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Mention some speaking interactive activities that you know and why are they
interactive? (2 marks)

Some interactive activities that I know are: Discussion; Role Play; Simulation; Information
Gap; Brainstorming; Storytelling; Interviews; Story Completion; Picture Narrating;
Picture Describing; Find the Difference. These activities are interactive because they give
students opportunity of communicating with each other in the target language, create a classroom
environment where students have real-life communication, and promote oral language.

2. Why do language teachers test? (2 marks)

Language teachers test because, through testing, teachers provide students with a sense of
achievement and progress in their learning; tests, give the teachers information about where the
students are at the moment and help decide what to teach next;

Language teacher test because they want to give students information about what they know, so
that they also have an awareness of what they need to learn or review. Assess for some purpose
external to current teaching.

3. Why is Speaking considered a productive skill?(2 marks)

Speaking is considered a productive skill because it involves the production of oral speech,
receiving and processing information.

4. What did you understand by proficiency tests? (2 marks)

Proficiency Tests are tests that give a general picture of a student’s knowledge and ability rather
than measure progress. Frequently used when people want to be admitted to a foreign University,
get a job, or obtain some kind of certificate.
5. What is the difference between diagnostic test and achievement test? (2 marks)

Diagnostic tests are used to expose learners’ difficulties, gaps in their knowledge, and skill
deficiencies during a course, whilst Achievement tests are designed to measure learners’
language and skill progress in relation to the syllabus they have been following.

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