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Before analyzing Colombia's opportunities in offshore services in

international trade, it is necessary to be clear about the perspective of the global
value chain in order to examine the role of the workforce, along with development
initiatives in different countries that are involved. the rapid expansion of the
offshore services industry; This industry has emerged as a dynamic global sector
that directly employs around 4.1 million people around the world, it has been a
technological revolution that has allowed the separation of production and
consumption of services. Offshore services are global, its geographic scope of the
industry has managed to cover the domestic market, generally in a developed
country, providing commercial services at a level of added value that is significantly
determined by the quality of labor that is available; It is necessary to highlight the
undoubted improvement of the industry in multinational companies that have
established themselves in developing countries, large global service providers from
developed countries that have leveraged emerging markets and a group of strong
firms that have grown rapidly as the industry has grown. has developed and
established itself as a significant presence in the development of operations and
developed countries.

Now, regarding Colombia's opportunities in terms of offshore services in

international trade, they could be based mainly on the development of the industry
and the country, since it should be clear in advance that Colombia is an
underdeveloped country, with the implementation of offshore services in
international trade, specific job training would be carried out and thus the demand
in the private sector would be boosted, guaranteeing training and education that
meet the needs of the international trade industry, in this order of ideas there would
be more economic opportunities and It would allow greater access to the global
market, there would be more job opportunities, since the supply of labor for the
industry would be greater, and it would support the direct development of
Colombia, allowing it to compete directly or at least increasing its levels.
competitiveness in international trade, increasing the demand for the service.

The implementation of offshore services in Colombia based on international trade

would implement interactions and global and local standards, that is, it would
increase the interest of foreign investment since this type of companies facilitate
the transfer of knowledge about the industry to developing countries, Colombia
could increase and improve their quality levels in global markets and compete with
different countries at the commercial level as mentioned above, we would be
talking about innovation, capture of different markets, implementation of the value
chain, know-how, and scope of industrial standards. specific.

A point that is key to highlight is the technological implementation, because for this
improvement, companies will be obliged to update, change and expand IT,
presenting simultaneous updates, especially in Colombia which is a country that is
linked to different monetary, commercial, fiscal and economic, this argument
directly supports the idea of job creation, since it will require a greater workforce
and workforce to support compliance with global standards regarding the provision
of services, I consider that offshore in international trade is a key to improving the
value chain in the industry, driving the economy and transformation, but not only in
the international commercial sector, if not in all the sectors that comprise this
competitive chain.

Fernandez, K. Bamber, P. Gereffi, G. (2011) The Offshore Services Global

Value Chain.

Portafolio. (2 de agosto 2021). Las empresas que mandan en el negocio

Offshore en Colombia. Tomado de

La República. (15 de mayo 2021). Confianza para la industria Offshore.

Tomado de

La República. (10 de marzo 2021). Retos y reflexiones sobre el comercio

exterior en Colombia. Tomado de

Milvus. (27 de mayo 2021). 7 aspectos importantes para implementación de

procesos en TI. Tomado de

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