced many (argument) over the past half century. Traditional
(popular) families-mother, father and two children – are a lot less (common) today. About
40% of all marriages end in (divorce).

Today, over 2.5 million children in the UK live in stepfamilies. Most of them start
when the birth parents (break) up and find new partners.

Being part of a stepfamily can really be a (challenge) for children. An important

factor is the way the birth parents deal with the end of their (relationship). They need to be
careful not to talk too much about their ex-partner or his/her faults. Children sometimes also
feel (guilty) about liking their stepparent too much, because they may think that they are
betraying their birth parent.

Although, while it may be hard at first, being in a stepfamily can provide all members
with a new life and a feeling that they have (reality) something worth wide.
Popular Music – From the 1950s to the 1980s

Word formation: Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits in each space.

When Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock” appeared in the 1950s a new sound in
music was created. It was the perfect (expression) (EXPRESS) of a fast-moving society.
Although teenagers liked it, the older generation hated it. The king of the rock and roll era
was Elvis Presley, who provoked his audience with his hip swings.

In the 1960s teenagers started to rebel against society. They were against everything
their parents stood for: (unfashionable) (FASHION) clothes, no drugs, no sex before
(married) (MARRY) and other things.

When teenagers started dressing themselves in old clothes and wore wild, loose hair,
the hippy (movement) (MOVE) was born. The most famous band of the 1960s were The
Beatles, with their (caught) (CATCH) tunes and cool hairstyles. Their music influenced
many bands and (composed) (COMPOSE) who came after them.

In the 1970s disco queens and punk bands set the trend in popular music. Some, like
the Sex Pistols, preferred (chaos) (CHAOS) sounds. In contrast, female singers like Gloria
Gaynor and Donna Summer filled dancing floors with hot disco beats.

The 1980s brought an important change in the music scene. For the first time (music)
(MUSIC) showed themselves on television as MTV, the first music video station started
broadcasting. Record labels invested (heavily) (HEAVY) in making great videos of their
stars. Towards the end of the decade, pop divas like Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston
produced (count out) (COUNT) hits with their (powerful) (POWER) voices.

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