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“Passive voice is a type of sentence or clause in which the subject receives the action of the

Passive voice adalah jenis kalimat atau klausa di mana subjek menerima tindakan dari kata
kerja. Pada passive voice, subject kalimat tidak melakukan suatu tindakan/aksi melainkan
subject menerima tindakan. Berbeda dengan kalimat aktif, dimana subjek bertindak sebagai
pelaku tindakan. Active voice dapat diubah bentuk menjadi passive voice namun hanya
berlaku pada kalimat dengan transitive verbs. Transitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang diikuti

Rumus Passive Voice

Rumus passive voice adalah sebagai berikut:

S + be + past participle (Verb3) + (by agent)


S : Subject

be : auxiliary verb (am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been, will be, dll)

past participle: atau bisa disebut verb 3 (kata kerja bentuk ke 3)

(by agent) : pelaku dari tindakan


• Active voice: I read a book.

Passive voice: A book is read by me.

• Active voice: He drive a car last night.

Passive voice: A car was driven by him last night.

Contoh Passive Voice

Penggunaan passive voice pada beberapa tenses akan berbeda tetapi tetap memiliki rumus
yang sama. Berikut ini contoh passive voice dalam tenses:

Simple Present

An article is writen by him.

The dog is fed by her.

Simple Past

An article was writen by him.

The dog was fed by her.

Simple Future

An article will be writen by him.

The dog will be fed by her.

Present Perfect

An article has been writen by him.

The dog has been fed by her.


Change these active sentences into passive sentences

Example: Peter writes a letter.

Answer: A letter is written by Peter.

1. They built a house.

2. Our uncle takes Susan to hospital
3. We have cleaned the car.
4. They speak English.
5. The policemen help the children.
6. A robber broke the window of the shop.
7. My mother sends me to the butcher.
8. Peter will look after my little brother.

Subjunctive dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ketika seseorang

menginginkan seseorang lainnya untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. Kata that harus selalu muncul
pada kalimat subjunctive.

Pelajari list kata kerja berikut ini yang digunakan dalam subjunctive:

advise demand prefer require ask

insist propose stipulate command move

recommend suggest decree order request urge

berikut adalah rumusnya:

Subject + Subjunctive Verb + that + Subject + Simple Verb (Verb1)


The Judge insisted that the jury return a verdict immedietly

The University requires that all its students take this course

Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished

Selain kata kerja Subjunctive, kita juga bisa menggunakan adjective sebagai penanda
subjunctive. berikut formulanya;

It + Tobe + Adjective + that + Subject + Simple Verb (Verb1)

Berikut adalah adjective yang digunakan dalam Subjunctive.

Advised Necessary Recommended Urgent

Important Obligatory Required Imperative

Mandatory Proposed Suggested

Example :

It is necessary that he find the books

It was urgent that she leave at once

It has been proposed that we change the topic


Correlative conjunctions adalah conjunctions (and, but, or dan nor) yang selalu digunakan
berpasangan dengan both, not only, either, dan neither. Correlative conjunctions tersebut

• both … and …

• not only … but also …

• either … or …

• neither … nor …


1. Perhatikan kelas tata bahasa (grammatical class)

Sama seperti coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions menghubungkan kelas

dalam tata bahasa yang sama, yakni menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda (nouns
with nouns), kata kerja dengan kata kerja (verb with verb), dll.

Berikut adalah contoh kalimat yang menggunakan correlative conjunctions:

• Both Mario and Junio join English Community. (menghubungkan nouns)

• Renata is not only smart but also beautiful. (menghubungkan adjectives)

• My sister speaks either loudly or quietly. (menghubungkan adverbs)

• William neither studies nor reads book. (menghubungkan verbs)

2. Perhatikan kesesuaian Subjek dan Kata kerja (Subject-Verb Agreement)

Ada aturan untuk menentukan verb (kata kerja) dalam menggunakan correlative
conjunctions. Berikut adalah aturannya:

• Both (Subject 1) and (Subject 2) + Verb Plural (kata kerja jamak).

→ Both Rudi and Matien play guitar.

• Not only (Subject 1) but also (Subject 2) + Verb follow the second Subject.

→ Not only the teacher but also the students go to museum.

• Either (Subject 1) or (Subject 2) + Verb follow the second Subject.

→ Either the child or the parents enjoy watching movies.

• Neither (Subject 1) nor (Subject 2) + Verb follow the second Subject.

→ Neither the parents nor the child enjoys watching movies.


Correct the errors in the following sentences, if there are no errors, write correct.

1. The teacher demanded that the student left the room.

2. It was urgent that he called her immedietly.

3. It was important that we delay the discussion.

4. His father prefers that he attends a different university.

5. She Intends to move that the committee suspends discussion on this issue.

6. I propose that you should stop this rally.

7. The faculty stipulated that the rule be abolished.

8. She urged that we found another alternative.

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