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1.when was pagatan woven fabric introduced in pagatan?

2.What are the features of pagatan woven fabric?

3.why does the process of making this woven cloth have to be done by hand, while now technological
tools have been updated and faster by using machine?

4.what dyes are used in weaving pagatan cloth?

5.what equipment is used to make woven cloth? many ways are there to make woven fabric?

7.what value is there in pagatan woven fabric?

8.In your opinion, is pagatan woven fabric the best quality product? do your introduce your local products to people who don’t know about this pagatan woven

10.does this pagatan woven fabric need to he developed and maintained among today’s young

Well, thank you for your question and with my pleasure i will try my best to answer your question!

1. It was with the arrival nomads in the mid 18th-century ago,and bugis pagatan traditional woven
cloth or known as pagatan weaving is made by Bugis Wajo who immigrants to pagatan.
Migration of population, whether done individually or in groups also means cultural transfer.
The bugis people who came and inhabited the pagatan are its surroundings brought their
tradition and culture. Likewise, the emergence of traditional Bugis Pagatan weaving.

2. The specialty of pagatan weaving is that, this fabric uses good quality yarn using four threads
and also the pagatan woven fabric is made by hand and does not use a machine. Not only that,
this woven we also can made another things that give us some of new style on this tenun
pagatan, the things are, handbag you can imagine if you use a handbag by this woven weaving it
will look different from the other product, because it made by handmade and u can feel the
texture of this weaving pagatan.

3. Why is still with proses of making by hand, because the proses of making is a tradition that has
existed since this weaving in pagatan until now. Because to preserve the cultural values that
exist in this woven fabric,and to maintain the local culture to make it look more colourful of
traditional making.

4. There are two kinds of dye, namely traditional dyes and factory made dye. Traditional coloring
materials kesumba or indigo and Kabuau leaves for back. Kabuau is a type of plant whos fruit is
used as marbles in the marbles game in rural areas of South kalimantan.The factory dye use for
dyeing woven yarn is Wantek,the colour of wantek is varied. Making it easier for weavers to
create the weaving pattern they want.
5. The tools for making the woven pagatan, there a several tools, such like, roweng, ola, unuseng,
pamedangan, saurung, pattekko, belebas, panggulung, are, pemalu, pessa, simong, tamrajeng,
boko-boko, bulang, papanenre, walida, sakka. The tools also have a different ways in making
tenun pagatan.

6. Ways of making has been explained above that three are several types of pagatan weaving. Two
of which are ikat and songket weaving, these two types of fabric are made in different ways.

7. Value of pagatan weaving has a three values of the weaving which is, economic value, cultural
value,ans social value.

8. In my opinion, pagatan woven fabric are the best quality products, but that doesn’t mean, other
products are not as good as batik and other woven fabrics. But i can guarantee that this woven
fabric has good quality using original threads by handmade process.

9. I can promote this pagatan woven fabric by using social media, such as shoppe, lazada,
Instagram m, Facebook and other. In addition to social media, you also can promote it through
bazaars both at school and outside of school, to let everyone know if in are places have a
beautiful woven and it call Tenun pagatan.

10. As a generation and students, we have to realise if in our homeland in Indonesia have a lot of
beautiful culture and traditions that has to maintain and develop the local culture at our
place.Because as young generation we cannot forget the tradition of cultural and the value of
culture, and want to let everyone knows more about this pagatan woven fabric if this pagatan
weaving has a lot of beautiful motif, the materials, and the unique of yarn its use already.

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