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5 Delta robot control

5.1 Delta robot control system

In our delta robot control we control the delta robot with
Arduino board burned on it the inverse kinematics equation
which control the motion of delta robot. We give the input x,y,z
values to the program by using joystick & potentiometer which
sends x.y.z values to the board where it calculates the
corresponding motor angles and the board sends the values of
these angles to the servo motor which actuate the robot. We are
going to explain how this system works but before that we need
to know the hard ware required in our control system of delta

5.2 Control system components

Arduino board
Servo motor

5.2.1 Arduino board

Arduino is a single-board Fig.(5.1)
microcontroller designed to make the
process of using electronics
in multidisciplinary projects more
accessible. The hardware consists of a
simple open source hardware board
designed around an 8-bit microcontroller
Arduino can sense the environment by Fig.(5.1)
receiving input from a variety of sensors
(potentiometer & joystick in our case) and can affect its
surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.
The microcontroller on the board is programmed using
the Arduino programming language (nearly like c++ language)

Ch.5 Delta robot control

Which make the Arduino is the best choice for anyone interested
in creating interactive objects or environments.
The software of Arduino is so easy to be used, in our project we
first defined our servo motors and joystick & potentiometer
input pins and the variables used in the inverse kinematics
program Fig.(5.2).


After that we define in the program variables to read the input of

joystick and potentiometer values and then we define the servo
motors input pins Fig.(5.3).


Ch.5 Delta robot control

And then we add appropriate scale to the potentiometer &

joystick maximum and minimum values to suit our robot work
volume input values and then we write our inverse kinematics
program after that we send the output theta values to our three
servo motors Fig.(5.4).
The full software program is attached in appendix-D

The full Arduino program Found at Appendix-F

5.2.2 Servo motor

Servo motor consists of a small DC-motor
and gear box with metal gears to reduce the
RPM and increase the output torque, special
electronics are used in order to supply the
servo motor with the required power and
controls the rotation angle of servo motor by
closed lob control system Fig.(5.5).


Ch.5 Delta robot control

5.2.3 Potentiometer
A potentiometer is a three-
terminal resistor with a sliding
contact If only two terminals
are used it functions as a
variable resistor or rheostat.
We used it in our robot to inter
the input x,y,z values to the
arduino board Fig.(5.6). The
joystick could be considered as Fig.(5.6)
two potentiometers connected

5.2.4 Control circuit

We connect our three servo motor with the arduino board and
the joystick & potentiometer with simple electric circuit shown



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