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Evidence: Forum “Football vs the others

Really doing a small search in the media we can realize that football is one of the most
popular sports worldwide and supported by the world governors. For me it is a good sport,
I like sports such as cycling, athletics where people are destined to get where they are they
have achieved it with a lot of effort.

Taking into account that soccer is one of the sports that they focus on most, many sports
come out to which the same importance and priority should be given, since they have the
same performance capabilities as soccer.
Although sports are only taken into account for championships, such as world cups or the
Olympic games, other sports should be highlighted by the media and supported by the
rulers in order to make known the talents of the athletes that our country has.

1. What sport do you follow in Colombia and why? (If you don’t follow sports here,
or at all, explain why not.)

I really like cycling because I like to ride a bike and it is a sport where people who are
practicing it are leaving the name of the sport and the country high, I also see football
when they do the world championships and championships, I like to observe the talents that
They go out to play in great teams worldwide and they are also leaving the name of our
country Colombia like the other sports.

2. What do you think about the popularity of football and the fact that it receives
more attention from the government than other sports? Is it fair?
I really Colombian athletes have been summoned by the best teams in the world for the
participation of championships, we must highlight the talent that has progressed in the last
years as I said before.

3. What can we do in order to help athletes in other disciplines to have better

conditions and support?
Well, the discipline to improve athletes we lack enough support and teamwork (as for the
rulers), economic investment and support of Colombia and even more recently that the
commitment and love that our athletes put on it is being reflected to leave our country high
and change that concept they have of Colombians.
4. How can we motivate national channels to broadcast a wider type of sport
programs and not just football?
We can really report according to the news that is generated about the events in which
Colombia reflects sports, that we have incredible potential to continue beating the best, to
make campaigns that recognize and diffuse the information of the good athletes we have . It
can boost for a better prestige in sports and everyone realizes that Colombia has good and
beautiful things, that not everything is bad and that it is better to testify with the
performance of our athletes.

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