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Subject: Conversation II

Student´s Name: Dianeth I Moreno B I.D.9-734-1248

General Instructions: answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the best way to become fluent in English and why?

1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Your goal is to deliver a message, not speak perfect English, with the right grammar and
vocabulary. Even native English speakers make mistakes!

2. Practice, practice, practice

Practice makes perfect. Constantly look for opportunities to test out your spoken English.
Daily Conversations feature, for instance, provides an easy way to speak English and get
feedback from with native speakers around the world.

3. Listen

The more you hear, the easier it will be for you to speak better English. You’ll start
speaking more fluently and confidently in conversations, learning how to give your
opinions in English with new expressions and idioms.

4. Celebrate success

Every time you talk to someone in English is an achievement. Every single interaction you
have, no matter how small, will help you improve your skills over time. Be proud of your

These first four tips help provide the best way to start speaking English with ease. The
following three steps will help take your English-speaking skills to the next level...
5. Think in English

Go from speaking good English to great English by thinking in the language. You’ll find it
difficult at first, but after some time you’ll learn how to switch between speaking English
and your first language.

6. Talk to yourself

It will look funny, we know. But by talking to yourself in English in front of the mirror for
a few minutes each day, you will learn when and how to use different expressions. You’ll
also learn where you make most of the mistakes.

7. Tongue twisters

Tongue twisters help improve your diction teach you how to speak quickly. Practice with
tricky sayings like this: “The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne
throughout Thursday".

2. What is the importance of speaking English?

Today, humanity advances in aspects such as science, communication,

technology, and product marketing; They require training in man with the use of
two or more languages, English being the most important because it is the
universal language par excellence.

The importance of speaking English is evident even on a personal level, as

approximately 80% of electronically stored information is available in English.
As we have always commented previously, given the importance of English
today, we could confirm that it is a compulsory training at a professional level to
be able to access the labor market.

Some of the main reasons to speak English are:

It is considered the scientific language
More and more people are using English as their first language when
communicating and staying informed through scientific research in areas such as
innovations in technology, medicine, etc.
You know other cultures

You will be able to enjoy multiple advantages such as, for example, knowing a
different way of thinking since learning other languages helps you to meet other
people, another culture, another gastronomy, and this brings impressive personal

English courses are used for the competitive examination scale

Additional points in job boards and competitions to the body of teachers and
professors convened by the public administration, who may have the possibility
of opting for bilingual positions, with much less competition than the rest.

Greater opportunity to access the labor market

Competitive advantage is a professional selection process. Language is a

fundamental competence in the workplace.

3. What are the difficulties in learning English speaking and why?

1. Lack of time.
One of the first problems that usually occur when learning English is the lack of
time, or rather the ability to self-manage and dedicate enough time to learning
the language. Not knowing how to organize oneself in learning is one of the
typical mistakes that many solve by going to an English academy.

2. Listen but not understand, without understanding what they say to you.
Or knowing how to differentiate the words but not knowing what those words or
phrases mean while they are being listened to. You may have become familiar
with English in class, but you don't really understand what many of them mean.

3. Memorize new words, phrases and expressions but do not use them.
What makes it so that by not practicing them they do not fit well in your
memory. It is good that you try to put what you have learned in context, for
which role exercises or theater can help.

4. Understand it but not know how to speak it, especially since you are not
learning naturally or fluently. That would help you go to study abroad or spend
time there.

5.The fear of ridicule, of doing it wrong.

It prevents you from practicing the language enough and learning from

6. The pronunciation.
Sometimes it is very complex to become familiar with English pronunciation,
and it ends up becoming a significant barrier that can be overcome with practice.

7. Not knowing the structure of the sentences, thus making common mistakes
such as misspelling or saying questions: "Are you ready?" instead of "are you

8. Not having someone to learn from.

Something that would help a lot not only to practice what they have learned but
also to be consistent and dedicate time to it.

9. Wanting to learn everything or a lot in a short time.

If you have an urge to learn a language, it is most likely that you will end up
giving up the effort because you will not be able to consolidate stable
knowledge in a short time. Yes you can assimilate the basics for specific

10. Lack of consistency is also a problem.

It makes people stop learning English on many occasions because they do not
see significant progress.

4. How can I talk without hesitation?

1.- See and listen to content in English

2.- Record yourself and listen

3.- Forget perfectionism

4.- Practice holding conversations with one person

5.- Use simple phrases

Don't mess around, learn to use simple structures to communicate your ideas.

6.- Think in English, don't translate.

7.- Go shopping

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