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What are the factors that influence the decline of moral education in the Campbellville community?


The aims of the study are to investigate:

Reasons for the decline of morals in the Campbellville community.

Effects the decline has on the residents in the village.

Steps that can be take to provide moral education in this community.



As human beings, we all have the right to make our own decisions, and we all live our lives with

a sense of individualism. Morals are values that should be distinguished from other values

because they are distinct. Having morals entails judging people based on their behaviour

principles and their understanding of right and wrong. This particular topic was chosen because

it has been observed over time that moral values are deteriorating. Our society's approach to

success, which ignores injustice and makes excuses for rudeness, is simply absurd.

As a residence of the Campbellville community who has lived here for over 13 years, it has been

observed that as time goes on, the other residents have become less friendly, are more prone to

commit crimes as minor as littering and theft. They have become more self-centred in their

efforts to better themselves and only themselves, resulting in a lack of willingness and

community cooperation.

What exactly can be done to help with this? Not only in Campbellville, because our society is not

limited to a single community, so how do we get people to see the errors of their ways? For

starters, we can begin by simply doing what we know or believe to be right, not just for ourselves

but also for how it benefits others, and what happens if it doesn't? Consider why you're doing it.

If you see trash on the streets in class or anywhere that isn't a bin, properly dispose of it. Finally,

we must educate the next generation. Children are visual learners who would do what they see. If

you are rude to someone in front of a child and never shape their minds to have that sense of

(accurately portrayed) moral identity, they will go through life doing the wrong things and

showing no respect to others. It is important to remember that morality is more than just right
and wrong; it also exists to teach us self-confidence and humility, as well as to build trust with


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