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 Defining communication
 How communication works

 The different connotations of communication

- Communication is used in different ways. For e.g.
a. Speaker & listeners
b. Discussions between people
c. Telephone calls etc.
Why so many meanings for comm.

1. The interdisciplinary heritage of the word.

Communication is influenced by various fields.
2. Field and Activity: field of study versus set of
3. Natural and professional: natural activity versus
purposeful activity
4. Communication and communications: technology
and specific messages transmitted via them VRS
the acts of sending and receiving messages
5. Popularity: so many different aspects making it
Definition 1- Berelson & Steiner (1964)

 Communication is the transmission of information,

ideas, emotions, skills etc. by the use of symbols–
words, pictures, figures, graphs etc.
Definition 2- Infante et al(1997)

 Communication occurs when humans manipulate

symbols to stimulate meaning in other humans.
Definition 3- Gorden (1979)

Communication is a dynamic human transaction

involving ideas and feelings.

He sees communication as involving 3 elements :

- Expressing
- Receiving
- Interpreting
Definition 4-Gamble and Gamble (2002)

 Communication is the deliberate or accidental

transfer of meaning.

It is the process that occurs whenever someone

observes or experiences behaviour and attributes
meaning to that behaviour. So communication
occurs when what someone says or does (symbolic
behaviour ) is interpreted as a message or when the
behaviour of one person affects or influences the
behaviour of another.
Definition 5- Hanson (2008)

Communication is how we interact with our entire

world, whether it be through spoken words, written
words, gestures, music, paintings, photographs or

It is an interaction that allows individuals, groups and

institutions to share ideas.
Definition 6 - Gerbner (1967)

 Communication is social interaction through

Definition 7 –Almin (from

 Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging

information, opinions or ideas by writing, speech or
visual means so that material communicated is
completely understood
Definition 8– Pearson & Nelson (2002)

Communication is the process of understanding and

sharing meaning

- Process; an activity, an exchange or a set of behaviours

that is ongoing, dynamic, continuous, ever changing
- Understanding; perceiving, interpreting and
comprehending the meaning of verbal and nonverbal
- Sharing; an interaction between people in order to
exchange meaning
- Meaning ; the shared understanding of the message
constructed in the minds of the communicators.
Definition 9- Ruben ( 1988)

 Human communication is the process through which

individuals in relationships, groups, organizations
and societies create, transmit and use information to
organize with the environment and one another
Ruben Contd.
Therefore communication is:

a. Process: activity that has many separate but

interrelated steps that take place overtime
b. Individuals, relationships, groups,
organizations and society: these develop and
maintain themselves by communicating with their
c. Information creation, transaction and use
d. Organizing with the environment
Communication is a Process

 From the last three definitions, we realize that

communication is a process. As Ruben states, a
process is an activity that has many separate but
interrelated steps that take place overtime.

 Now, below are the reasons why we say

communication is a process:

Communication is:
 Dynamic: keeps changing
 Systemic: it involves several interrelated parts
 Transactional: it involves exchange
 Adaptive: it changes to conform to its environment.
 Continuous: it is ongoing and has no beginning
and no end.


How communication works

Knowing how communication works helps us improve our

communication skills.
Communication is said to work in two ways:

1. Communication begins with the self: this means

communication starts with the self. The way one views
himself affects the way he/she communicates. In other
words, what you think of yourself affects the way you
interact with people. If you have a low self esteem for
instance, this can affect the way you communicate. You
may probably feel shy when talking to others because you
feel intimidated by them.
2. Communication involves others: this is to say
that a person’s self image is affected by the way
others categorize him or her. The messages one
receives from others play a role in determining who
he/she is.

-Again, communication involves others in the sense

that an effective communicator considers the needs
and expectations of the person he is communicating
with when choosing his message.
Barnlund’s six- person concept

 The Barnlund’s six- person concept explains the role

of self-image in communication.

 According to Barnlund (1970), in every two-person

communication situation, there are six persons
The Barnlund’s six- person concept

1. How you view yourself

2. How you view the other person
3. How you believe the other person views you
4. How the other person views himself or herself
5. How the other person views you
6. How the other person believes you view him or her

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