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New technologies such as Big Data analytics and AI will assist businesses in making

positive changes to their supply chains, ensuring that they operate as effectively and
sustainably as possible. Artificial intelligence (AI) may have a major impact on supply chains.
AI will assist companies in finding the quickest, shortest, and most environmentally friendly
shipping routes, as well as integrating them seamlessly.

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Let us go through the AI methodologies that can be used one by one.

Collaborative shipping
Sharing shipping is another term for collaborative shipping. It refers to the use of shipping
and transportation approaches by many organisations at the same time. This can be
accomplished by creating an algorithm to assist businesses in identifying ways to exchange
shipping data and cooperate with other transportation companies.
This algorithm logs the selection and drop-off points of shipping companies using GPS data.
As a result, the system is always aware of the state of the world, including shipping, stocks,
transportation methods, and costs. Organizations may share knowledge of their supply chain
with other companies by incorporating the shared economy element into this.
Synchro modality
This algorithm records the pickup and drop-off locations of shipping companies using GPS
data. As a result, the system is always aware of the current state of the environment in terms
of shipping, stock, transportation methods, and costs. Organizations are able to share
knowledge of their supply chain with other companies by incorporating the sharing economy
element into this.
In a real-time data system, a shipment's transportation method can be changed as it's on its
way, meaning the algorithm can choose the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly
supply chain in real time, constantly changing to the most reliable and safe delivery method
Deep reinforcement learning
Deep reinforcement learning is a subset of machine learning that entails teaching an
algorithm to make the best decisions possible. This is typically accomplished by a trial-and-
error method in which the robot is led to the right decision through constructive feedback on
its behaviour. What is the mechanism behind it? – By rewarding the robot positively, it will
learn to narrow down its arbitrary acts and only repeat those that benefit the business.
Deep reinforcement learning allows companies to train AI to make complex and constructive
supply chain decisions involving a variety of variables. With enough practise, AI will figure
out how many goods to ship, when to ship them, and which mode of transportation is the
most effective.
AI and emerging technologies support supply chains in a variety of ways, but from an
environmental standpoint, these technologies will minimise emissions and the organization's
carbon footprint, resulting in a much more sustainable supply chain and allowing a business
to make a meaningful impact on many of the world's disturbing environmental concerns.

Thank you for watching the video. To know more about the use of green supply chain management,
stay tuned to our channel FORSEdu and watch out for our next video.
Description Box Matter
New technologies such as Big Data analytics and AI will assist businesses in making
positive changes to their supply chains, ensuring that they operate as effectively and
sustainably as possible. Artificial intelligence (AI) may have a major impact on supply
chains. We will discuss the role of AI in supply chain management in this video.

Hashtags: #SupplyChaincomplexity, , #MakeinIndia, #supplychain, #smartoperations, #smart,

#logistics, #business, #supplychainevolution ,#BusinessSustainability, #Sustenance#AI


Content- Hrushikesh Athare, Madhukar Deolia
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